TBC Classic Demonology Warlock Phase 3 / 4 Gear and Best in Slot

Last updated on May 08, 2022 at 22:13 by Abide 6 comments

On this page, you will find the best PvE gear and best in slot items for your Demonology Warlock from TBC Classic Phases 3 and 4.


Demonology Warlock Phase 3/4 Best in Slot List

If you would like to better understand the stat priority that helped decide the items used in this list, please consult our page about them below.


Other Demonology Warlock Best in Slot Lists

If you are starting out as a freshly-leveled Demonology Warlock, our pre-raid best in slot list is meant to give you an idea of non-raid items you can chase as a solo / pug player in preparation for raids. If your character is still progressing through the content of older tiers, then you may wish to consult their best in slot lists instead.

During Black Temple, you may also have need of additional gear devoted to maximizing your Shadow Resistance stat. Should this be the case, we recommend consulting our guide dedicated to acquiring pieces with this stat as necessary.


TBC Phase 3/4 Demonology Warlock Tier Set

Tier 6 is the third Tier set that you can obtain in TBC Classic and is famously known for the wings that occasionally come out. Not only does it look amazing, it also has an extremely powerful 4-set bonus which increases the damage of your Shadow Bolt IconShadow Bolt and Incinerate IconIncinerate by 6%, which equates to aboout 120-130 Spell Power. The 2-set is much less exciting as it only heals you for 70 health every time your Corruption IconCorruption and Immolate IconImmolate does damage. This set also provides very good upgrades on the current slot as well. Obtaining this set should be a priority. You share this token with Paladins and Priests and it is pretty common to give the first 4-set to your Protection Paladin as it increases the damage of their Consecration IconConsecration by 10%. Typically after that they go to the Warlocks.

The tokens for Tier 6 are obtained from the following bosses. Note that the bracers, belts, and boots do not release until Sunwell Plateau in Phase 5.


Phase 3/4 Best in Slot for Demonology Warlocks

If you would like to better understand the stat priority that helped decide the items used in this list, please consult our page about them below.

Rank Item Source
Best Hood of the Malefic Icon Hood of the Malefic ArchimondeMount Hyjal
Optional Cowl of the Illidari High Lord Icon Cowl of the Illidari High Lord Illidan StormrageBlack Temple

Hood of the Malefic Icon Hood of the Malefic is the absolute best in slot. Cowl of the Illidari High Lord Icon Cowl of the Illidari High Lord is a very strong alternative and even has better stats than the tier helm. However your goal is to get the 4-set, so do not worry about it.



Rank Item Source
Best Loop of Cursed Bones Icon Loop of Cursed Bones Zul'jinZul'Aman
Best Brooch of Nature's Mercy Icon Brooch of Nature's Mercy Akil'zonZul'Aman
Optional Translucent Spellthread Necklace Icon Translucent Spellthread Necklace Reliquary of SoulsBlack Temple

We get two new necks from Zul'Aman and both can work as best in slot for Shadow Demonology. Which you choose is up to you as they are both on par with each other. Loop of Cursed Bones Icon Loop of Cursed Bones and Brooch of Nature's Mercy Icon Brooch of Nature's Mercy are both very good haste necks. They are both pretty equal, with the Loop of Cursed Bones one having 6 more haste, while the other has 7 more SP. I prefer the Stam from Loop of Cursed Bones, however whichever you choose is up to you. Translucent Spellthread Necklace Icon Translucent Spellthread Necklace is an amazing alternative and just keep using it until you get one of the two we just talked about.



Rank Item Source
Best Mantle of the Malefic Icon Mantle of the Malefic Mother ShahrazBlack Temple
Option Mantle of Nimble Thought Icon Mantle of Nimble Thought Tailoring
Option Blood-cursed Shoulderpads Icon Blood-cursed Shoulderpads Gurtogg BloodboilBlack Temple

Mantle of the Malefic Icon Mantle of the Malefic is the best in slot for shoulders. Mantle of Nimble Thought Icon Mantle of Nimble Thought are another good pair of shoulders that have Haste, however your priority is to complete your 4-set of Tier 6. Feel free to use those until you are able to obtain your T6 shoulders



Rank Item Source
Best Shroud of the Highborne Icon Shroud of the Highborne The Illidari CouncilBlack Temple
Option Cloak of the Illidari Council Icon Cloak of the Illidari Council Illidan StormrageBlack Temple
Option Nethervoid Cloak Icon Nethervoid Cloak Trash drop — Mount Hyjal

Shroud of the Highborne Icon Shroud of the Highborne is best in slot for Demonology. However this is a healer cloak and you should not have your eyes on this, unless you know that your guild is prioritizing it to casters, like many guilds do. If you are able to get this both Cloak of the Illidari Council Icon Cloak of the Illidari Council and Nethervoid Cloak Icon Nethervoid Cloak are both very good alternatives while waiting for the Haste cloak. Note that if for some reason you are having Spell Hit issues and can use the Spell Hit from Nethervoid Cloak Icon Nethervoid Cloak then it will be the strongest cloak you can wear.



