TBC Classic Arms Warrior Stat Priority
On this page, you will find out the optimal PvE stat priority for your Arms Warrior in TBC Classic. We first present the stat priority, before delving into more complex explanations.
Arms Warrior Stat Priority
- Hit (to 9%, or 6% if there is a Balance Druid in the raid)
- Expertise (to 4.5%, the softcap for dodge with
Weapon Mastery)
- Critical Strike
- Strength and Attack Power
- Agility
- Haste
Basic Stats for Arms Warriors
Hit Rating
Hit Rating improves your chance to land most of your abilities. It takes 15.77 Hit Rating to get 1% Hit Chance. The melee Hit Cap is 9%, or 142 Hit Rating. Getting Hit Capped is one the highest DPS increases you can do. Aim to cap out through solid gear pieces without losing too many other main stats.
Expertise Rating
Expertise replaces weapon skills from Classic WoW, now reducing the chance that your attacks are parried and dodged. It takes 3.9423 Expertise Rating to gain 1 Expertise skill. Each point of Expertise skill will reduce the target's chance to dodge and parry your attacks by 0.25%.
Expertise is a very desired stat as it greatly increases the number of attacks that hit the boss, giving you a much higher damage output and Rage generation. Since mobs can dodge from behind, you will want some of this stat to reduce how often that occurs.
For level 73 mobs (bosses), the soft Expertise Cap is 6.5% dodge, or 26 Expertise skill (103 Expertise Rating). Getting this cap will completely remove dodges from your attack table, giving you a nice damage and Rage generation increase.
Critical Strike Rating
Critical Strike Rating simply increases your chance to land critical hits. It takes 22.0769 Critical Strike rating to gain 1% Critical Strike Chance at level 70. Arms Warriors prioritize Critical Strike Rating highly, as it helps with Rage generation.
When you do not crit the mob you are attacking, it can take up to 3 melee swings before you can use an ability; Critical Strike Rating helps mitigate this as often as possible.
Strength and Attack Power
Strength and Attack Power directly increase the damage dealt by your attacks. 1 Strength will give you 2 Attack Power. These stats are very good, as they directly increase your damage done, although they are slightly lower than Critical Strike Rating for the Arms spec.
You will find yourself wearing plenty of Mail and Leather armor that has lots of Agility on i. Boosting this stat up is a good way to increase your Critical Strike Rating. Agility also has the added benefit of increasing your dodge chance, so if you happen to pull threat or get hit by a cleave, you will have a higher chance to avoid the attack.
- 33.0 Agility = 1% Critical Strike Chance
- 30.0 Agility - 1% Dodge Chance
Haste is one of the new stats introduced in the Burning Crusade. It essentially increases your attack speed. While this stat is typically very strong for most classes, Arms Warrior scales the least amount with it. It is still a good stat, just not something you will want to focus on.
- 26 May 2021: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Abide, TBC veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina as Horde. You can find him in the the Icy Veins Discord. You can also see him live on Twitch.
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