Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide From 1 to 70 for TBC Classic

Last updated on Jun 13, 2021 at 15:01 by Seksixeny 10 comments

On this page, you will find our level-by-level Enhancement Shaman leveling guide for TBC Classic. Make sure to use the slider to make the guide adapt to your level. For more general leveling information, please refer to our Shaman leveling guide. We also have an Elemental Shaman leveling guide and a Restoration Shaman leveling guide.


Level-by-Level Rotation, Talents, and Trainer Skills

Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!

Level: 60

Leveling Talent Tree & Build

Your first talent unlocks at Level 10.

While both options are of minimal relevance, Shield Specialization IconShield Specialization has a minor edge, as it makes using a shield in emergencies and during early leveling more efficient. Using two-handed weapons until Dual Wield IconDual Wield is unlocked will still be faster, regardless.

Thundering Strikes IconThundering Strikes provides extra damage and is required for Flurry IconFlurry later on, making it a good early talent.

Shamanistic Focus IconShamanistic Focus provides good Mana gains for a single point, while Improved Ghost Wolf IconImproved Ghost Wolf makes your Ghost Wolf IconGhost Wolf instant, which is especially valuable before you get your mount at Level 30.

Anticipation IconAnticipation is just as viable as Enhancing Totems IconEnhancing Totems when soloing, but the extra totem power will be better against elite enemies and when in a group. Flurry IconFlurry is a great damage boost and well-worth the 5 points.

Spirit Weapons IconSpirit Weapons is an amazing survivability increase as it will give you almost 5% Parry with a single point, and Parry is a superior stat to Dodge because it makes your next-auto attack faster when it happens.

The 30% threat reduction is an extra bonus to have while in a group. Elemental Weapons IconElemental Weapons is a fine damage increase and Anticipation IconAnticipation slightly increases your survivability. Weapon Mastery IconWeapon Mastery is a great damage increase, and preferable to Mental Quickness IconMental Quickness at this stage because of your low attack power values.

Stormstrike IconStormstrike will be your main attack from here on and is a nice damage increase. Dual Wield IconDual Wield allows you to use two one-handed weapons to deal damage more consistently and this playstyle is further improved by Dual Wield Specialization IconDual Wield Specialization.

Follow up by getting Mental Quickness IconMental Quickness and starting on Unleashed Rage IconUnleashed Rage, which is good in solo situations and amazing in groups.

Shamanistic Rage IconShamanistic Rage is both a Mana regeneration tool and a defensive cooldown. Get Mental Quickness IconMental Quickness for its damage and Mana sustain benefits and proceed into the Elemental tree, which provides higher damage than the Restoration alternatives. Start with maximizing Concussion IconConcussion and put your first point into Call of Flame IconCall of Flame, both of which are fine damage increases.

Finish maximizing Call of Flame IconCall of Flame and get Earth's Grasp IconEarth's Grasp, which vastly improves the ability of your Stoneclaw Totem IconStoneclaw Totem to keep any extra enemies you pull distracted while you finish them one by one.

Elemental Focus IconElemental Focus has low impact due to Enhancement's low spell crit chance but also only requires one point. Finish your leveling tree by getting Reverberation IconReverberation for its damage and rotational smoothing benefits and get a point into Improved Fire Totems IconImproved Fire Totems for the added quality of life when using Fire Nova Totem IconFire Nova Totem.

Your talents should roughly look like this, but keep in mind there are plenty of individual points that can be swapped around based on preference. For example, taking Enhancing Totems IconEnhancing Totems, Improved Weapon Totems IconImproved Weapon Totems, and going down the Restoration tree for Totemic Focus IconTotemic Focus, Nature's Guidance IconNature's Guidance, and Totemic Mastery IconTotemic Mastery is a great way to turbo-charge your support abilities when focused on group play. Feel free to take Ancestral Knowledge IconAncestral Knowledge instead of Shield Specialization IconShield Specialization as well, or swap Anticipation IconAnticipation with something else.


Leveling Rotation

As explained in our rotation section, weapon syncing and windfury internal cooldown tracking can increase your dps significantly, especially against long lived targets. You can use our recommended weak aura and macro to track both of these in order to optimize your leveling rotation a bit!

