Enhancement Shaman Level 58 Boost Guide
This guide was designed to help new and returning Enhancement Shamans with getting up to speed on how their class plays at Level 58 with the TBC talents and spells.
It is also an excellent first-read for players using the new TBCC Dark Portal Boost!
TBCC Enhancement Shaman Overview
The purpose of this guide is to help you decide on whether you want to boost an Enhancement Shaman to Level 58, and to give a quick rundown on talents, important spells, and stats so that you can start playing right away!
Enhancement Shamans are, arguably, the best physical damage support
class in TBC Classic (TBCC). Their powerful melee support totems,
Windfury Totem,
Grace of Air Totem, and
Strength of Earth Totem grant high damage increases to their group
while utility totems such as
Tremor Totem and
Poison Cleansing Totem can keep allies safe and out of crowd control.
Their damage is also quite good, being just a step under the top classes of TBC Classic, although this damage is mostly single-target focused.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Excellent scaling with gear.
Best melee and physical damage support in the game with
Windfury Totem,
Grace of Air Totem,
Strength of Earth Totem,
Unleashed Rage, and
Bloodlust /
Low DPS at low gear levels; gear dependent.
Low survivability, made worse by melee range requirements.
Can struggle with Mana in longer fights, especially if Totem Twisting.
Best Races for TBCC Alliance Enhancement Shamans
Draenei is the only race available. Unfortunately, even though you mostly need Physical Hit as Enhancement, in TBC Classic Draenei Shamans will always provide a 1% Spell Hit aura which is less than ideal.
Best Races for TBCC Horde Enhancement Shamans
Orc is the go-to PvP race due to Hardiness, which allows
you to occasionally resist stun effects. They are also PvE all-stars, with two
DPS increases from
Axe Specialization and
Blood Fury which
is improved from Vanilla Classic and now only reduces your healing taken for its
15 second duration!
Trolls are a decent choice if your goal is to maximize
your throughput due to Berserking, which speeds up your attacks
and casts — especially if activated at low health.
Beast Slaying
can also be useful against beast-type enemies.
A Tauren's War Stomp is quite reliable in PvP, often
allowing for an emergency
Lesser Healing Wave cast, but has few uses
in PvE. The 5% increased health from
Endurance is minor. Finally,
Tauren have a larger hitbox — especially male Tauren — which grants
them a slightly increased casting range, but also allows them to be hit by enemy
abilities more easily.
TBCC Enhancement Shaman Talents for Level 58 Boosts
The talent build listed below is a jack-of-all trades with which you can do PvE, PvP and level to 60, while using only the talent points available at Level 58.
The most important new TBC Classic talent is Dual Wield, which
allows Enhancement Shamans to dual wield and greatly increase their DPS
Stormstrike and the Enhancement tree are also changed
to accommodate dual wield as the primary way to play Enhancement.
Shamanistic Rage is another new active ability that doubles as
a Mana regenerator and defensive cooldown, which gets better alongside your gear
due to the Mana return being based on your Attack Power.
Stats for Enhancement Shamans in TBCC
The list below compares the relative value of 1 point of the stat, or rating in the case of Hit Rating, for example.
- Physical Hit up to the 9% cap vs bosses, 5% in PvP;
- Expertise up to the 6.25% cap vs bosses;
- Strength / Attack Power (1 Strength = 2 Attack Power and gets even better when buffed with a Paladin's
Blessing of Kings);
- Critical Strike;
- Agility;
- Hit over 9%;
- Haste;
- Armor Penetration;
- Intellect;
- Stamina;
- Mp5;
- Spirit.
This is the stat priority that will generally result in higher DPS. Although Stamina does not give damage it does help you stay alive, especially against unavoidable damage; make sure to not neglect it!
Enhancement Shaman Rotation / Spell Priority in TBCC
In single-target you will use:
- Place down your totems (group-dependent but generally will include at least
Strength of Earth Totem);
Stormstrike whenever it is up, followed by
Earth Shock to make use of its debuff;
- Rotate between
Flame Shock and
Earth Shock on cooldown to keep Flame Shock's damage-over-time effect up if it will have time to run its full duration. Earth Shock is especially powerful when you can finish off enemies with it, or whenever
Stormstrike's debuff is on the target.
For area-of-effect damage you will use:
Fire Nova Totem;
Magma Totem while
Fire Nova Totem is on cooldown;
Flame Shock on multiple targets;
- Your single-target-rotation priority in the remaining global cooldowns.
Best Professions for Enhancement Shamans in TBCC
While all professions have their unique benefits, Enhancement benefits
particularly from Blacksmithing, as it allows you to reliably get
good weapons — such as Dragonmaw for non-Orcs or
Black Planar Edge
for Orcs — without needing to wait for a raid weapon drop or achieving a
high arena rating for the gladiator weapons.
