Cenarion Expedition Reputation and Rewards Guide
The Cenarion Expedition is a Zangarmarsh-based faction in TBC. Most of the reputation with them is obtained by killing Naga in various dungeons, as well as by doing quests and through repeatable turn-ins.
The Cenarion Expedition offers a variety of powerful pre-raid items, as well as many profession patterns, as well as a desirable hippogryph mount.
The Cenarion Expedition is a small faction of explorers who were sent through the Dark Portal to explore Outland, and can be found primarily in Zangarmarsh, but in a smaller capacity also in Hellfire Peninsula, Terokkar Forest, and Blade's Edge Mountains.
Cenarion Refuge is their main basecamp, and is located directly west of Thornfang Hill in Hellfire Peninsula. It is the first place you will find upon entering Zangarmarsh.
Cenarion Expedition offers many useful reputation rewards, such as:
- one of the most powerful Physical DPS Helm enchants;
- patterns for Leatherworking, Engineering, Blacksmithing, Alchemy, and Jewelcrafting;
- the keys to unlock Heroic Difficulty of Slave Pens, The Underbog, and The Steamvault;
- many powerful pieces of gear;
- the
Cenarion War Hippogryph, which is the only hippogryph mount available in the game.
Gaining Reputation
The main way to gain reputation with the Cenarion Expedition is by killing mobs throughout Outland and its dungeons, although certain mobs stop giving reputation after reaching Honored.
In addition to this, there are item turn-ins that provide steady reputation gains (some only up to Honored, others all the way to Exalted).
Finally, there are many quests in Outland that give you reputation with Cenarion Expedition, for a total of about 11800 reputation.
You can read about all this below.
Reputation from Killing Mobs
Reputation with the Cenarion Expedition comes from killing Naga throughout Zangarmarsh, and killing mobs in The Underbog, Slave Pens, and The Steamvault.
Once you reach Honored, on Normal difficulty the mobs in Slave Pens and The Underbog will no longer give reputation, with the exception of Hungarfen and giant mobs in The Underbog.
Mobs in The Steamvault continue to give reputation all the way to Exalted even on Normal mode, although farming the dungeon on Heroic (once a day, as the lockout dictates) once you are able to is preferable, with the fastest path through the dungeon on Heroic mode yielding about 1550 reputation.
Reputation from Turn-Ins
Unidentified Plant Parts drop from various mobs in Zangarmarsh.
Herbalists can also pick them from herbs in Zangarmarsh, as well as from "herbing"
the corpses of bog giants located in Zangarmarsh, and
Rotting Forest Ragers from Terokkar Forest.
These Unidentified Plant Parts can be turned in to
Lauranna Thar'well for the Plants of Zangarmarsh quest (250
reputation), which upon first completion becomes a repeatable quest
(Identify Plant Parts), granting 250 for each turn-in. It is
important to note that you can only complete this quest until you
become Honored.
Each time you complete Identify Plant Parts, you have a chance
to receive Uncatalogued Species as a reward. You can stack these items
in your inventory, and they can be turned in for a whopping 500 reputation per
turn in, which works all the way up to
Finally, Coilfang mobs inside The Steamvault have a chance to
drop Orders from Lady Vashj, an item that will start the quest line
to unlock the ability to turn in Coilfang Armaments to
Ysiel Windsinger. The initial turn-in grants 250 reputation, and
subsequent turn-ins after that reward 75 reputation each.
Zangarmarsh and Blade's Edge Mountains are the main quest hubs for Cenarion Expedition, where you will find the majority of quests for this faction. That said, there are some quests present in every other Outland zone except for Nagrand and Shadowmoon Valley.
The quests give reputation all the way to Exalted.
There are several ways of optimizing your reputation gains with Cenarion Circle, depending on several factors, but in general, we recommend the following.
- Do not do any Cenarion Expedition quests or run any of the associated
dungeons, initially. Instead, simply turn in as many
Unidentified Plant Parts as possible before you reach Honored, and to save up all the
Uncatalogued Species you find.
- If you are bored of farming Plant Parts, you can do some dungeons to speed up the process of getting to Honored, though this is not strictly optimal.
- Once you reach Honored, you should turn in
all your
Uncatalogued Species and do all the Cenarion Expedition quests.
- Grind the rest of the way to Exalted by running Heroic The Steamvault, Slave Pens, and The Underbog once a day, and Normal Steamvault as many more times as needed. You can continue running Normal Slave Pens and Underbog as well, but this will yield little reputation.
Reputation Rewards
Fedryen Swiftspear is the quartermaster for the Cenarion Expedition; he can be found outside a small tent almost directly in the center of Cenarion Refuge.
- 11 Sep. 2021: Updated with new Phase 2 items.
- 26 May 2021: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and current season and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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