TBC Classic Phase 3 Overview (Everything New Coming in Phase 3 / Tier 6)
The following guide covers everything new about Phase 3 in TBC Classic.
When Will Phase 3 of TBC Go Live?
Phase 3 will be going live on the week of January 17, 2022, with its new raids unlocking on January 27th.
New Content in Phase 3 of TBC
- Tier 6 Raids: Black Temple and Hyjal Summit, along with their own unique reputations.
- Arena Season 3.
- Epic gems, such as the
Delicate Crimson Spinel.
- Netherwing daily quests, and the Nether Drake mounts that come with being Exalted with the Netherwing reputation in Shadowmoon Valley.
Tier 6 Raids
The biggest addition in Phase 3 of TBC will be the tier 6 raids, Black Temple
and Hyjal Summit. These are both iconic raids in the TBC expansion,
in part because of the addition of the coveted Warglaive of Azzinoth/
Warglaive of Azzinoth that drop from Illidan Stormrage.
Below are links to our guides for these new raids along with their attunements.
We have also created a separate guide dedicated to maximizing your Shadow Resistance for some of these raids' encounters, along with guides to help out in determining loot priority.
New Best in Slot Gear
With a new tier comes new gear for players to acquire. Below are links to our updated BiS lists for the new content.
Ranged DPS
Melee DPS
Class Role Rankings
If you are interested in what classes are strong for tier 6 raids, check out our PvE tier lists linked below.
Arena Season 3
Phase 3 will also see the launch of the new arena season. If you are interested in what is strong for season 3, check out our PvP rankings linked below.
New Reputations and Rewards
Finally, the highly-anticipated Nether Drakes will be available to farm in-game. For more information on how to obtain the mounts, check out our guide linked below.
In addition, there are two new reputations associated with the new raids of Phase 3: The Scale of the Sands, and the Ashtongue Deathsworn. These reputations will provide access to powerful new Jewelcrafting designs and unique class trinkets.
- 13 Jan. 2022: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Impakt, an Officer in BDGG, the #2 North American guild on retail. In addition to live WoW, he has also been a TBC theorycrafter and enthusiast for many years. You can watch him stream on Twitch, or follow him on Twitter.
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