Paladin Quests in TBC Classic
On this page we will discuss the important quests you will be able to take on as a Paladin in The Burning Crusade classic and the rewards they will give you.
The main and most important Paladin class quest is to get Redemption,
which is your resurrection ability. You can get the quest at Level 12, and then
follow the steps below depending on your race.
- Pick up the quest from Brother Wilhelm in Goldshire.
- Go to Stormwind to visit Duthorian Rall in the Cathedral.
- Read the tome he gives you, talk to him again, and go find Stephanie Turner in the Trade District.
- Bring her 10 Linen Cloth.
- Go back to the Cathedral and talk with Duthorian Rall, then Gazin Tenorm.
- Take the item he gives you to use on Henze Faulk in Elwynn forest, located on the island in the middle of the lake on the east side of the map.
- Kill a Defias Rogue Wizard for the Defias Script.
- Return to the Cathedral to talk to Duthorian Rall once more, and get
- Pick up the quest from Azar Stronghammer in Kharanos.
- Go to Tiza Battleforge in the Mystic Ward of Ironforge.
- Take her tome, read it, talk to her again, then find John Turner in the Commons.
- Bring him 10 Linen Cloth.
- Take his symbol and return to Tiza.
- Head out far east to find Narm Faulk on the southern most side of the lake on the eastern edge of the map.
- Kill a Dark Iron Spy for Dark Iron Script.
- Return to Tiza in Ironforge, and get
- Pick up the quest from Jol in Exodar
- Head to Bristlelimb Enclave in the south eastern edge of Bloodmyst Isle.
- Use the
Symbol of Life on the dead Young Furbolg Shaman
- Return to Jol in Exodar and get
Blood Elf
- Knight-Lord Bloodvalor will offer you the quest in Silvermoon City.
- Head to the Island on the south eastern border of Eversong Woods and the North eastern border of Ghostlands.
- Kneel at the brazier located inside of the small cave and kill the mob that spawns.
- Return to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor and he will give you a follow up to drain the power from the Naaru npc being held beneath the Paladin training area.
- Return to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor once more and get
Summon Charger
The Alliance version of this quest is considerably longer than the Horde version added in The Burning Crusade. Below is the list of materials that you will need for the Alliance version of this quest, and it is generally recommended to have these ready beforehand.
Alliance Charger Quest
The materials listed below are what will be required to complete the quest chain to obtain your Charger:
- At least 350g
- 6x
Arcanite Bar
- 10x
Arthas' Tears
- 1x
Azerothian Diamond
- 20x
Enriched Manna Biscuit
- 1x
Pristine Black Diamond
- 40x
- 5x
Stratholme Holy Water
The quest to get your Charger can be quite lengthy, but the effort you put in will save you a considerable amount of gold. Listed below is a step-by-step guide on how to complete the quest chain to get your Charger:
- Head to Duthorian Rall in Stormwind to get the quest Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker.
Talk to Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker to complete the quest, and to pick up
Emphasis on Sacrifice. From there, travel to Ironforge to find High Priest Rohan
in the Mystical Ward. You will need to buy
Rohan's Exorcism Censer for 150g. Once you have the Censer, pick up the new quest and return to Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker.
- Get the new quest Exorcising Terrordale, and go to the Eastern Plaguelands.
Travel to the northwest of the zone to begin the quest, which involves cleansing
the zone by using the
Exorcism Censer on the glowing green spots around Terrordale. Cleansing the spots will summon some spirits that you need to kill 25 of.
- Once you kill 25 spirits, return to Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker. Pick up the new quest The Work of Grimand Elmore. Go find Grimand Elmore in the Dwarven District. Turn in several of the materials from the shopping list above to Grimand Elmore, and he will give you the quest Grimand's Finest Work, which takes you back to Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker.
- Pick up Ancient Equine Spirit from Lord Grayson. This quest will take you
to Dire Maul, but first you should go to Southshore in the Hillsbrad Foothills
to find Merideth Carlson. Give her the
Enriched Manna Biscuit and 50g to get Manna-Enriched Horse Feed. You will need this later.
- Now travel to Dire Maul West. You will need a group to help you
clear the dungeon, eventually killing Tendris Warpwood. Once you kill Tendris,
a horse spirit will appear, and you can talk to it to get the quest
Blessed Arcanite Barding, which takes you back to Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker.
- Lord Grayson will give you a new quest that requires you to turn in the two gems from the list above. Once you turn them in, get the quest Judgment and Redemption. For this quest, you will need a 5 man group to help you clear Scholomance. Once you have a group, head to the dungeon.
- Clear your way through the dungeon until you reach Rattlegore. Clear
the room, including the boss, and then use the
Divination Scryer in the middle of the room. This was one of the items given to you by Lord Grayson. This will start an event that summons waves of enemies for your group to kill. Each wave has a mini boss that can be defeated by judging it with a specific seal combination.
- For wave 1, Banal Spirit will spawn. Use
Seal of Wisdom and
Judgement on it. For wave 2, Malicious Spirit will spawn. Use
Seal of Justice and
Judgement on it. For wave 3, Corrupted Spirit will spawn. Use
Seal of Righteousness and
Judgement on it. For wave 4, Shadowed Spirit will spawn. Use
Seal of Light and
Judgement on it.
- After you are done with all four waves, Death Knight Darkreaver will spawn.
Make sure to dispel his mind control targets, but otherwise just kill him quickly.
Once he is dead, loot the
Charger's Lost Soul and redeem it. Turn the quest in to the Fallen Charger that should have spawned, and you will be able to cast Summon Charger.
Horde Charger Quest
The materials listed below are what will be required to complete the quest chain to obtain your Charger:
- At least 350g
- 6
Arcanite Bars
- 10
- 5
Dark Rune
- 40
- 1
Azerothian Diamond
- 1
Pristine Black Diamond
The quest to get your Charger as a Blood Elf is considerably shorter than the Alliance version. Listed below is a step-by-step guide on what you will have to do to complete the quests:
- Knight-Lord Bloodvalor will give you the quest A Summons from Lord Solanar which will task you to speak to Lord Solanar Bloodwrath which is in the same room.
- Lord Solanar Bloodwrath will then give the quest A Gesture of Commitment
which he will then ask for 150g, 6
Arcanite Bars, 40
Runecloth, 10
Sungrass and 5
Dark Runes.
- The next quest Solanar will offer you will ask you to go to the Eastern Plaguelands where you will have to kill 15 Scourge Siege Engineers and destroy 3 Meat Wagons. When you have completed this quest return to Lord Solanar Bloodwrath in Silvermoon City.
- Upon returning to Solanar he will offer you another quest True Masters of the Light which will have you return to Eastern Plaguelands, specifically Tyr's hand to get a vial of holy water. The vial of Holy Water can be obtained by clicking an interactable item on a table inside of the northern most building in Tyr's Hand.
- The next quest also named True Masters of the Light will task you with
acquiring 1
Azerothian Diamond, 1
Pristine Black Diamond, 1
Arcane Catalyst and 1
Crepuscular Powder. The Arcane Catalyst can be purchased from Zalle for 50g in Silvermoon City and the Crepuscular Powder from Darlia for 150g.
- The final part of this quest will have you go to Stratholme and put out a brazier inside of the very first building on the right assuming you enter the Undead side of Stratholme via the service entrance. This will start an event where you have to kill a series of elites so a group is very helpful, completing this event finishes the quest and the chain.
Congratulations, you now have an epic mount!
- 03 Jun. 2021: Page added.
This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and current season and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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