TBC Classic Profession Guides
Professions allow players to gather items from the world and use them to create items and gear that can either be used by the player or traded to others.
In TBC Classic, there are 10 primary professions and 3 secondary professions.
Professions allow players to gather items from the world and use them to create items and gear that they can use or can be traded or sold to other players in the World of Warcraft.
In The Burning Crusade there are 10 primary professions and 3 secondary professions. Jewelcrafting was added with the release of The Burning Crusade expansion.
Leveling Professions in The Burning Crusade Classic.
To level your professions you will be required to partake in whatever activity is associated with your profession; If you want to level your herbalism you must pick herbs, if you want to level Jewelcrafting you must craft gems or pieces of gear.
As your skill level increases, the rate at which you can level up changes depending on the activity chosen. For any professions that use recipes of any kind, the recipes will be displayed in the profession window with a colour that corresponds with your skill level. As you increase your skill level, lower level recipes will change colour from Orange to Yellow to Green and, eventually, to Grey.
- Orange recipes will always grant a skill up when crafted unless you are at the maximum skill allowed for your level bracket or profession training level. Skining is the only profession that you are not guaranteed a skill up for skinning an orange mob.
- Yellow recipes will typically give you a skill level when crafted, but there is a chance that it will not.
- Green recipes will usually not give you a skill level when crafted so unless the recipe you are crafting is exceptionally cheap it is typically not worth crafting these if your intention is to level your profession skill.
- Grey recipes are too low of level and cannot grant skill ups.
The color of recipes will change as your profession skill rises so be careful of crafting too many of the same recipe if your intention is to level your profession as they will likely change color after several crafts.
For gathering professions you will see the color displayed on the tooltip of the node/mob that you wish to gather from. If it is Red then your skill level is too low and you will not be able to harvest from it.
Profession Ranks
When you first learn a profession, you will be an Apprentice of that skill and will be able to level it to 75. In order to level it further you will need to learn the next profession skill level from your profession's respective trainer.
The ranks and their requirements are listed below. In order to become a Master of a crafting profession you must be level 50, gathering Professions you can become a master at level 40.
Profession Rank | Skill Level Required/th> | Skill Level Cap | Required Character level |
Apprentice | N/A | 75 | 5 |
Journeyman | 50 | 150 | 10 |
Expert | 125 | 225 | 20 |
Artisan | 200 | 300 | 35 |
Master | 275 | 375 | 50/40 |
Types of Professions
There are multiple ways to categorise professions for The Burning Crusade Classic.
- Crafting professions — Using the materials used by gathering professions or drops throughout the world you can create powerful equippable gear, consumables or items for yourself or other players.
- Gathering professions — These professions are mainly used to gather in the open world and are often used as reagents for other professions.
- Primary professions — These are the professions that take up a primary slot for players, you can only have two primary professions at a time per character.
- Service professions — These professions do not create new items but enhance and modify existing items that you or another player may have. These require you to directly interact with a character, whether it is your own or somebody else.
- Secondary professions — there is no restriction on which secondary professions you can learn. You can learn all three.
Listed below we have sorted professions into their assigned categories, based on their status as primary or secondary professions and their utilization in game.
Crafting Professions
Alchemy (Primary)
Alchemy allows players to use herbs and various other reagents in specific vials to create a variety of potions, flasks and other consumables that can be used to bolster your power in combat. At higher levels of Alchemy players will even be able to transmute materials.
Herbalism is a strong compliment to Alchemy if you choose it as one of your primary professions as herbs are the main component to most Alchemy recipes.
Blacksmithing (Primary)
Blacksmiths can craft powerful weapon and armor for plate and mail wearers. With a much larger emphasis on specializations in The Burning Crusade classic Blacksmithing can craft some of the best pieces of gear in the game for plate wearers and most physical DPS.
Mining is a strong compliment to Blacksmithing if you choose it as one of your primary professions as bars are the main component to most Blacksmithing recipes.
Cooking (Secondary)
Cooking is a secondary profession that allows you to craft food that can grant many unique and powerful buffs. Since cooking is a secondary profession anyone can learn it and everyone should. The reagents required for cooking are typically found from killing mobs so there is no other profession required to effectively level your own cooking, however Fishing is a strong compliment as there are some recipes that require reagents that can only be gathered by fishing.
Engineering (Primary)
While Engineering is a crafting profession you do not craft in the same way that most other professions do, the vast majority of the items you will be crafting with Engineering are situationally useful gadgets, items that can help you in specific combat situations and general quality of life improvements.
