DPS Warlock TBC Pre-Patch BiS Gear Guide
On this page, you will find the best in slot items for your DPS Warlock during the pre-patch of the Burning Crusade.
End Game Gearing for Warlocks
Gearing for end game best in slot has not changed much after pre-patch. There is tons of amazing gear that you can acquire that will aid you in your leveling once you walk through the Dark Portal. Unfortunately, many of this gear is quite hard to get or very expensive. If you do not have them, then you more than likely will not be able to obtain then. Thankfully there are many other alternatives to each slot that are not as hard to get, while not losing out on too much of your stats. We will list them all below and also where you can find each piece.
Gearing for TBC Launch
As we mentioned above, if you don't already have your end game best in slot, then it will be impossible to get it all before the launch of TBC Classic. However at this point in Classic, the game is over and we're all looking toward TBC Classic and how to prepare for our leveling adventures, which is all you really need the gear for at this point. Thankfully there are many items that you can get before hand that are much cheaper and far easier to get, while not losing out too much of those precious stats.
We will link the best in slot gear lists for all the raids in Classic. This is to help you get a better undertanding on how to progress your gear as soon as you hit level 60, then you can try and get into any raids you can before TBC launch and see what gear to target.
End Game Best in Slot Gear
This is the gear we recommend for Warlocks in the
pre-patch going into The Burning Crusade Classic. As with the rest
of Classic WoW, this will be optimized for both the Affliction, Demonology
Summon Felguard, Shadow Destruction builds which use
Shadow Bolt as their main damage source for single target.
Naxxramas is the final destination of the original World of Warcraft, and as such carries the best gear and the most difficult bosses.
Naxxramas is the last raid in Classic WoW and as such, it hosts the hardest bosses and the best gear in the game.
Warlock Tier 3, Plagueheart Raiment is one of the iconic Warlock sets of all time, and is extremely strong for Warlocks in Classic WoW. You're not aiming to use all 8 pieces, the 3-piece and 4-piece bonuses are quite strong and definitely worth using. Not only that, but they also have insanely good stats that can help you fill out your Spell Power, Spell Hit and Spell Crit.
In Naxxramas, all bosses are undead except for Grand Widow Faerlina and Maexxna.
This makes specialized anti-undead items such as Rune of the Dawn,
Mark of the Champion
and the Regalia of Undead Cleansing set really effective. Consider any of
these items and the full set of undead cleansing to be a top 3 piece of gear for
its slot.
Slot | Item | Source |
Helm |
Neck |
Shoulder |
Cloak |
Chest |
Wrists |
Gloves | ||
Belt | ||
Legs |
Boots |
Rings | ||
Trinkets | ||
Two-Hand |
Ranged |
Alternative Gear for Warlocks
Slot | Item | Source |
Helm |
Neck |
Shoulders |
Back |
Chest |
Wrists |
Hands |
Waist |
Legs |
Feet |
Rings |
Trinkets |
Weapons |
Off-hands |
Wands |
Gearing for a Boosted Level 58 Warlock
If you're a freshly boosted Warlock then you probably have noticed how bad the gear is. You will have a very tough time in Outlands with that gear. Thereforth we suggest to make your life MUCH easier, as soon as you hit level 60, start queueing for the battlegrounds and stock up on as many Marks of Honor and the Honor you get from doing battlegroudns and purchase the Rank 14 gear! It is super powerful and can easily carry you into leveling in Outlands.
- 23 May 2021: Page added.
This Guide has been written by Crix, a long time tester for Ashes of Creation, with over 1,000 hours playing the game, and a majority of the time being spent on Mages. He is in the guild Enveus and hosts multiple PvP Tournaments. You can find his Ashes of Creation guides on YouTube and his stream on Twitch.
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- Season of Discovery and Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes: February 21st
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- Season of Discovery Naxxramas Soft Reset Issue Fix and Warning
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- Remnants of Valor and Seal of the Dawn Changes in Season of Discovery: February 13th