TBC Classic Engineering Profession and Leveling 1-375 Guide
While Engineering in TBC Classic is not nearly as strong as it was in Vanilla, it is still very strong and useful for many different classes and specs. In this guide we will go over all the different items players with Engineering may use, the easiest way to level Engineering, and the different options offered by Engineering specializations.
Engineering uses ores, metals, and stone to craft. It can be quite expensive to train and maintain, so pairing it with Mining can be quite beneficial, especially early on when materials will be more expensive. Mining will allow you to farm your own materials without needing to buy them on the auction house.
Engineering is a very popular profession choice for tanks as it offers high-stamina trinkets very early on. That being said, all classes and roles can benefit from Engineering as the Goggles it can create are also very strong.
You may also find that Engineering can be used to complement your goldmaking in TBC Classic. For more information on this among other methods involving alternative professions, please see our separate guide on the topic:
Estimated Materials Needed
- 90 x
Rough Stone;
- 50 x
Copper Bar;
- 50 x
Coarse Stone;
- 50 x
Silver Bar;
- 60 x
Heavy Stone;
- 24 x
Bronze Bar;
- 40 x
Gold Bar;
- 8 x
Iron Bar;
- 4 x
Steel Bar;
- 90 x
Solid Stone;
- 95 x
Mithril Bar;
- 15 x
Mageweave Cloth;
- 40 x
Dense Stone;
- 130 x
Thorium Bar;
- 30 x
- 430 x
Fel Iron Bar;
- 10 x
Mote of Fire;
- 20 x
Mote of Earth;
- 30 x
Netherweave Cloth;
- 54 x
Khorium Bar;
- 18 x
Primal Fire;
- 144 x
Adamantite Bar.
Engineering Training
Apprentice to Artisan
You can learn Apprentice all the way through Artisan Engineering from any Engineering trainer, which are found in capital cities. When you arrive at a major city, you can ask any city guard for directions and pick the Engineering trainer option under the professions section. This will mark its location on your map, allowing you to easily find them and get the Engineering skill.
To get past 300 skill level, you will need to talk with a Master Engineering trainer in Outland, which can be found at:
- [H]
Zebig in Hellfire Peninsula, around coordinates (55,38);
- [H]
Mack Diver in Zangarmarsh, around coordinates (34,51);
- [A]
Lebowski in Hellfire Peninsula, around coordinates (55,65).
- [A]
K. Lee Smallfry in Zangarmarsh, around coordinates (68,50).
- Both factions can also be trained by Xyrol at Area 52 in Netherstorm, around coordinates (32,67).
Leveling Engineering (1-300)
Rough Blasting Powder (1 x
Rough Stone)
Handful of Copper Bolts (1 x
Copper Bar)
Arclight Spanner (6 x
Copper Bar)
Copper Tube (2 x
Copper Bar, 1 x
Weak Flux)
Rough Boomstick (1 x
Copper Tube,
1 x
Handful of Copper Bolts, 1 x
Wooden Stock)
Coarse Blasting Powder (1 x
Coarse Stone)
Silver Contact (1 x
Silver Bar)
Heavy Blasting Powder (1 x
Heavy Stone)
Big Bronze Bomb (2 x
Heavy Blasting Powder,
3 x
Bronze Bar, 1 x
Silver Contact)
Gold Power Core (1 x
Gold Bar)
Gyrochronatom (1 x
Iron Bar, 1 x
Gold Power Core)
Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor (4 x
Steel Bar)
Solid Blasting Powder (2 x
Solid Stone)
Mithril Tube (3 x
Mithril Bar)
Unstable Trigger (1 x
Mithril Bar, 1 x
Mageweave Cloth,
1 x
Solid Blasting Powder)
Hi-Impact Mithril Slugs (1 x
Mithril Bar, 1 x
Solid Blasting Powder)
Mithril Casing (3 x
Mithril Bar)
Hi-Explosive Bomb (2 x
Mithril Casing,
1 x
Unstable Trigger, 2 x
Solid Blasting Powder)
Mithril Gyro-Shot (2 x
Mithril Bar, 2 x
Solid Blasting Powder)
Dense Blasting Powder (2 x
Dense Stone)
Thorium Widget (3 x
Thorium Bar, 1 x
Thorium Shells (1 x
Thorium Bar, 1 x
Dense Blasting Powder)
Leveling Engineering (300-375)
You will need all of this for future Engineering training, so make them all now while they offer skill-ups.
