TBC Classic Retribution Paladin Spell Summary
On this page, we present you with all spells and procs that you need to understand as a Retribution Paladin in TBC Classic.
Paladins offer unique buffs called blessings, there are six different
Blessing buffs in the game, each situationally useful and all of them very powerful.
You can only have one active blessing per Paladin, you would need six
total paladins to cover every buff. For each Blessing there exists
the normal version and the greater version, such as Blessing of Might and
Greater Blessing of Might. Both versions give the exact same buff, but the
greater version will cast on all members of the targeted class in the raid. In
addition, the greater version lasts 30 minutes whereas the normal version only
lasts 10 minutes. However, greater blessings require a reagent to cast.
Some Blessings also have talents that can improve them. Greater Blessing of Might
for instance has
Improved Blessing of Might in the Retribution talent tree,
so if you are in charge of using a specific blessing, it is important to consider
if you have the improved version talented.
Greater Blessing of Might: a buff that gives attack power.
Greater Blessing of Wisdom: a buff that gives Mana regeneration in the form of Mp5.
Greater Blessing of Kings: a buff that increases your primary stats by 10%.
Greater Blessing of Light: a buff that makes you take more healing from
Holy Light and
Flash of Light.
Greater Blessing of Salvation: a buff that reduces your threat generated by 30%.
Paladin's auras offer many different situationally useful buffs to party members. Paladins can only have one aura active at a time and have a somewhat short range (30 yards) but can be extremely strong in specific situations.
Like blessings, there are improved versions of some auras. If you know that
you will be using a specific aura in raids, it can be very worthwhile to spend
the talent points into its improved version, such as Improved Devotion Aura.
Retribution Aura: an aura that causes you to reflect some holy damage back when attacked.
Devotion Aura: an aura that gives armor.
Concentration Aura: an aura that gives a chance for anyone casting to avoid pushback when they take damage.
Shadow Resistance Aura: an aura that gives shadow resistance.
Frost Resistance Aura: an aura that gives frost resistance.
Fire Resistance Aura: an aura that gives fire resistance.
Sanctity Aura: increases holy damage done by 10%; this is a late Retribution talent.
Crusader Aura: increases your mounted movement speed by 20%.
Paladin's seals are a unique buff that they are only able to cast of themselves.
Each seal has a unique effect while the buff is active on the Paladin. Seals
are also able to be unleashed by casting Judgement causing
unique effects applying debuffs or dealing extra damage.
Seal of Justice — You have a chance to stun for 2 seconds when you attack. When unleashed, your target will be unable to flee for 10 seconds, and attacking will refresh the 10-second timer.
Seal of the Crusader — Gives you attack power and attack speed, but lowers your damage per attack. When unleashed you put a debuff on the target that makes them take more holy damage.
Seal of Blood — Each auto-attack deals 35% of your weapon damage as holy damage but 10% of this damage is dealt back to the Paladin. Unleashing this seal will deal additional holy damage, 33% of which will be dealt back to the Paladin.
Seal of Vengeance — Grants a chance for each auto-attack to apply a debuff that can stack up to 5 times. Each stack of the debuff will cause the damage over time effect to become more powerful and unleashing the judgement deals higher damage depending on the number of stacks of the debuff present on the mob.
Seal of Righteousness — Causes you to deal a flat amount of additional holy damage per attack, and when unleashed will deal a burst of holy damage to the target.
Seal of Wisdom — Causes your melee attacks to sometimes restore Mana. When unleashed, puts a debuff on the target that lets anyone who attacks the target to sometimes restore Mana.
Seal of Command — Causes you to sometimes deal holy damage when you attack, calculated based on your weapon damage. When unleashed, you will deal a burst of holy damage to the target.
Seal of Light — Causes your melee attacks to sometimes restore health. When unleashed, puts a debuff on the target that lets anyone who attacks the target to sometimes restore health.
Blessing of Freedom — Makes the target immune to roots and other movement impairing effects for 10 seconds.
Divine Protection — A shield that causes you to be immune to all physical attacks for 8 seconds, but you cannot attack during this time. This also procs a 1-minute debuff that makes you unable to cast your other immunities during that time.
Blessing of Protection — A shield that causes your target to be immune to all physical attacks for 10 seconds, but they cannot attack during that time. This also procs a 1-minute debuff that makes you unable to cast you other immunities during that time.
Divine Intervention — You sacrifice yourself to place a 2-minute shield on a target, making them invulnerable but unable to move or use abilities while inside the shield. This is mainly used as a wipe recovery tool in raids to ensure someone will stay alive.
Divine Shield — A shield that causes you to be immune to all attacks and spells for 12 seconds and slows your attack speed drastically while the shield is active. This also procs a 1-minute debuff that makes you unable to cast your other immunities during that time.
Lay on Hands — Instantly heals your target for a massive amount and gives them some Mana, but drains all of your Mana.
Blessing of Sacrifice — A 30-second buff that transfers some of the damage taken by the target to you while active.
Avenging Wrath — A 20-second buff that increases the damage dealt by the Paladin by 30% for 20 seconds. This also procs a 1-minute debuff that makes you unable to cast you other immunities during that time.
Healing Spells
Holy Light — A strong heal with a longer cast time and a higher Mana cost.
Flash of Light — A fast, efficient heal that does less but has a lower Mana cost.
Spiritual Attunement: When healed the Paladin receives 10% of the total healed back as Mana as well as healing.
Righteous Defense: Redirect threat off of a friendly target taunting up to 3 mobs off of a party member..
Crusader Strike: A powerful physical attack that deals 110% of weapon damage to the target.
Repentance: An instant cast crowd controlling spell that incapacitates the target for six seconds, only works against Humanoids and is broken by any damage.
Judgement: Unleashes your current seal on the target. See the list of Seals for the possible effects.
Purify: Cleanses the target, removing 1 disease and 1 poison.
Righteous Fury: Increases your threat generation when toggled.
Sense Undead: Tracks all nearby undead, putting them on your minimap.
Cleanse: Cleanses the target, removing 1 disease, 1 poison, and 1 magic effect.
Turn Undead: Fears an undead target.
Turn Evil: Fears an undead or demon target.
Hammer of Justice: Stuns the target for 6 seconds on a 1-minute cooldown.
Consecration: Drops a zone of Holy energy beneath you, dealing Holy damage every second for 8 seconds to any enemy standing in it.
Exorcism: Deals a burst of Holy damage to an undead or demon target.
Hammer of Wrath: Deals a burst of Holy damage to low health targets.
Holy Wrath: Deals an AoE burst of Holy damage to any undead or demon target nearby.
Redemption: A 10-second cast that will resurrect a friendly, dead player as long as you are not in combat.
- Summon Warhorse: Paladins get class mounts, which means you can learn this at level 30 for a free mount. This is extremely useful early on since you are guaranteed while leveling and will not need to worry about saving 100 gold.
- Summon Charger: This is your level 60 mount, and will be cheaper to get than the standard epic mount. You will need to complete a longer quest with some expensive materials to get this mount.
- 25 May 2021: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and current season and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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