Restoration Shaman TBC Pre-Patch BiS Gear Guide
On this page, you will find the best in slot items for your Restoration Shaman during the pre-patch of the Burning Crusade.
Gearing Strategy for Restoration Shamans in the TBC Classic Pre-patch
While this list focuses on the best gear possible for established players, the time available to gear up within the pre-patch for newly boosted or leveled characters is extremely short, and as such your best bet if you are part of that group is to spam queue PvP for good gear that is also easy to get.
You may also want to complement that gear with our Classic era pre-raid best in slot list, which has plenty of strong options that do not require a large raid group to obtain.
TBC Classic Pre-patch Restoration Shaman Best in Slot
The tier 2 three-piece bonus is heavily nerfed from 30% extra Chain Heal
healing from jumps to just 5% in the TBC Classic pre-patch and is no longer worth
sacrificing stats for.
Shamans Tier 3, The Earthshatterer is a pure healing set, and has almost perfect itemization in all pieces, making it a great set to use for its stats alone. You will also gain:
- 2 pieces: Reduces the mana cost of your totem spells by 12%. This is a decent Mana gain when you are replacing your totems often in speed runs or while Totem Twisting.
- 4 pieces: Increases the mana gained from your
Mana Spring Totem by 25%. The more uptime you have on your Mana Spring totem, the more benefit you gain from this bonus, but it will always represent a small mana gain, regardless.
- 6 pieces: Your
Healing Wave and
Lesser Healing Wave spells have a chance to imbue your target with Totemic Power. This means a 10% chance to buff 28 Mp5 on Shamans, Priests, Druids and Paladins, 80 Spell Damage on Mages and Warlocks, 140 Attack Power on Rogues and Hunters and 700 Armor on Warriors. These buffs are great, but the proc rate is low and you should be using
Chain Heal for the most part, limiting its benefit.
- 8 pieces: Your
Lightning Shield spell also grants you 15 mana per 5 sec. while active. This is a solid bonus with 100% uptime, but using 8 pieces of Tier 3 will prevent you from using the exceptional Tier 2 chain heal 3 piece bonus, which is generally not recommended.
In order to make the best use out of long cooldown trinkets, such as Zandalarian Hero Charm
Scarab Brooch, swap them into your gear set when they are off-cooldown
and replace them with others during their cooldown.
Slot | Item | Source |
Helm |
Neck | ||
Shoulders |
Back | ||
Chest |
Wrists |
Hands |
Belt | ||
Legs |
Boots |
Rings | ||
Trinkets |
Two-Hand |
One-Hand |
Off-hand |
Relic |
Other Top Pre-patch Gear for Restoration Shamans
While the list above contains the absolute best gear setup, you are unlikely to quickly gather all of it. We provide more options below, some which are very close to the best and some which are just much easier to get!
- 23 May 2021: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, original Burning Crusade player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Shaman (as Woah) and Druid Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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