Netherwing Reputation and Rewards Guide
The Netherwing is a Shadowmoon Valley-based faction in TBC. Most of the reputation with them is obtained by doing quests, through repeatable turn-ins and dailies.
The Netherwing offers the highly sought after Netherdrake mount.
Netherwing is a faction of Netherdrakes and almost all of their content is based in the southeastern Shadowmoon Valley, more specifically on Netherwing Ledge. Earning reputation with the Netherwing will allow you access to some of the game's most unique mounts in the Netherwing Drakes.
Earning Reputation
You will be introduced to the Netherwing faction at Hated reputation. The quests required to gain reputation are mostly done solo, but a few quests along the way will require you to enlist some help. You are required to be level 70 and have a flying mount to even begin this grind, as well as needing 300 Riding skill to advance past Neutral.
Hated to Neutral
You can begin your quest to gain reputation with the Netherwing by speaking to Mordenai, who can be found wandering around the Netherwing Fields located in the southeastern most corner of Shadowmoon Valley. He will give you series of quests that, upon completion, will grant you Neutral reputation with the Netherwing.
- Kindness
- Seek Out Neltharaku
- Neltharaku's Tale
- Infiltrating Dragonmaw Fortress
- To Netherwing Ledge!
- The Force of Neltharaku
- Karynaku
- Zuluhed the Whacked
- Ally of the Netherwing
Options After Achieving Neutral
After achieving Neutral reputation with the Netherwing, some options begin to open up as to how to further your reputation.
The main source of reputation gain will be quests and dailies that will
continue to unlock as you improve your reputation with the Netherwing, but you
may also search for Netherwing Eggs to gain even more reputation.
These are lootable in Netherdust Bushes, Nethercite deposits, almost all mobs on the Netherwing Ledge, very rarely spawning on the ground on the Netherwing Ledge, and dropping from Netherspite inside the Karazhan raid.
The first Netherwing Egg can be turned in to
Yarzill the Merc (to complete the The Great Netherwing Egg Hunt quest) for 350 reputation, and this turns unlocks the repeatable
Accepting All Eggs quest which rewards 250 reputation per
Neutral to Friendly
After finishing the chain started by the Kindness quest, you should receive another quest from Mordenai. In Service of the Illidari will disguise you and ask you to deliver a quest item to Overlord Mor'ghor; doing so will unlock several more one-time quests, as well as some dailies that will need to be completed to further your reputation past Neutral. Remember that you will need 300 Riding skill to advance past this point.
Each of the following quests are able to be completed once, but are important to supplement the amount of reputation required to advance past Neutral.
- Blood Oath of the Netherwing (250 reputation)
- Enter the Taskmaster (250 reputation)
- A Job Unfinished... (250 reputation)
- Your Friend On The Inside (250 reputation)
Daily quests are also very important to improving your reputation; the quests as the sources of gaining reputation with the Netherwing are very scarce and the amount required is very large.
- Nethercite Ore, Nethermine Flayer Hide, and Netherdust Pollen are all daily quests that are tied to your professions and will only be available to those who have the respective profession skills necessary for gathering the items.
- A Slow Death (250 reputation)
- The Not-So-Friendly Skies... (250 reputation)
- Netherwing Crystals (250 reputation)
Friendly to Honored
Upon reaching Friendly reputation,
Overlord Mor'ghor will award you with the Overseer's Badge item
to show your new status amongst the Dragonmaw. Several new one-time quests
will unlock once you have reached Friendly.
- Crazed and Confused (350 reputation)
- The Great Murkblood Revolt (850 reputation)
- Overseeing and You: Making the Right Choices (250 reputation)
You will also now have 3 additional daily quests, bringing your total amount of daily quests available to you now to 6 (7 if you have a profession that allows you to do one of the gathering quests). Each of these 3 new dailies grant 100 more reputation per completion than the quests you unlocked at Neutral.
- Picking Up The Pieces... (350 reputation)
- Dragons are the Least of Our Problems (350 reputation)
- The Booterang: A Cure For The Common Worthless Peon (350 reputation)
Honored to Revered
Once you have become Honored with the
Netherwing, Overlord Mor'ghor will give you the Captain's Badge
item, which is usable anywhere in Outland (unlike the
Overseer's Badge,
which is only usable in Shadowmoon Valley). It will also unlock two additional
quest chains you can complete for substantial reputation, and it unlocks
daily quest bringing us to a total of 7 (or 8 with the respective
profession quest) dailies as we approach the end of the grind.
- Earning Your Wings... is a six-part questline that grants you the
Skybreaker Whip unique item and 3200 reputation in total for all of the quests completed throughout the quest chain.
- The Soul Cannon of Reth'hedron will send you to Terokkar Forest to kill Flawless Arcane Elemental and acquire several trade goods in exchange for 1000 reputation.
- Disrupting the Twilight Portal will send you to Nagrand to kill any 20 Deathshadow Agents and give you 500 reputation upon completion.
Revered to Exalted
Overlord Mor'ghor will now grant you the final upgraded version of
the Commander's Badge and unlock both a new questline and a new
- Kill Them All! (Kill Them All!/Kill Them All!) has Overlord Mor'ghor send you to attack whichever of the Aldor or the Scryers that you chose to align yourself with. You are not actually going to attack your allies, but rather report it to your chosen Shattrath City faction leader in the follow-up quest in the chain. Finishing this chain will unlock the final daily for the Netherwing.
- The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid (The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid/The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid) is a quest that requires a group and will reward 500 reputation for completion.
Upon reaching Exalted with the Netherwing you will be tasked with completing two more quests, Bow to the Highlord and Lord Illidan Stormrage. When these are done, you will receive one of the Netherwing Drakes for free, with the ability to purchase the other remaining mounts from Drake Dealer Hurlunk, located on the Netherwing Ledge.
List of Mount Rewards
Each mount costs 200 gold.
Reins of the Cobalt Netherwing Drake
Reins of the Veridian Netherwing Drake
Reins of the Purple Netherwing Drake
Reins of the Onyx Netherwing Drake
Reins of the Azure Netherwing Drake
Reins of the Violet Netherwing Drake
- 29 May 2021: Guide created.
This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and current season and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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