  1. Make sure Rockbiter Weapon IconRockbiter Weapon is active on you at all times, to maximize your potential damage output.
  2. Make sure both Rockbiter Weapon IconRockbiter Weapon and Lightning Shield IconLightning Shield are active on you at all times, to maximize your potential damage output. Refresh Lightning Shield when engaging enemies or immediately after shocking, in order to mess with your 5-second-rule Mana regeneration as little as possible.
  3. Make sure both Windfury Weapon IconWindfury Weapon and Lightning Shield IconLightning Shield are active on you at all times, to maximize your potential damage output. Refresh Lightning Shield when engaging enemies or immediately after shocking, in order to mess with your 5-second-rule Mana regeneration as little as possible.
  4. Make sure Windfury Weapon IconWindfury Weapon is applied to both of your weapons and Lightning Shield IconLightning Shield is active on you at all times, to maximize your potential damage output. Refresh Lightning Shield when engaging enemies or immediately after shocking, in order to mess as little as possible with your 5-second rule Mana regeneration.
  5. Make sure Windfury Weapon IconWindfury Weapon is applied to both of your weapons and Water Shield IconWater Shield is active on you at all times, providing maximum damage and Mana sustain. Because Water Shield costs no Mana, you can refresh it at any time without affecting your natural Mana regeneration.
  6. Stoneclaw Totem IconStoneclaw Totem is vastly improved in TBC, and will frequently stun enemies who attack it. As you have almost no area of effect damage, the best strategy when you need to fight multiple enemies at once is dropping this totem and finishing them off one by one while the ones you are not attacking are busy being stunned by your totem.
  7. Drop Strength of Earth Totem IconStrength of Earth Totem and Searing Totem IconSearing Totem as your main totems when grinding in a small space for a prolonged amount of time, in dungeons, or when facing hard enemies.
  8. Drop Strength of Earth Totem IconStrength of Earth Totem, Healing Stream Totem IconHealing Stream Totem, and Searing Totem IconSearing Totem as your main totems when grinding in a small space for a prolonged amount of time, in dungeons, or when facing hard enemies.
  9. Drop Strength of Earth Totem IconStrength of Earth Totem, Healing Stream Totem IconHealing Stream Totem, and Searing Totem IconSearing Totem as your main totems when facing difficult enemies or grinding in a small space, but also Windfury Totem IconWindfury Totem if you are grouping up with Warriors or Rogues.
  10. Drop Strength of Earth Totem IconStrength of Earth Totem, Healing Stream Totem IconHealing Stream Totem, Searing Totem IconSearing Totem, and Grace of Air Totem IconGrace of Air Totem as your main totems when facing difficult enemies or grinding in a small space. Consider using Windfury Totem IconWindfury Totem instead of Grace of Air if you are grouping up with Warriors or Rogues.
  11. Drop Strength of Earth Totem IconStrength of Earth Totem, Healing Stream Totem IconHealing Stream Totem, Searing Totem IconSearing Totem, and Grace of Air Totem IconGrace of Air Totem as your main totems when facing difficult enemies or grinding in a small space. Consider using Windfury Totem IconWindfury Totem instead of Grace of Air if you are grouping up with Warriors or Rogues or Wrath of Air Totem IconWrath of Air Totem if grouping up with many caster-DPS players.
  12. Use Lightning Bolt IconLightning Bolt — Rank 1 if Mana is an issue — to initiate combat against enemies who are in places too dangerous to body-pull.
  13. Use Shamanistic Rage IconShamanistic Rage on cooldown to recover Mana, but remember it also reduces damage taken so you should try to have it available when fighting elites.
  14. Earth Elemental Totem IconEarth Elemental Totem is an amazing defensive tool which should be used in emergencies or when facing tough elite enemies by yourself.
  15. Use Stormstrike IconStormstrike whenever possible for its damage and to increase the damage of your next two Earth Shock IconEarth Shocks.
  16. Use Earth Shock IconEarth Shock whenever possible for extra damage, especially if you just activated Shamanistic Focus IconShamanistic Focus. You can also weave in Flame Shock IconFlame Shock for slightly more damage if the enemy will live for its full duration.
  17. Auto-attack the enemy until it dies. Having some idle auto-attack time can allow you to regenerate some Mana, but it is generally preferable to finish fights quickly in order to minimize damage taken and allow you to drink if needed.

List of Trainer Skills to Buy

Buying everything is, essentially, the way to go, as spell costs are quite low and all of them have uses, even if small ones.

If you are doing a completely new character and want to save as much gold as you can for your first mount at Level 30, you can opt to buy only the recommended skills for the rotation in the section above.


Enhancement Shaman Macros and Addons

By setting yourself up with an upgraded user interface and macros from the get-go, you will make your leveling process much easier. Check out our Enhancement Shaman Macros and Addons guides in the links below for the full list.


Enhancement Shaman Quests and Weapons

When leveling, stay alert for weapon upgrades you might encounter, as these will improve your experience significantly. You will also need to complete various class quests in order to be able to use your totems, with unique questlines for Earth, Fire, Water, and Air totems.

These quests are different for Horde and Alliance Shamans, and the early quests also have differences between Horde races. To help you with both weapons and quests, we have made two dedicated guides:


Enhancement Shaman Level 70 Guides for TBC Classic

Now that you are max level, we would recommend you read our Enhancement Shaman Guide which covers every detail of maximum-level gameplay extensively.

Pay special attention to these pages, as they deal with the most pressing issues you will face at Level 70:

  • In our Enhancement Shaman Talent builds guide you will find multiple builds. Some are focused on being as offensive as possible while others are focused on being as good of a support as possible at the cost of some of your personal DPS potential;
  • Our Enhancement Shaman Rotation guide explains how to use your abilities in order to produce maximum damage, both personal and group-wide through Enhancement's numerous buffs;
  • Check the Enhancement Shaman Stats guide if you require more information on Enhancement Shaman's stat priority and stat details;
  • Our Gear guide for Enhancement Shamans has the gear pieces most worth looking for, before and after raid items are considered, adjusted for the current TBC Classic Phase and Season;


  • 13 Jun. 2021: Added the weak aura and macro for windfury cooldown and weapon syncing.
  • 31 May 2021: Added links to the new Weapon, Quest, Addons, and Macros guides, as well as the specialization guides.
  • 21 May 2021: Reworked a lot of the tree to make leveling smoother and added Stoneclaw Totem to the rotation.
  • 18 May 2021: Page added.
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