Fury Warrior Leveling Guide From 1 to 70 for TBC Classic
Welcome to our Burning Crusade Classic Fury Warrior leveling guide. Here we will help guide you through your Fury Warrior's leveling journey toward Level 70. Make sure to use the sliders shown down below to have the guide update as you level up.
Fury Warrior Level-by-Level Rotation, Talents, and Trainer Skills
Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!
Leveling Talents
Your first talent unlocks at Level 10.
- Levels 10 to 14 — 5 points in
- Levels 14 to 19 — 5 points in
Unbridled Wrath.
Cruelty is a great damage increase,
especially early on as you will be spending a large part of your time only
Unbridled Wrath helps with some needed Rage
- Levels 20 to 23 — 4 points in
Commanding Presence.
- Level 24 — 1 point in
Piercing Howl.
- Levels 25 to 29 — 5 points in
Commanding Presence improves
the attack power gain from your
Battle Shout.
Piercing Howl is a great utility spell to pick up when you need
to slow multiple mobs down and escape.
Enrage is a bit
RNG-reliant, but offers a massive damage boost when it procs.
- Levels 30 & 31 — 2 points in
Weapon Mastery.
- Levels 32 & 33 — 2 points in
Dual Wield Specialization.
- Level 34 — 1 point in
Sweeping Strikes.
- Levels 35 to 39 — 5 points in
Weapon Mastery helps a bunch against
disarm effects and reduces the chance for your attacks to be dodged.
Only 2 points in
Dual Wield Specialization are taken for now
as there are better options coming up.
Sweeping Strikes
is a great cooldown if you are forced to fight multiple mobs at a time.
Flurry is a large DPS increase for you after you deal a critical
- Level 40 — 1 point in
- Levels 41 to 43 — 3 points in
- Levels 44 to 46 — 3 points in
Dual Wield Specialization.
- Levels 47 to 49 — 3 points in
Blood Craze.
This is where your leveling speed will really start
to ramp up. Bloodthirst is now your main damaging
Precision helps greatly as you most likely have
little-to-no Hit Rating currently. Finish off
Dual Wield Specialization
now to boost your off-hand weapon damage up. Finally we take
Blood Craze for some extra sustain whenever we get crit.
- Level 50: 1 point in
- Level 51 to 55 — 5 points in
- Levels 56 & 57 — 2 points in
Improved Charge.
- Levels 58 & 59 — 2 points in
Improved Thunder Clap.
Rampage gives us a nice, flat attack
power boost.
Deflection and
Improved Thunder Clap give us nice survivability boosts,
especially when fighting multiple mobs at once.
Improved Charge
helps us with some much needed rage when entering combat.
- Levels 60 — 1 point in
Improved Thunder Clap.
- Levels 61 to 62 — 2 points in
Improved Overpower.
- Levels 63 — 1 point in
Anger Management.
- Levels 64 & 66 — 3 points in
Deep Wounds.
- Levels 67 & 68 — 2 points in
- Levels 69 & 70 — 2 points in
Improved Execute.
- Level 70 — Congratulations on reaching Level 70! Respec to one of the end-game talent builds at the bottom of this guide.
Improved Overpower is a great damage
boost should your attacks ever be dodged.
Anger Management gives
you some extra rage; while
Impale and
Improved Execute aim to increase your damage dealt.
Leveling Rotation
Bloodrage to prevent your Rage from decaying between mobs.
Charge your enemy.
Rampage whenever you crit and maintain the buff for as long as possible. Try to refresh it before it falls off.
Overpower if any of your attacks are dodged.
Victory Rush any new enemies after killing previous ones.
Rend at the start of combat.
Heroic Strike all remaining Rage.
Execute any low-health enemies.
Bloodthirst whenever you have the Rage to use it.
Heroic Strike only if you have a large surplus of Rage.
Early Warrior levels are very lackluster when it comes
to abilities. Make sure you use Charge whenever possible
to generate extra rage. Keep
Battle Shout's buff up to
increase your damage, and use
Heroic Strike whenever you
have the Rage for it. Keep
Rend up on enemies for the
first few levels since you have no other abilities to use.
Train for Overpower at Level 12.
It deals damage to an enemy after one of your attacks is dodged. This attack
cannot be dodged or parried, making it a great early-game damaging ability.
Get Execute from the trainer at
Level 24. When an enemy reaches 20% health, you can use this to deal very high
damage to them based on how much Rage you have.
Bloodthirst at Level 40
finally gives you a main ability you can use at all times. This will greatly
increase your killing speed.
Rampage at Level 50 is a nice
damage spike, giving you a stacking Attack Power buff.
Victory Rush is very useful for chain
pulling while leveling. It essentially gives you a free attack after you get the
killing blow on an enemy.
List of Trainer Skills to Buy
Training spells can be rather expensive, especially if you try to learn every spell available to you. Here we'll give you a list of your top priority spells that you'll want to train so you know which ones you can avoid and save some money.
Rend — Do not train this past Rank 2 as the damage falls off greatly the higher you level.
Heroic Strike — Do not train this past Rank 5 because you will replace it with other abilities around this time.
Charge — Each rank up gives more Rage than the last, so it is worth getting.
Shield Bash — Do not train this past Rank 1 as you only need this for the interrupt while leveling.
Bloodrage — Great for generating Rage.
Battle Shout — Each rank gives you more Attack Power, so keep this one ranked up as high as possible.
Overpower — Great damage, especially in the early levels.
Retaliation — Can be used every 30 minutes to kill many mobs at one time.
Intimidating Shout — Useful to escape dangerous situations and PvP.
Cleave — Useful for AoEing multiple mobs down at a time.
Thunder Clap — You will want to keep this up to date as it makes the debuff last longer. It is useful for tanking dungeons or when fighting multiple mobs at a time.
Demoralizing Shout — Good for strong enemies or when fighting multiple monsters at a time.
Execute — Deals great damage to low-health enemies.
Berserker Rage — Useful to avoid being feared and increases the amount of Rage you gain from damage taken.
Bloodthirst — Since this is your main ability you will want to keep it max rank for your level.
Rampage — Every rank increase gives you more Attack Power.
Recklessness — Can be useful in some situations, such as killing an elite enemy.
Victory Rush — There is only one rank of this but make sure to pick it up as it essentially gives you a free attack.
Spell Reflection — Good to get for the defensive aspect in both PvE and PvP. Make sure you have a shield ready to equip to be able to use this ability.
Continue Improving at Level 70
Well done on hitting level 70 in Burning Crusade Classic! Now that your leveling process is over, you can learn more about Level-70 gameplay by reading our Fury Warrior Guide, which covers many different aspects of Fury Warrior's gameplay.
- 19 May 2021: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Abide, TBC veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina as Horde. You can find him in the the Icy Veins Discord. You can also see him live on Twitch.
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