TBC Classic Elemental Shaman Spec, Builds, and Talents
On this page, you will find out the best PvE talent choices and builds for your Elemental Shaman in TBC Classic.
Talent Builds for Elemental Shamans
Elemental Shaman talent builds are typically very stretched due to the need of grabbing deep talents from both the Elemental and Restoration trees in order to maximize the spell critical strike and spell hit gained from the talent tree.
Leveling Builds
If you were looking for leveling builds, please refer to our leveling guide for Shamans.
TBCC Elemental Shaman PvE Talents and Build
This build reaches deep into Elemental for Totem of Wrath and midway
through Restoration for
Tidal Mastery, finishing up with an impressive
12% Spell Hit from talents plus Totem of Wrath, as well as 10% extra Spell Critical
Because we want to focus on doing as much DPS as possible with this build, there are not many good options for point swaps, as all of the remaining Restoration talents are healing-focused and the Elemental talents that were not taken are less than ideal for our Mana-conscious rotation.
TBCC Elemental Shaman PvP Talents and Build
This build is similar to the PvE one, with some notable exceptions:
Nature's Swiftness is taken instead of
Totem of Wrath for the added burst / life saving potential, as the Spell Hit cap is very low in PvP and it is easy to destroy Totem of Wrath.
Eye of the Storm and
Elemental Shields are taken instead of
Unrelenting Storm and
Elemental Precision, as you will be frequently focused in PvP and the extra defensives are more useful than overcapping on Spell Hit.
Ancestral Healing is taken instead of
Nature's Guidance and
Improved Reincarnation for the occasional armor buff when healing in PvP situations.
As explained above, the general idea is to gain more defensive tools, while dropping most of the Spell Hit from the tree, as you only need 3% Spell Hit from any source to cap out in PvP.
Notable Elemental Shamans Talents
Elemental Tree
The Elemental Tree has most of the juice for the caster DPS Shaman, as would be expected. It also has some PvP utility, which you can learn more about in our upcoming TBC Classic Shaman PvP guide.
Call of Flame increases your Fire Totem damage by up to 15%. This is a
significant amount, but unfortunately the total contribution of these totems towards
your total damage is low, making this talent mostly forgettable.
Elemental Focus is changed in TBCC and now lowers the Mana cost of your
next two damaging spells by 40% after you cause a damaging Spell Critical Strike.
You can easily fish for these procs with lower rank shocks and
Lightning Bolt
if needed, and should also look to use the expensive
Chain Lightning when
you have a proc, if Mana will be an issue in your current encounter.
Reverberation reduces the cooldown of your shocks. This allows you
to interrupt / slow / DoT enemies more often, but Elemental Shamans should rely
more on their
Lightning Bolt /
Chain Lightning spells than on
Eye of the Storm is a great talent for PvP and leveling, as it will
allow you to cast all of your spells without interruption when you really need
to because you were just hit by a Critical Strike!
Elemental Devastation increases your melee Critical Strike chance by up to
9% after you deal a spell Critical Strike. This can easily be activated as an Elemental
Shaman, but unfortunately your melee attacks are too weak to
make use of it.
Elemental Fury is a great damage increase, as it doubles the bonus
damage you get whenever you critical strike with your spells, which should happen
quite often.
Elemental Mastery allows you to deal massive damage on demand, and
also makes the spell free. This has great synergy with
Elemental Fury and
Chain Lightning's status as a very high Mana, high damage spell.
Enhancement Tree
The Enhancement Tree is your main tree for melee damage increases and offensive totem boosting talents, but is ultimately a dead tree for caster DPS Shamans, especially at Level 70.
Guardian Totems increases the damage reduction of
Stoneskin Totem
by up to 20%, which is a small boost to your support tanking capabilities. It also
Grounding Totem's cooldown, which is situationally useful.
Improved Ghost Wolf reduces
Ghost Wolf's cast time heavily,
which is great for quickly moving around when outdoors.
Restoration Tree
The Restoration Tree is a great support tree that improves your totems, heals and even brings some extra Spell Hit and Spell Critical Strike, making it an excellent secondary tree to put points into.
Improved Healing Wave decreases your
Healing Wave's cast time
by up to 0.5 seconds. This is typically not impactful enough to warrant being
taken as an Elemental Shaman but can be used if you off-heal often in PvE.
Ancestral Healing increases your target's armor significantly after
you land a Critical Heal. While a niche talent for Elemental, it can help stabilize
an ally in danger, especially in PvP.
Totemic Focus reduces the Mana cost of your Totems significantly.
This is generally not that useful for Elemental Shamans, as you will not have
enough Mana or time to totem twist while performing your spell rotation.
Healing Focus lowers the chance of suffering spell pushback on heals
from taking damage. This is useful when you need to heal yourself or others under
pressure, but
Eye of the Storm is generally a superior talent for Elemental,
especially as it only takes 3 talent points!
Totemic Mastery increases the range of your totems from 20 to 30
yards,allowing them to affect targets that are further away. This is a very good
talent, as having allies out of totem range is a huge throughput loss.
Tidal Mastery increases your Critical Strike chance with Heals and
lightning spells. This has great synergy with the Elemental tree and is a
nice reason to go deep into the Restoration tree as an Elemental Shaman.
Nature's Swiftness causes your next Nature spell to become instant.
This is great when trying to land an emergency
Healing Wave on a struggling
ally or when trying to finish off a low health enemy with
Chain Lightning.
- 24 Mar. 2022: Updated talents for more AoE damage, in line with the current meta.
- 30 May 2021: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, original Burning Crusade player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Shaman (as Woah) and Druid Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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