- 60 x
Fel Iron Casing
- 200 x
Handful of Fel Iron Bolts
- 40 x
Elemental Blasting Powder
Fel Iron Bomb (1 x
Fel Iron Casing,
2 x
Handful of Fel Iron Bolts, 1 x
Elemental Blasting Powder)
Fel Iron Musket (3 x
Fel Iron Casing,
6 x
Handful of Fel Iron Bolts, 1x
Heavy Stock)
To get these next few skill-ups cheaply, you will need to grab the
Schematic: White Smoke Flare schematic from one of the vendors below:
- [H]
Captured Gnome in Zangarmarsh, around coordinates (32,48).
- [H]
Yatheon in Silvermoon City, around coordinates (75,41).
- [A]
Feera on Azuremyst Isle, around coordinates (28,53).
- Both factions can also visit Wind Trader Lathrai, a neutral trader in Shattrath around coordinates (72,31).
If you are Friendly or higher with
Cenarion Expedition, you can get Schematic: Green Smoke Flare
from Fedryen Swiftspear in Zangarmarsh around coordinates (79,64). This
is the same path as below, except each craft will cost 1 x
Green Dye in
addition to the other materials:
White Smoke Flare (1 x
Netherweave Cloth, 1 x
Elemental Blasting Powder)
Khorium Power Core (3 x
Khorium Bar, 1 x
Primal Fire)
To get these last skill-ups cheaply, you will need to farm the
Schematic: Field Repair Bot 110G schematic from Gan'arg Analyzer found
in Blade's Edge Mountains at the coordinates below:
- (29,46)
- (33,52)
- (32,64)
- (28,68)
Field Repair Bot 110G (8 x
Adamantite Bar,
8 x
Handful of Fel Iron Bolts, 1 x
Khorium Power Core)
Engineering Specializations
Gnomish Engineering
To become a Gnomish Engineer, you will need to complete a quest. The first part of this quest is The Pledge of Secrecy / The Pledge of Secrecy, which can be picked up from either Tinkmaster Overspark in Ironforge or Oglethorpe Obnoticus in Booty Bay. Once you turn in this first quest, you will be able to get the main quest: Show Your Work / Show Your Work. This requires you to turn in:
- 6 x
Mithril Tube
- 1 x
Accurate Scope
- 2 x
Advanced Target Dummy
Notable Gnomish Engineering Items
If you do choose to specialize in Gnomish Engineering, there are a number of specialty items that you can use in TBC Classic.
Gnomish Battle Chicken — The Battle Chicken is still relevant in TBC Classic for the nice
Battle Squawk buff it offers a group.
Gnomish Poultryizer — A very nice Stamina trinket that tanks will desire. The on-use effect can also save you in some sticky situations, assuming it does not backfire...
Nigh Invulnerability Belt — This is worth mentioning as many PvP players in particular will look to use this item as the shield can often save one's life.
Ultrasafe Transporter: Gadgetzan — This can be used to teleport you to Gadgetzan once every 4 hours.
Ultrasafe Transporter: Toshley's Station — Alliance players can use this to teleport to Toshley's Station in Blade's Edge Mountains once every 4 hours.
