TBC Classic Fishing Profession and Leveling 1-375 Guide
Fishing is a secondary profession that any character can learn. It does not take up a primary profession slot as other professions such as Tailoring or Herbalism would.
Leveling up Fishing can take a fair amount of time, as you are limited by how quickly fish will be caught on each cast, rather than the cast time of a recipe in other professions.
Note that, when you do level Fishing, you will have a huge amount of fish that can be used to level your Cooking. It is recommended that you use this fish to level Cooking up at the same time, saving yourself plenty of gold.
Fishing can be learned from any trainer, but leveling it beyond skill level
150 can only be done through items and quests. In order to start Fishing, you
need to purchase a Fishing Pole from any Fishing trainer or fishing
supplies vendor. It is also recommended to keep a supply of baits available as
they will greatly increase your Fishing experience.
Fishing Training
The skill levels you will need to train at are:
- Apprentice Level can be learned when first picking up the profession, starts from a skill level of 1, and goes up to 75. It also requires your character to be Level 5.
- Journeyman Level can be learned when you reach a skill level of 50 and goes up to 150. It also requires your character to be Level 10.
- Expert Level can be learned when you reach a skill level of 125 and goes up to 225. It also requires your character to be Level 20.
- Artisan Level can be learned when you reach a skill level of 200 and goes up to 300. It also requires your character to be Level 35.
- Master Level can be learned when you reach a skill level of 275 and goes up to 375. It the highest Profession Level and also requires your character to be Level 55.
Azeroth (1 - 300)
Apprentice and Journeyman Fishing can be learned from any trainer found mostly in major cities. When you arrive at a major city, you can ask any city guard for directions and pick the Fishing trainer option under the professions section. This will mark their location on your map, allowing you to easily find them and get the Fishing skill.
To reach Expert Fishing, you will need to purchase
Expert Fishing - The Bass and You from Old Man Heming in Booty Bay. It
will cost 1 gold from the vendor, or you may find it on the auction house for a
similar price and save the trip.
To become an Artisan Fisher, you will have to complete the quest Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme, given by Nat Pagle in Dustwallow Marsh. He will ask you to gather 4 rare fish found in different zones all throughout Azeroth:
Feralas Ahi — To catch this fish, you will need to head to the small pool of water that is southeast of Dire Maul. The area is called the Verdantis River.
Misty Reed Mahi Mahi — To catch this fish head to the southern shores of the Swamp of Sorrows, southeast of the Temple of Atal'Hakkar. You should stand on one of the rocks in the water rather than the beach, to avoid aggroing the Murlocs. The area is called the Misty Reed Strand.
Sar'theris Striker — To catch this fish you should head south of Shadowprey Village in Desolace, on the eastern coast. The area is called the Sar'theris Strand.
Savage Coast Blue Sailfin — Head to the Grom'gol Base Camp in Stranglethorn Vale and then move south to the mouth of the river. You should fish on the coast here. The area is called the Savage Coast.
Collect them all and return to Nat Pagle to be able to skill up to 300 Fishing.
Outland (300 - 375)
To become a Master Fisher, you will need to speak with Juno Dufrain
at Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh to purchase
Master Fishing - The Art of Angling for 5 gold. Once again, you may find this
on the auction house for a similar price and save a trip. Once read, you will be
a Master Fisherman and capable of reaching skill level 375.
Leveling Fishing (1 - 300)
Fishing is a fairly easy, but time consuming, profession to level. You should try to level it alongside Cooking, as a large portion of what you fish up can be used to keep your cooking skill at a similar level to your fishing skill. These two professions go hand-in-hand together.
You can get to 75 in basically any body of water found in capital cities and
starting zones. Look for the nearest body of water and fish your way to skill
level 75. Make sure to use Shiny Bauble to help catch more fish.
Head back to your Fishing Trainer and unlock Journeyman Fishing so you can
reach skill level 150. Continue to fish in your capital city until you max out at
150. Keep applying your Shiny Bauble as needed.
Now it is time to read Expert Fishing - The Bass and You or head to
Booty Bay to purchase it, as it is the only way to continue training Fishing.
To become an Artisan Fisher, you will have to complete the quest Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme, given by Nat Pagle in Dustwallow Marsh. He will ask you to gather 4 rare fish found in different zones all throughout Azeroth. Collect them all and return to him to be able to skill up to 300 Fishing. The location of each fish is shown above.
You can stay in Dustwallow Marsh after turning in your quest to train your
Fishing up to 300. Make sure to keep Bright Baubles applied to your
fishing pole the whole time or you will miss a ton of fish.
Leveling Fishing (300- 375)
Make sure to read your Master Fishing - The Art of Angling to unlock Master
Fishing, allowing you to train Fishing up to 375.
Azeroth Alternative 300-325
It is possible to level Fishing up to very high levels in Azeroth if you
wish to do so. Fishing in Outland requires a skill of 400, combining your base
skill and any increases such as Bright Baubles or
Big Iron Fishing Pole. If you cannot reach 400 with your consumables
and items it is recommended to stay in Azeroth until you can as it will greatly
increase the amount of fish that are successfully caught.
Head to Zangarmarsh and fish in the waters surrounding Cenarion Refuge until
you reach 350 Fishing skill. Make sure to use all your skill-increasing items,
such as Bright Baubles, or you will miss most fish.
At 350 we will head into Terokkar Forest and start fishing in the waters outside of Shattrath City. If you want to find more exotic fish, you can head toward the eastern side of Terokkar and fish in the rivers.
Additional Fishing Skill Increases
Fishing Poles
In TBC there are a few easily-acquired fishing poles to give you a large boost to your Fishing skill. Grab one of these below to gain a permanent skill increase whenever you decide to go fishing.
Seth's Graphite Fishing Pole — + 20 Fishing — Obtained from Rather Be Fishin'
Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000 (Horde-only) — +25 Fishing — Obtained from Snapjaws, Mon!
Arcanite Fishing Pole — + 35 Fishing — Reward for winning the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza
Fishing Lures
Fishing Lures are one the easiest and best ways to temporarily gain a large increase to your Fishing skill. Make sure to bring plenty of these with you before you head out on a fishing trip or you may run out before you finish.
Shiny Bauble — + 25 Fishing for 10 minutes — Sold by most Trade and Fishing Supplies vendors.
Nightcrawlers — + 50 Fishing for 10 minutes — Sold by most Trade and Fishing Supplies vendors.
Bright Baubles — + 75 Fishing for 10 minutes — Sold by most Trade and Fishing Supplies vendors.
Aquadynamic Fish Attractor — + 100 Fishing for 10 minutes — Sold by most Fishing Supplies vendors in limited quantities.
Sharpened Fish Hook — + 100 Fishing for 10 minutes — High chance to drop from
Bag of Fishing Treasures.
Fishing Lines
There are two different fishing lines you can get to give your fishing pole an even higher bonus Fishing skill. If you get one of these rare items make sure to use it on the best fishing pole possible.
High Test Eternium Fishing Line — +5 Fishing — Reward from turning Dezian Queenfish into Fishbot 5000 during the Fishing Extravaganza.
Spun Truesilver Fishing Line — +5 Fishing — Small chance to drop from
Bag of Fishing Treasures
Fishing Dailies
In The Burning Crusade Classic, Fishing has 5 repeatable daily quests. Every day you will be able to grab one of five different quests from Old Man Barlo who can be found at the lake just north of Shattrath City in Terokkar Forest.
The five quests are:
- 30 May 2021: Guide added.
More TBC Content
This guide has been written by Abide, TBC veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina as Horde. You can find him in the the Icy Veins Discord. You can also see him live on Twitch.
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