Holy Paladin PvP Guide for TBC Classic
Welcome to the Holy Paladin PvP guide for TBC Classic. In this guide we will going over how to properly utilize your abilities and handle potential situations as a Holy Paladin in PvP.
Holy Paladin is one of the strongest single-target healing classes in the game and their burst healing potential in PvP is unmatched. In addition to their strong healing output they offer some of the best spells in the game to mitigate damage and buff allies.
Talent Build
The talent build listed above is a Holy-Protection hybrid that takes all of the
major healing bonuses and abilities from Holy, such as Holy Shock and
Divine Favor, while enhancing the abilities that are baseline for
Paladin. There are some points here that can be moved around for your personal
preference; the points spent in
Improved Concentration Aura can
easily be swapped into
Stoicism if you are more worried about
stuns than interrupts but please note that Holy Paladin is extremely susceptible
to being interrupted.
As a Holy Paladin in PvP your main focus will be on keeping your allies alive and mobile so they can deal damage. While the healing toolkit for Holy Paladin is fairly small, each of your three main heals are quite potent and utilizing them correctly offers some of the strongest single-target healing in the game. Holy Paladins are extremely susceptible to crowd-controlling effects and interrupts due to their very limited mobility and dependence on casting, so it is important to constantly be positioning yourself in a way that you can reach your allies but are at a distance from your foes.
Holy Shock is an instant-cast heal that does a massive burst
of healing. Holy Shock will be a significant portion of your healing and you
will likely be using it nearly on cooldown in PvP. It is important to note that
it can be quite costly so in lower periods of damage using one of your other
two heals may be more cost-effective.
Holy Light is a massive, but slow single-target heal. Holy
Light does a ton of healing but the cast for this, even with
Light's Grace maxed out, is quite long, leaving you very
vulnerable to being interrupted. It is important to keep track of your enemies'
positioning and interrupts so you can best understand what heal to be casting.
In a situation where you are confident you will not be interrupted this is by
far the most effective heal both in regard to Mana spent and healing output.
Flash of Light is a quick, inexpensive heal that does a
small amount of healing. Flash of Light is your spammable heal that you will
likely be casting the most out of your three major healing abilities. Using
Flash of Light can leave you vulnerable to being interrupted, but thanks to its
quick cast speed you can easily weave this in even if your enemy has an
interrupt available.
Utility Abilities
Paladin offers some of the best utility in the game, and taking full advantage of your utility is what really separates a good Paladin from a great one. When used correctly, Paladin has a response to almost every situation you could think of.
Blessing of Freedom is a great tool to keep you or your allies
mobile, removing all root and slow effects from whomever you cast it on. This is,
however, a Magic effect and able to be dispelled or spell-stolen, so you cannot
always depend on it.
Divine Shield is a complete immunity that clears most debuffs
from you. Using this can save your life or keep you offensive in a situation
where you are constantly being crowd-controlled. This effect can be dispelled by
Priests casting
Mass Dispel so it is important to keep this in
mind when playing against a Priest.
Cleanse is one of the strongest, if not the strongest, dispels
in the game. Removing one Magic, Poison, and Disease effect from your ally in PvP
is a massive advantage. Make sure you have this in a place you can easily use it,
as dispelling a crowd-controlling effect off your teammates could turn the tide
of any fight.
Blessing of Protection protects you or an ally with a shield
that grants immunity to all Physical damage and Physical effects. This can be used
to both stop damage or remove stuns such as
Kidney Shot. Keep in
mind that this is a Magic effect and can be dispelled or spell-stolen. If you
are fighting against a Mage it is a good idea to be ready to cancel the buff off
of yourself or you risk the Mage potentially stealing the shield.
Divine Favor guarantees a critical strike on your next healing
ability. This cooldown is best used in a situation where you need a lot of
healing quickly. In a situation where your ally is moments from dying, pairing
this with
Holy Shock can quickly return them to a safe amount of
health. When the enemy has already used all of their interrupts you can use it
Holy Light to top off your ally's health bar to keep you on
the offensive.
Hammer of Justice is a short-range stun that can be used as a
pseudo-interrupt if needed. Hammer of Justice is both great in an offensive
situation where you might need to shut down a spell or heal cast or in a
defensive one where you need to create distance or give yourself time to heal.
Turn Evil allows you to fear Undead or Demons. This is only
particularly useful against Warlocks but oftentimes crowd-controlling their pet
can have a major impact on the fight as their demons will not be able to use
their abilities while feared.
Righteous Fury reduces your damage taken by a flat 6% when
the buff is active, assuming you are talented into the improved version in the
Protection tree.
Consecration can be used to try and pull stealthed enemies out
of hiding, but it costs a lot of Mana so using Rank 1 is recommended for this.
It is not viable to use Consecration for damage due to the fact it is entirely
stationary and the Mana cost adds up very quickly.
Hammer of Wrath is your execute and deals massive damage to
targets below 20% health. If you are able to cast Hammer of Wrath you probably
As a Holy Paladin, Concentration Aura will be your go-to as it
reduces the spell pushback effects and even the duration of actual silences
if you were to get interrupted thanks to the
Improved Concentration Aura
As a Holy Paladin your largest focuses gearing- and enchant-wise will be Resilience, Stamina, and Bonus Healing. As Holy Paladins have extremely strong heals baseline, this means they typically have to cast less spells than other healers to maintain their allies' health and, due to their susceptibility to interrupts and crowd controlling effects, a large emphasis is put on making those heals as strong as possible.
Resilience is the largest source of damage mitigation you can get from stats. Resilience is a flat damage reduction from all sources and getting as much of this as possible especially early on can help you in most PvP situations. Holy Paladin heals do a lot of healing baseline so putting an emphasis on this stat is important.
Bonus Healing
Healing Power is your most important throughput stat as a Holy Paladin. The more Bonus Healing you have, the stronger your healing abilities will be. This both helps with healing larger amounts of damage faster and leaves you less vulnerable to interrupts and crowd-controlling effects.
Stamina increases your healthpool and especially early on there are times where the raw health added by certain pieces can make a major difference in your survivability.
Intellect increases the size of your Mana pool, increases your spell Crit Chance,
and, thanks to the talent Holy Guidance, grants Spell Damage and
healing by 35% of your total Intellect. Intellect is an extremely powerful stat
for Holy Paladins, and fortunately you will not often have to choose between
Intellect and the other stats listed here as it is a Primary stat.
Spell Critical Strike
Spell critical hits heal for 150% of what a normal cast would. The more Spell Crit rating you have, the more likely this is to occur, so this is basically free healing.
Spell Haste
Spell Haste makes your spell casts faster, allowing you to do more healing in a shorter time span. The quicker cast speed can be extremely beneficial in high-damage situations and will help you avoid interrupts.
The list linked below includes the best possible gear setup for a Holy Paladin in PvP and more details on the stat priority.
Holy Paladin Arena Teams and Compositions
When it comes to evaluating Holy Paladin's place within the Arena, we have created a number of guides devoted to listing a variety of popular team compositions which you can find below.
- 02 Aug. 2021: Guide created.
This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and current season and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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