Goblin Engineering
To become a Goblin Engineer, you will need to complete a quest. The first part of this quest is The Pledge of Secrecy from Nixx Sprocketspring in Gadgetzan. Once you turn in this first quest, you will be able to get the main quest Show Your Work. This requires you to turn in:
- 20 x
Big Iron Bomb
- 20 x
Solid Dynamite
- 5 x
Explosive Sheep
Notable Goblin Engineering Items
If you do choose to specialize in Goblin Engineering, there are a number of specialty items that you can use in TBC Classic.
Goblin Jumper Cables XL — Jumper Cables are still relevant in TBC Classic for their high chance to resurrect a dead party member. While these do not require Goblin Engineering to be used, you must be a Goblin Engineer to make them.
Goblin Rocket Launcher — A very nice Stamina trinket that tanks will desire. The on-use effect can be used at the start of a pull to gain high threat on a single mob and stun it.
The Bigger One — The strongest Engineering bomb available in TBC Classic. These do not require Goblin Engineering to be used, only to make them.
Super Sapper Charge — A stronger version of the
Goblin Sapper Charge. These do not require Goblin Engineering to be used, only to make them.
Dimensional Ripper - Everlook — This can be used to teleport you to Everlook once every 4 hours.
Dimensional Ripper - Area 52 — This can be used to teleport you to Area 52 in Netherstorm once every 4 hours.
Notable Engineering Items
Aside from the specialty items, there are a handful of items that are useful for all Engineers. The epic, crafted goggles are very strong in the early gear stages and can be upgraded when the Isle of Quel'danas is released. Aside from the crafted gear options, there are a number of fun items and consumables that can be crafted for profit.
Flying Machine Control — 60% flying speed mount
Turbo-Charged Flying Machine Control — 280% flying speed mount.
Zapthrottle Mote Extractor — This is used to extract motes of various types from the many different gas clouds found throughout all of the zones in Outland. It can be used to farm high amounts of Primals in a short amount of time.
New Phase 5 Engineering Goggles
These epic Engineering Helmets are found in the new raid Sunwell Plateau on the Isle of Quel'Danas and can drop from any of the trash mobs. The patterns themselves are Bind on Use, letting you trade them freely. Once crafted however, the Helmets are Bind on Pickup, preventing them from being traded. These helmets are direct upgrades of the previous, lower level Engineering goggles.
Schematic: Powerheal 9000 Lens — Cloth healing head piece; upgraded from
Powerheal 4000 Lens for Priests.
Schematic: Annihilator Holo-Gogs — Cloth DPS head piece; upgraded from
Destruction Holo-gogs for Mages, Priests, and Warlocks.
Schematic: Wonderheal XT68 Shades — Leather healing head piece; upgraded from
Wonderheal XT40 Shades for Druids.
Schematic: Quad Deathblow X44 Goggles — Leather physical-DPS head piece; upgraded from
Deathblow X11 Goggles for Rogues and Druids.
Schematic: Hyper-Magnified Moon Specs — Leather caster-DPS head piece; upgraded from
Magnified Moon Specsfor Druids.
Schematic: Primal-Attuned Goggles — Mail healing head piece; upgraded from
Living Replicator Specs for Shamans.
Schematic: Lightning Etched Specs — Mail caster-DPS head piece; upgraded from
Gadgetstorm Goggles for Shamans.
Schematic: Surestrike Goggles v3.0 — Mail physical-DPS head piece; upgraded from
Surestrike Goggles v2.0 for Hunters and Shamans.
Schematic: Justicebringer 3000 Specs — Plate healing head piece; upgraded from
Justicebringer 2000 Specs for Paladins.
Schematic: Mayhem Projection Goggles — Plate physical-DPS head piece; upgraded from
Furious Gizmatic Goggles for Paladins and Warriors.
Schematic: Hard Khorium Goggles — Plate tanking Head piece; upgraded from
Tankatronic Goggles for Paladins and Warriors.
- 06 May 2022: Added Phase 5 content.
- 30 May 2021: Guide added.
More TBC Content
This guide has been written by Abide, TBC veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina as Horde. You can find him in the the Icy Veins Discord. You can also see him live on Twitch.
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