There are two different specializations for Engineering, Gnomish
(Gnomish Engineer) and Goblin (
Goblin Engineer).
Goblin puts a focus on bombs while Gnomish puts an emphasis on utility. There
are no game breaking patterns in The Burning Crusade that will force you to one
specialization so choose based on your personal preference.
Mining is a strong compliment to Engineering if you choose it as one of your primary professions as bars and stones are the main components to most Engineering recipes.
Leatherworking (Primary)
Leatherworking allows players to create powerful Leather and Mail armor as well as item enhancements for specific gear slots that no other profession can offer. Leatherworking has three specilizations, your specilization in The Burning Crusade can be quite important as there are many items that are bound to you as soon as you craft them.
Elemental Leatherworking focuses on Leather Agility items.
Tribal Leatherworking focuses on Leather Intellect items.
Dragonscale Leatherworking focuses on Mail items
Skining is a strong compliment to Leatherworking if you choose it as one of your primary professions as Leather is the main components to most Leatherworking recipes.
Tailoring (Primary)
Tailoring allows players to create powerful cloth armor as well as item enhancements for specific gear slots that can other profession can offer. Specializations were added to Tailoring in The Burning Crusade, choosing your specialization is important but it is easy to change. Each change will cost you 150g and you will lose access to any specialization specific recipes.
Shadoweave Tailoring offers a set that increases your Frost and Shadow damage.
Mooncloth Tailoring offers a set that increases your healing and mana regeneration.
Spellfire Tailoring offers a set that will increase your spell damage and crit strike rating.
Tailoring is almost entirely independent of any other profession as the primary component for most tailoring recipes is cloth which drops from humanoids throughout all of Azeroth and Outland.
Jewelcrafting (Primary)
Jewelcrafting is a new profession added in The Burning Crusade and allows the ability to create Gems that grant stat bonuses into gear that has sockets. Jewelcrafting can also craft powerful pieces of equipment to fill the Neck, Ring and Trinket slots.
Mining is a strong compliment to Jewelcrafting if you choose it as one of your primary professions as you will be prospecting Ore to get the gems you will need for your Jewelcrafting.
Gathering Professions
Fishing (Secondary)
Fishing allows players to catch fish in the waters of Azeorth and Outland as well as various treasures from wreckage.
Cooking is a strong compliment to fishing as many of the fish you catch while leveling your fishing skill will go to waste if not used to level your cooking.
Herbalism (Primary)
Herbalism allows players harvest herbs throughout Azeorth and Outland that can be used in powerful consumables.
Alchemy is a strong compliment to Herbalism as it allows you to craft powerful consumables to bolster your stats for combat.
Mining (Primary)
Mining allows players to mine ore and gems from veins found throughout Azeroth and Outland. While leveling Mining you will also learn the ability to smelt ore into bars.
Jewelcrafting, Blacksmithing and Engineering are all strong compliments to Mining as they will fully utilize the materials you harvest while mining from nodes.
Skinning (Primary)
Skinning allows players to skin corpses of certain monsters throughout Azeroth and Outland to obtain leather and scales.
Leatherworking is a strong compliment to Skinning as it fully utilizes the materials you will harvest while skinning.
Service Professions
Enchanting (Primary)
Enchanting allows players to bolster the equipment they already have with powerful enchantments that add stats to specific pieces of gear.
Enchanting is unique in that the materials used for Enchanting cannot be gathered by traditional means but you get the dust, shards and crystals that you need by disenchanting items of uncommon quality or higher.
Enchanting is a strong compliment to any other crafting profession because you are able to disenchant anything you craft that you may not end up using or needing, effectively recycling the materials into enchanting materials.
First Aid
First aid allows for players to craft bandages that heal damage over time using a channeled effect as well as consumables that can remove poison effects from your character. First Aid is extremely strong especially on classes that lack the ability to heal.
Other Professions
Lockpicking allows Rogue players to unlock doors, chests and lockboxes to allow access to the treasures inside.
This profession is leveled by picking locks throughout the world, the skill cap is determined by your characters current level.
Riding skill is what allows players to use mounts. Unlike other professions you cannot level up this skill by training but you will learn the different levels of riding for set amounts of gold.
- Apprentice Riding which grants 60% ground mount speed will cost 35 gold.
- Journeyman Riding which grants 100% ground mount speed will cost 600 gold.
- Expert Riding which grants 60% flying mount speed will cost 800 gold.
- Artisan riding which grants 280% flying mount speed will cost 5000 gold.
- 31 May 2021: Guide added.
In The Same Category
This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and current season and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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