Tempest Keep Raid Guides
Tempest Keep is one of the two raids that make up Tier 5 and includes one of Warcraft's most iconic characters, Kael'thas Sunstrider. Tempest Keep is a 25-player raid that is located on the eastern side of the Netherstorm. With the most recent update to The Burning Crusade Classic you are no longer required to become attuned to Tempest Keep to enter the instance, but completing the quest line that was formerly required will grant you the unique title "Hand of A'dal". Make sure to check out our Tempest Keep Attunement guide to be able to quickly navigate through the quest chain!
Tempest Keep is a 25-player, 4-boss raid located in Netherstorm and is a part of the second tier of content available as within Phase 2 of The Burning Crusade Classic.
Tempest Keep Attunement
With the most recent change to The Burning Crusade Classic you are no longer required to become attuned to Tempest Keep to enter the instance, but completing the quest line that was formerly required will still grant you the unique title "Hand of A'dal". Listed below is our in-depth guide on the quest chain and how to complete it.
Tempest Keep Entrance Location
Tempest Keep is the center-most instance of the floating buildings on the far eastern side of Netherstorm. You will either need flying or to be summoned to be able to enter the instance.
Tempest Keep Trash Mobs
Tempest Keep is filled with trash mobs that can be quite dangerous if not managed correctly. Below we will include the most deadly mobs and how you should handle each of them.
Bloodwarder Legionnaire
Bloodwarder Legionnaires are common throughout the instance but will take the lowest kill priority in every trash pack. These mobs can be easily handled by tanking them outside of the group and away from any other player.
Star Scryer
Star Scryers can also be found in most packs of trash throughout
Tempest Keep, these are generally a low kill priority but it is important to be
aware of who gets mind controlled by their Domination and that the
knockback from
Arcane Blast does not pull any additional track packs.
Bloodwarder Vindicator
Bloodwarder Vindicator are a high-priority kill target that should
either be the first mob you kill to minimize the healing they are able to do with
Flash of Light or the second if you are confident in your group's ability
to interrupt or stun them on each cast.
Astromancer should be a high-priority kill target as they deal
massive damage to the raid with their Fireball Volley ability. It is
important that they are either crowd controlled or killed quickly.
Crystalcore Sentinel
Crystalcore Sentinels can be found in either hallway behind the
room where the Al'ar boss fight takes place. The
Overcharge ability can have a Warrior's
Spell Reflection used on it.
Charged Arcane Explosion
deals massive damage to the raid but has a four-second cast and is not cast
Crystalcore Mechanic
Crystalcore Mechanics are found only in Void Reaver's
room on the Western end of the Tempest Keep raid instance. Mechanics will cast
Recharge on the constructs in the room attempting to heal them.
Interrupting this, focusing them down first, or
Banishing is the
best way to deal with this. They will also shoot out
Saw Blades in a
cone in front of them dealing damage and applying a damage-over-time effect to
anyone inside of this cone.
Tempest-Smith should be a high-priority kill target as each of their
three abilities can cause major damage or even lead to deaths if not handled
properly. Shell Shock will target a random raid member, dealing Fire
damage and stunning everyone within 3 yards of the attack.
Fragmentation Bomb will reduce the Armor of everyone within 10 yards
of its target and deal Fire damage.
Power Up is a channeled spell on
one of the constructs in the room. If the 10-second channel is completed the
construct's damage will be increased by 50%.
Crystalcore Devastator
Crystalcore Devastators can become dangerous if they are being healed
by the Crystalcore Mechanic's Recharge ability or
have their damage buffed by Tempest-Smith's
Power Up, but
otherwise their knockback ability can lead to accidentally pulling an extra
Bosses in Tempest Keep
Recent Instance Nerfs
Leading up to the release of Phase 3 of The Burning Crusade Classic, many of the health values in the Tempest Keep raid have been reduced. Listed below are the most notable changes you are likely to experience.
- Al'ar's health has gone from 3,414,600 to 3,035,200 (11.11% reduction)
- High Astromancer Solarian's health has gone from 4,552,500 to 3,035,000 (33.33% reduction)
- Kael'thas Sunstrider's health has gone from 6,070,000 to 3,642,000 (40% reduction)
- Thaladred the Darkener's health has gone from 758,800 to 273,168 (64% reduction)
- Master Engineer Telonicus's health has gone from 758800 to 273,168 (64% reduction)
- Grand Astromancer Capernian's health has gone from 531,100 to 191,196 (64% reduction)
- Lord Sanguinar's health has gone from 758,800 to 273,168 (64% reduction)
- 14 Dec. 2021: Updated to reflect recent nerfs.
- 02 Sep. 2021: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and current season and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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