Archimonde Guide: Strategy, Abilities, Loot
Archimonde is the fifth and final boss you will encounter in the Hyjal Summit 25-player raid instance. Archimonde is a mechanically-demanding, hectic encounter that will require your raid to react accordingly to a number of different abilities. This boss is a marathon and not a sprint so it is crucial to understand how each mechanic works and how to deal with it.
Archimonde is the fifth and final boss you will encounter in the
Hyjal Summit 25-player raid instance. Unlike the other bosses in
Hyjal, Archimonde is not tied to any specific amount of trash but will be
standing near the World Tree at the easternmost point of the zone. Archimonde
is not a DPS check; putting survivability over DPS on this boss is crucial as
the encounter only becomes more difficult if Archimonde is casting one of his
Soul Charge abilities which will only occur if someone dies.
Archimonde only requires one tank but it is a good idea to bring a second one as
he deals heavy damage to not only the tank but the entire raid if mechanics are
not handled properly. Consider bringing an additional healer as well.
Role-Specific Tips for Archimonde
Healer Tips
Make sure to be spread around the boss but always in range of either a Mage
or Druid so they can decurse Grip of the Legion.
If your party has a Shaman in it, make sure you are always within range of
their Tremor Totem.
DPS Tips
Make sure to be spread around the boss but always in range of either a Mage
or Druid so they can decurse Grip of the Legion.
If your party has a Shaman in it, make sure you are always within range of
their Tremor Totem.
Tank Tips
Be aware of where Doomfire Strike is at all times and reposition
the boss accordingly to allow for your melee to safely hit the boss without the
risk of being feared into Doomfire.
If your party has a Shaman in it, make sure you are always within range of
their Tremor Totem.
Archimonde Abilities
Air Burst — Archimonde will knock random players high into the air. The fall will kill them if
Tears of the Goddess or a similar slowfall effect is not used.
Doomfire Strike — Archimonde will spawn trails of Doomfire beneath him that will slowly work outwards from himself.
Fear — Archimonde will occasionally cast Fear, causing players to run uncontrollably for 8 seconds if not dispelled. This fear cannot be dispelled by Magic, but Fear-specific effects such as a Shaman's
Tremor Totem or a Priest's
Fear Ward can preemptively stop the spell from affecting the target.
Grip of the Legion — Archimonde will target random members of the raid with this DoT effect. This will last for five minutes or until decursed.
Soul Charge/
Soul Charge/
Soul Charge — If a player dies Archimonde will deal massive damage to the entire raid and an additional effect will trigger depending on what class was killed. If a Warrior, Rogue, or Paladin is killed 4,500 Physical damage will be dealt to the raid and everyone will have an increased 50% damage taken debuff. If a Druid, Shaman, or Hunter is killed it will deal 4,500 Nature damage over 8 seconds, and drain 2,250 Mana. If a Priest, Mage, Or Warlock is killed it will deal 4,500 Fire damage and silence the entire raid for four seconds.
Finger of Death — Archimonde will cast this if there are no players in melee range, instantly killing its victim, their children, and their children's children.
Hand of Death — Archimonde will cast this if not defeated within 10 minutes of being pulled, instantly wiping the raid.
Strategy for Archimonde
Pulling the Boss
Archimonde remains stationary near the World Tree until you pull him. There
is a considerable amount of room to fight him but you will likely utilize a lot
of it thanks to his Doomfire Strike ability. Once the tank has a healthy
threat lead established Archimonde should be moved to a central point where the
raid can spread evenly around him. Archimonde has no cleave effect so members
of the raid should take advantage of the area in front of Archimonde as well.
Phase One
Like all other bosses in Hyjal Archimonde only has one phase and his abilities
are the same throughout the entire encounter; Archimonde dies at 10% so
Execute effects are not quite as effective against him. A Shaman
should be placed in every group if possible, as Archimonde will regularly cast
Fear that can be almost completely mitigated by a Shaman's
Tremor Totem. Members of the raid need to be fully aware of where
the Tremor totem is at all times to ensure they are benefiting from its effects.
Doomfire Strike will occasionally spawn from beneath Archimonde and
work its way slowly outwards away from him. this deals a massive amount of Fire
damage and must be avoided at all costs. If you are not able to have a Shaman to
stop the fears in each of your groups, members of your raid must position
themselves to avoid the possibility of being feared into the
Doomfire that can quickly kill them.
Grip of the Legion will
be cast on random members of the raid and it needs to be decursed as quickly as
possible. Druids and Mages should try to spread evenly throughout the raid so that
every member of the raid is in range of at least one class that is able to decurse
Air Burst is the most deadly of Archimonde's mechanics; if not
handled correctly it will kill the player every time from the massive fall
damage taken from the knockup. Players must speak to Tyrande Whisperwind
at the Night Elf base camp before the encounter begins to receive
Tears of the Goddess. Using the Tears of the Goddess will give the
player a brief slowfall effect that will counteract the knockup. This must be
used reactively and not proactively; only use the Tear when you are starting to
fall back down and make sure it is in a comfortable spot where you will be able
to hit it quickly enough should you be hit with Air Burst. Survival is the most
important part of this encounter for every member of the raid. If anyone dies
the entire raid will be hit by one of Archimonde's
Soul Charge
abilities, which changes based on what class it is that dies during the
Archimonde Loot
Other Hyjal Summit Guides
If you were looking for a full guide for the Hyjal Summit raid, or would like to know what specializations the loot from Archimonde should be prioritized to, see the links below.
- 18 Dec. 2021: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and current season and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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