TBC Classic Protection Paladin Spec, Builds, and Talents
On this page, you will find out the best PvE talent choices and builds for your Protection Paladin in TBC Classic.
Talent Builds for Protection Paladin
Protection Paladin talents focus on maximizing survivability and damage to help with threat generation.
Leveling Builds
If you were looking for a leveling-oriented build, please refer to our Paladin leveling guide.
Talent Build
There are two main talent builds for Protection Paladins in the Burning Crusade
classic expansion, the first one linked is largely focused on survivability and
will help ease into things until you are more geared and confident with your
ability to survive each encounter. There are some flexible points in this build,
specifically the ones placed in Spell Warding and
Pursuit of Justice.
These talent points can be moved around either into more parry from
some cooldown reduction in
Guardian's Favor or even maxing out the move speed
bonus from Pursuit of Justice.
The second of the two talent builds is focused entirely on maximizing damage
and threat in exchange for losing a fair amount of survivability. This build is
only worth using if you know you will not be playing with a Retribution Paladin
as it invests a considerable amount of points into the Retribution talent tree
with the intention of getting Sanctity Aura which a Retribution
would take without losing out on anything to get it.
Important Protection Paladin Talents
Protection Tree
Redoubt greatly increases your chance to block when this buff
is active, helping greatly with survivability and mitigating damage especially in
lower gear levels.
Improved Righteous Fury acts as a flat damage reduction and
greatly increases your threat generation when the
Righteous Fury
buff is active.
Blessing of Kings is a powerful buff that benefits some classes
and specs more than any other blessing Paladins are able to offer.
Shield Specialization increases the amount absorbed by your blocks,
synergizing exceptionally well with other talents like
Blessing of Sanctuary is a situationally useful buff that
reduces all incoming damage and returns damage to mobs dealing physical damage
to the Protection Paladin. This buff is especially useful against large groups of
melee attackers.
Sacred Duty increases your total stamina by 6%, reduces the cooldown
Divine Shield by 60 seconds and removes the attack speed penalty
of Divine Shield
One-Handed Weapon Specialization increases all your damage dealt
when a one-handed weapon is equipped, not just your attacks but all spells benefit.
Holy Shield increases your chance to block by 30% and returns damage
to physical attackers, this damage that is dealt causes an additional 35% threat making
it considerably easier to maintain threat on melee mobs that are attacking the Paladin.
Ardent Defender reduces all damage taken when below 35%, this helps
greatly in situations where bosses are dealing large amounts of damage but also against
large groups of smaller mobs where you are constantly taking damage.
Combat Expertise increases your expertise and your total stamina.
This expertise allows you to focus your gearing towards other stats than expertise.
Avenger's Shield is a strong tool to pull mobs, slow and deal damage
to mobs that may be at range until you can close the gap.
Retribution Tree
Benediction reduces the cost of your Seals and Judgement ability. These
are two of the spells you will cast the most so the Mana cost reduction is very noticeable.
Improved Seal of the Crusader turns an already powerful personal debuff
on the mob into something that benefits the entire party by making critical strikes
more likely against mobs affected by this debuff.
Pursuit of Justice gives a small chance you will completely avoid
some spells as well as increasing your movement speed, one of Paladin's largest
weaknesses is their lack of mobility so any added movement speed is huge.
Crusade is a flat damage increase against Humanoids, Demons, Undead
and Elementals which covers almost every mob you will encounter in Outland.
Sanctity Aura becomes your go-to aura because of the massive
increase it does to your holy damage. If you are playing with a Retribution Paladin
you are likely better suited to use another aura if you are specced into Sanctity.
- 25 May 2021: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and current season and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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