Leatherworking is also a strong profession as it allows you to
craft and use the Primal Intent set or the Netherscale Armor set.
You will also get Drums of Battle, which are an important consumable only
brought by Leatherworkers.
Alternatively, Engineering has many explosives that will
drastically increase your area-of-effect damage, such as the new
Super Sapper Charge.
Finally, Alchemy is a good passive goldmaking profession due to the transmute recipes and the new elixir, potion, and transmute masteries making it a strong profession on an alt that you do not want to min-max your throughput on.
TBCC Enhancement Shaman Abilities
A Totem is instantly placed on the ground near you when you cast it, it does not move and generally has single digits of health, allowing it to be destroyed by your enemies with any single-target ability. Their effects only apply to your group or 5-player group, even when you are in a raid group.
Every Shaman Totem has a specific niche role to fill and a distinct ability. There are four types of Totems: Air, Earth, Water, and Fire, and you can have only one Totem of each element placed at a time which will be replaced if you cast a new Totem of the same element.
Air Totems for Enhancement Shamans in TBCC
Windfury Totem is the largest DPS increase a Shaman can provide
to its group, assuming it has Warriors and Rogues in it. It grants a temporary
weapon enchant to your group, allowing them to sometimes do multiple auto attacks
with extra Attack Power whenever they hit the enemy with melee abilities. Warriors
are a particularly good target for this effect, due to the extra Rage gained by
the extra auto attacks and from two-handed weapons hitting harder.
Grace of Air Totem boosts the Agility of group members. While not
as high of a DPS increase as
Windfury Totem for Warriors and
Rogues, it provides a higher benefit to Hunters and Druids who cannot make use
of Windfury with their forms and ranged attacks and should thus be used whenever
you are in the Hunter or Druid group.
Tranquil Air Totem lowers threat caused by group members by 20%.
This allows tanks to be more defensive and still keep aggro on the enemies and,
as such, is a great tool when threat is the limiting factor. Do keep in mind it
does not provide a direct DPS increase, however.
Grounding Totem will redirect to itself any harmful spell cast
at a nearby group member, which is great to handle problematic spells in PvP
such as
Nature Resistance Totem increases the Nature Resistance of your
group, allowing them to more easily survive Nature-based attacks.
Sentry Totem grants vision over an area when the buff it leaves
on the casting Shaman is right-clicked, which causes your vision to swap to the
Totem's. It also gives warnings to you when it is being attacked, which is
useful when exerting control over an area — especially in PvP.
Windwall Totem lowers ranged damage taken by your group by a
small amount per hit. This can be useful when dealing with Hunters, but for the
most part incoming ranged damage will rarely warrant using this Totem.
Earth Totems for Enhancement Shamans in TBCC
Strength of Earth Totem grants extra Strength to your group and
is the only DPS-increasing Earth Totem, making it the general go-to in groups
with melee players.
Tremor Totem removes Fear, Charm, and Sleep effects from your
group every 5 seconds and is the only effect of its kind for the Horde. This
makes it invaluable in fights with Fear effects, such as Onyxia,
Nefarian, or in PvP. Make sure to drop it when slightly under
5 seconds are left for the Fear effect to hit the group, so that it is removed
almost instantly.
Earthbind Totem slows nearby enemies, allowing for kiting. By
running around the Totem you can keep this effect active while only going into
melee range whenever your swing timer is ready, avoiding a lot of damage in the
process if you are using a slow, two-handed weapon.
Stoneskin Totem lowers melee damage taken by your group by a
small amount per hit. This makes it useful against Rogues or other fast-hitting
enemies, or when supporting a tank against multiple enemies.
Stoneclaw Totem taunts enemies, serving as a distraction for a
short period with its small health pool. It is mostly of use while leveling or
Water Totems for Enhancement Shamans in TBCC
Fire Resistance Totem increases the Fire Resistance of your group,
allowing them to more easily survive Fire-based attacks.
Mana Spring Totem regenerates the Mana of your group for a small
amount every 2 seconds. This improves your group's Mana sustainability, and you
should aim to always have this Totem active while in a caster or healer group.
Healing Stream Totem heals your group for a small amount every
2 seconds. While its healing is low, it is still usually worth keeping it out as
it also has a long duration.
Disease Cleansing Totem cures diseases from members of your group
every 5 seconds.
Poison Cleansing Totem cures poisons from memebers of your group
every 5 seconds.
Fire Totems for Enhancement Shamans
Searing Totem deals a small amount of single-target damage to
nearby enemies. If you can spare the Mana, keep it up for the added damage.