Rank Item Source
Best Vestments of the Sea-Witch Icon Vestments of the Sea-Witch Lady VashjSerpentshrine Cavern
Option Robe of the Malefic Icon Robe of the Malefic Illidan StormrageBlack Temple
Option Robes of Rhonin Icon Robes of Rhonin ArchimondeMount Hyjal

Vestments of the Sea-Witch Icon Vestments of the Sea-Witch are still extremely strong and continue to be best in slot for Phase 4. Robe of the Malefic Icon Robe of the Malefic is strong as well, it just lacks the crit that Vestments has. However it is worth saying that if you were not able to get Vestments, then Robe of the Malefic works great to complete your 4-set of Tier 6. Robes of Rhonin Icon Robes of Rhonin are only used until you obtain either of the better options.



Rank Item Source
Best Bracers of Nimble Thought Icon Bracers of Nimble Thought Tailoring
Option Cuffs of Devastation Icon Cuffs of Devastation Rage WinterchillMount Hyjal

Bracers of Nimble Thought Icon Bracers of Nimble Thought are best in slot for Phase 4. Cuffs of Devastation Icon Cuffs of Devastation are very good bracers to wear as an alternative until you are able to obtain Nimble Thought.



Rank Item Source
Best Gloves of the Malefic Icon Gloves of the Malefic AzgalorMount Hyjal

Gloves of the Malefic Icon Gloves of the Malefic are the only gloves in Tier 6 that you want. Nothing else drops that compares to it, not only for stats, but to complete your 4-set.



Rank Item Source
Best Anetheron's Noose Icon Anetheron's Noose AnetheronMount Hyjal
Best Waistwrap of Infinity Icon Waistwrap of Infinity SupremusBlack Temple
Option Belt of Blasting Icon Belt of Blasting Tailoring

Anetheron's Noose Icon Anetheron's Noose is the best in slot belt for Demonology. It is lacking the Haste that Waistwrap of Infinity Icon Waistwrap of Infinity has, but it makes up for it with both the gems. Both Waistwrap of Infinity and Belt of Blasting Icon Belt of Blasting are exceptional options to use in the meantime until you obtain Anetheron's Noose. Do not stress on your belt slot as much as other slots, as Belt of Blasting is still an amazing belt that is only slightly behind the BiS belt.



Rank Item Source
Best Leggings of the Malefic Icon Leggings of the Malefic The Illidari CouncilBlack Temple
Option Leggings of Channeled Elements Icon Leggings of Channeled Elements Kaz'rogalMount Hyjal
Option Leggings of Devastation Icon Leggings of Devastation Mother ShahrazBlack Temple

Leggings of the Malefic Icon Leggings of the Malefic are best in slot for the legs. Leggings of Channeled Elements Icon Leggings of Channeled Elements are actually better by themselves, however you want to use the Tier 6 legs to complete your 4-set. There is alternative gearing where you use Leggings of Channeled Elements and instead complete your 4-set with the Tier 6 Chest. This will depend largely on what you have at the time each item drops. Leggings of Devastation Icon Leggings of Devastation are worth mentioning. However, they are not better than either of the two pants we mentioned, but rather something to hold you down until you obtain the better pants.



Rank Item Source
Best Slippers of the Seacaller Icon Slippers of the Seacaller High Warlord Naj'entusBlack Temple
Option Boots of Blasting Icon Boots of Blasting Tailoring
Option Frozen Shadoweave Boots Icon Frozen Shadoweave Boots Tailoring

Slippers of the Seacaller Icon Slippers of the Seacaller are the best in slot boots for Phase 4. It allows you to drop some unwanted Spell Hit as well as pick up a couple sockets. Both Boots of Blasting Icon Boots of Blasting and Frozen Shadoweave Boots Icon Frozen Shadoweave Boots are great alternatives to tide you over until you are able to get these boots.



Rank Item Source
Best Ring of Ancient Knowledge Icon Ring of Ancient Knowledge Trash drop — Black Temple
Best Mana Attuned Band Icon Mana Attuned Band Timed Chest 3 — Zul'Aman
Option Ring of Captured Storms Icon Ring of Captured Storms High Warlord Naj'entusBlack Temple
Option Band of the Eternal Sage Icon Band of the Eternal Sage The Scale of the SandsExalted

Rings, as they have always been for TBC, are used as a spell hit slot. Simply put, if you need Spell Hit, you want to use Mana Attuned Band Icon Mana Attuned Band as it is insanely good with Spell Hit and Haste on it. Typically at this point in the game you just swapped on your new Haste neck that you got earlier, which lacks the hit that Translucent Spellthread Necklace Icon Translucent Spellthread Necklace has. This means you need a little spell hit, and that is when Mana Attuned Band Icon Mana Attuned Band comes in perfectly. If you do not need any Spell Hit, then use double Ring of Ancient Knowledge Icon Ring of Ancient Knowledge.



