TBC Classic Guide to Rogues' Best Macros
Welcome to our Macros guide for Rogues where you will find out what the best macros are for your Rogue in TBC Classic.
While this is not an exhaustive list of all possible / useful macros, we will be including many useful and popular macros to help make your life as a Rogue easier. Feel free to replace many of the macros and spells with spells of your liking.
TBC Classic Rogue Macros
Sap Macro
- #showtooltip Sap
- /stopattack
- /cleartarget
- /targetenemyplayer [noexists,nocombat,nodead]
- /cast [exists,nocombat,nodead] Sap
This is a popular Sap macro that auto targets the nearest
enemy not in combat and saps them. It is a spammable macro that you can use to
Sap a target before you have a chance to even target them.
Weapon Swap Macros
- /equipslot 17 [WeaponNameHere]
This is a great macro for swapping Off-Hand weapons. It is recommended to have multiple hotkeys to swap to multiple different Off-Hands for Poisons. Use "/equipslot 16" to make similar macros for your Main Hand weapon.
- #showtooltip Shiv
- /equipslot [nomodifier] 17 [Main Off-Hand]
- /equipslot [modifier:alt] 17 [Off-Hand 2]
- /equipslot [modifier:shift] 17 [Off-Hand 3]
- /equipslot [modifier:ctrl] 17 [Off-Hand 4]
- /cast Shiv
- /startattack
Alternatively, if you prefer all-in-one macros with modifiers, this is also another option.
Focus Macros
- #showtooltip Kick
- /cast [target=focus] Kick
You can simply replace Kick with other abilities like
Shiv, or
Sap. You can also make combined macros like the next two.
- /cast [target=focus] Shadowstep
- /cast [target=focus] Kick
- /cast Vanish
- /cast [target=focus] Cheap Shot
Misc Rogue Macros
Vanish + Start Attack
- #showtooltip Vanish
- /cast Vanish
- /startattack
Cloak of Shadows + Vanish
- /cast Cloak of Shadows
- /cast Vanish
Sinister Strike + Start Attack
- #showtooltip Sinister Strike
- /cast Sinister Strike
- /startattack
All-in-One DPS Macro
- #showtooltip Blade Flurry
- /cast [Racial Here]
- /cast Blade Flurry
- /use Haste Potion
- /use [Trinket Name]
Generally, most trinkets and racials will line up together with 2-minute
cooldowns (Blood Fury,
Bloodlust Brooch, etc). So, this is a
great macro to use that can activate all your 2-minute abilities together.
Adrenaline Rush and
Blade Flurry are both on
the GCD, you will have to activate
Adrenaline Rush separately.
TBC Classic Rogue Addons
Macros are very important in making your character play as smoothly as possible, but so are addons, and for this reason we recommend that you also read our Rogue Addons page.
- 11 Jun. 2021: Page added.
More TBC Content
This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and current season and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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