Fire Nova Totem deals a large amount of area-of-effect damage to
nearby enemies a few seconds after it is placed on a 15-second cooldown. Its
burst damage can be helpful, especially when facing multiple enemies.
Magma Totem deals small amounts of area-of-effect damage to
nearby enemies periodically. Since it has no cooldown, you can use it to help
deal with multiple enemies when
Fire Nova Totem is not available.
Frost Resistance Totem increases the Frost Resistance of your group,
allowing them to more easily survive Frost-based attacks.
Flametongue Totem, much like
Windfury Totem,
enchants your group's weapons. This enchant, however, causes extra Fire damage
on hit. Since Windfury Totem is more powerful and its effect does not stack
with Flametongue, this Totem goes mostly unused.
Damage Abilities for Enhancement Shamans in TBCC
Stormstrike deals your weapon damage to a single target and
causes a debuff that increases the Nature damage taken by the target by 20% for
the next two Nature damage hits. This debuff will typically be used to boost your
Earth Shock.
Earth Shock deals damage and interrupts its target for 2
seconds. While the damage increases with ranks, the interrupt effect duration
does not, making it a good spell to downrank if you are mostly interested in the
Frost Shock deals damage and slows its target by 50% for 8
seconds. This makes it useful when chasing or fleeing from enemies.
Flame Shock deals damage over time to its target. This can
contribute a small, but consistent chunk of damage in a fight and has the added
usefulness of preventing Rogues and Druids from staying in stealth while it is
Lightning Bolt deals damage to a single target from range. This
will be your main damage spell in PvE due to having the best damage-to-Mana
ratio in our kit and no cooldown.
Chain Lightning deals damage to three targets from range.
Lightning Bolt, you will only use this spell when melee is
not possible.
Healing Spells for Enhancement Shamans in TBCC
Lesser Healing Wave casts much faster than
Healing Wave, but also heals for much less baseline and it also
gains less benefit from your gear's Spell Healing as a
result of its fast casting speed.
Use it in PvP or as an emergency heal.
Healing Wave is a strong-but-slow single-target heal. This
makes it likely to overheal, so be prepared to stop casting at the last moment
if it looks like that will be the case.
Chain Heal is the best area-of-effect heal in the game due to
its high healing relative to cost and smart-heal properties, which will cause it
to jump to the most-injured targets in range regardless of the group they are in.
Utility Spells for Enhancement Shamans in TBCC
Lightning Shield grants you a buff that causes damage to melee
attackers when they hit you. While not the most useful spell, there is no harm
in having it up, either.
Rockbiter Weapon enchants your weapon, granting additional
melee attack power and causing your melee attacks to generate extra threat.
This will be your first weapon enchant, which you will use until you have
Windfury Weapon, and even afterwards when soloing as it deals more
overall damage than Windfury Weapon, at the cost of pulling significant threat
and lacking burst-damage potential.
Windfury Weapon enchants your weapon, granting your melee
abilities a 20% chance to activate two extra auto attacks with added Attack
Power instantly. This is a sizable, unpredictable damage boost which you should
aim to have active whenever you are in a group.
Flametongue Weapon enchants your weapon, causing each hit to
deal additional Fire damage. As you will not search for Spell Damage on your
gear, this is a generally inferior choice compared to the alternatives.
Ghost Wolf boosts your running speed by 40% but can only be
used outdoors. You can learn it at an early level, making this is a very
important movement skill for leveling Shamans.
Reincarnation allows you to return to life after dying, as
long as its 30-minute cooldown is ready. You can use it to recover from mistakes.
Ancestral Spirit brings the target back to life, but can only be
used while out of combat.
Purge removes two buffs from the targeted enemy. You
will typically be using it to remove heal-over-time effects, shields, and buffs.
Cure Poison cures a poison effect from the targeted ally.
Use it to remove Rogue poisons or dangerous PvE debuffs.
Cure Disease cures a disease effect from the targeted ally.
Use it to remove a Priest's
Devouring Plague or dangerous PvE debuffs.
Astral Recall recalls you to your set Hearthstone location,
with a cooldown of 15 minutes. This is pretty handy for quickly traveling the world.
Water Walking allows you, or another friendly player, to move
over water for 10 minutes. Taking any damage will cancel the effect, but you can
still use it to quickly move through certain parts of the world.
Water Breathing allows you, or another friendly player, to have
unlimited breath while underwater for 10 minutes. This is generally useless, but
can save you sometimes when doing underwater quests or gathering.
Far Sight grants you vision over an area, allowing you to detect
enemy players without actually putting yourself in danger.
- 19 May 2021: Page added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, original Burning Crusade player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Shaman (as Woah) and Druid Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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