Rank Item Source
Best The Skull of Gul'dan Icon The Skull of Gul'dan Illidan StormrageBlack Temple
Best Mark of the Champion Icon Mark of the Champion The Fall of Kel'Thuzad
Best Hex Shrunken Head Icon Hex Shrunken Head Hex Lord MalacrassZul'Aman
Option Icon of the Silver Crescent Icon Icon of the Silver Crescent 41 x Badge of Justice Icon Badge of Justice
Option Dark Iron Smoking Pipe Icon Dark Iron Smoking Pipe Coren Direbrew — only available during Brewfest
Option Quagmirran's Eye Icon Quagmirran's Eye Quagmirran — Heroic The Slave Pens
Option Darkmoon Card: Crusade Icon Darkmoon Card: Crusade Darkmoon Faire

The Trinket slot leaves us with a few options. The Skull of Gul'dan Icon The Skull of Gul'dan is absolute best in slot for not only Phase 4, but for the rest of the game. This item is your #1 priority to obtain in the Raid. It is also highly contested; however it typically is Warlock priority.

As for the second slot, it depends largely on what you have. Mark of the Champion Icon Mark of the Champion is the best for any bosses that are Undead or Demons, which is every fight in Mount Hyjal and most of the bosses in Black Temple. If you have this, use it frequently. If you do not have it, then you should be using Hex Shrunken Head Icon Hex Shrunken Head. It is just a better version of Icon of the Silver Crescent Icon Icon of the Silver Crescent and Dark Iron Smoking Pipe Icon Dark Iron Smoking Pipe. Quagmirran's Eye Icon Quagmirran's Eye is still a very good trinket that will scale up with you as you get gear, however your Eye procs can (and cannot) be wasted. Thus myself and many others prefer the on-use for more control outside of Patchwerk fights. Darkmoon Card: Crusade Icon Darkmoon Card: Crusade is a good alternative trinket that I use on fights with little to no movement. I prefer this trinket over Quagmirran's Eye Icon Quagmirran's Eye.


Main-Hand Weapon

Rank Item Source
Best Zhar'doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer Icon Zhar'doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer Illidan StormrageBlack Temple
Best Tempest of Chaos Icon Tempest of Chaos ArchimondeMount Hyjal
Option Blade of Twisted Visions Icon Blade of Twisted Visions Zul'jinZul'Aman
Option Vengeful Gladiator's Spellblade Icon Vengeful Gladiator's Spellblade PvP Arena

Zhar'doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer Icon Zhar'doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer and Tempest of Chaos Icon Tempest of Chaos are the most talked about items in not only the Warlock community, but the caster community in general as Zhar'doom is not only good for Warlocks, but BiS most of the other caster classes as well. However the mainhand/offhand scenario plays better down the road for Demonology Warlocks. Which you choose will more or less be out of your control and you should just be happy with either that you can get your hands on. Both weapons are insanely strong. Luckily, if you were not able to obtain one of those amazing weapons, Blade of Twisted Visions Icon Blade of Twisted Visions and Vengeful Gladiator's Spellblade Icon Vengeful Gladiator's Spellblade are great alternatives that you can use until you obtain one of the T6 weapons.


Off-Hand Weapon

Rank Item Source
Best Chronicle of Dark Secrets Icon Chronicle of Dark Secrets Rage WinterchillMount Hyjal
Option Fetish of the Primal Gods Icon Fetish of the Primal Gods 35 Badges of Justice

Chronicle of Dark Secrets Icon Chronicle of Dark Secrets is the best in slot offhand for Destruction. You can use Fetish of the Primal Gods Icon Fetish of the Primal Gods in the meantime until you can obtain Chronicle of Dark Secrets Icon Chronicle of Dark Secrets.



Rank Item Source
Best Wand of the Forgotten Star Icon Wand of the Forgotten Star High Astromancer SolarianTempest Keep
Option Carved Witch Doctor's Stick Icon Carved Witch Doctor's Stick 25 Badges of Justice

Wand of the Forgotten Star Icon Wand of the Forgotten Star is still best in slot for both Shadow and Fire Demonology for Phase 4. In the meantime you can use Carved Witch Doctor's Stick Icon Carved Witch Doctor's Stick until you are able to obtain Wand of the Forgotten Star Icon Wand of the Forgotten Star. It loses out on the Hit/Crit but gives you a socket.


Further Enhancements

NOTE: There are multiple options for Warlock when gemming, due to the prevalence of Hit-capping and the varying levels of Hit you may receive from other gear, as well as the requirements for activating your Meta gem. We highly recommend that you go over the advice given on the gems page when choosing your gems for your current gear setup.



  • 08 May 2022: Guide moved.
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