The Mag'har Reputation and Rewards Guide

Last updated on May 26, 2021 at 12:41 by Sellin 3 comments

The Mag'har is a Horde-only Nagrand-based faction in TBC. Most of the reputation with them is obtained by killing Ogres in Nagrand, as well as by doing quests and through repeatable turn-ins.

The Mag'har offers a variety of powerful pre-raid items, as well as many profession patterns, as well as a desirable talbuk mounts.



The Mag'har are a group of Orcs that can be found in both Hellfire Peninsula and Nagrand. Gaining reputation with the Mag'har is exclusive to the Horde, and doing so will allow you access to the unique Talbuk mounts and some useful Leatherworking and Alchemy recipes.


Gaining Reputation

Horde players will begin at Unfriendly reputation and the only way to initially gain reputation is to complete the The Assassin questline in Hellfire Peninsula, which will get you to Neutral and allow access to more quests in Nagrand.

Quests are not the only way to gain reputation, however. Once you have achieved Neutral standing, you will be able to kill Ogres and Kil'sorrow mobs in Nagrand all the way to Exalted. Warbeads can be turned in repeatedly as well, all the way to Exalted, as explained in the sub-section below.




Hellfire Peninsula

There are only a few quests in Hellfire Peninsula that will grant you reputation with the Mag'har, but it is required to get from Unfriendly to Neutral, which unlocks the bulk of their quests in Nagrand. You must complete The Assassin questline which begins in Thrallmar.




Mobs and Warbeads

In order to reach Exalted with the Kurenai you will be tasked with killing Ogres, Kil'sorrow agents, and turning in Warbeads, since the quests listed above will only get you roughly to Revered. Ogres throughout the zone can all drop Warbeads, while Kil'sorrow NPCs cannot.

Upon reaching Friendly standing with the Mag'har, Obsidian Warbeads can be turned in to Warden Bullrok to complete the Proving Your Strength quest, which then turns into a repeatable version of itself (More Warbeads!). 10 Warbeads are required for each turn in, and this rewards you with 500 reputation.

Note that these same Warbeads can be turned in for reputation with The Consortium.


Reputation Rewards

Provisioner Nasela is the Mag'har quartermaster and can be found outside of a hut in southwestern Garadar.

Reputation Item Cost
Friendly Pattern: Netherfury Belt Icon Pattern: Netherfury Belt 12 Gold
Honored Pattern: Netherfury Leggings Icon Pattern: Netherfury Leggings 12 Gold
Honored Pattern: Drums of Restoration Icon Pattern: Drums of Restoration 16 Gold
Honored Pattern: Drums of Speed Icon Pattern: Drums of Speed 16 Gold
Honored Pattern: Reinforced Mining Bag Icon Pattern: Reinforced Mining Bag 5 Gold
Revered Tempest Leggings Icon Tempest Leggings 6 Gold
Revered Band of Ancestral Spirits Icon Band of Ancestral Spirits 18 Gold
Revered Talbuk Hide Spaulders Icon Talbuk Hide Spaulders 4 Gold
Revered Pattern: Netherfury Boots Icon Pattern: Netherfury Boots 12 Gold
Revered Recipe: Transmute Primal Fire to Earth Icon Recipe: Transmute Primal Fire to Earth 8 Gold
Exalted Mag'har Tabard Icon Mag'har Tabard 1 Gold
Exalted Earthcaller's Headdress Icon Earthcaller's Headdress 5 Gold
Exalted Hellscream's Will Icon Hellscream's Will 10 Gold
Exalted Ceremonial Cover Icon Ceremonial Cover 4 Gold
Exalted Reins of the Cobalt Riding Talbuk Icon Reins of the Cobalt Riding Talbuk 70 Gold
Exalted Reins of the Silver Riding Talbuk Icon Reins of the Silver Riding Talbuk 70 Gold
Exalted Reins of the Tan Riding Talbuk Icon Reins of the Tan Riding Talbuk 70 Gold
Exalted Reins of the White Riding Talbuk Icon Reins of the White Riding Talbuk 70 Gold
Exalted Reins of the Cobalt War Talbuk Icon Reins of the Cobalt War Talbuk 100 Gold
Exalted Reins of the Silver War Talbuk Icon Reins of the Silver War Talbuk 100 Gold
Exalted Reins of the Tan War Talbuk Icon Reins of the Tan War Talbuk 100 Gold
Exalted Reins of the White War Talbuk Icon Reins of the White War Talbuk 100 Gold


  • 27 May 2021: Guide added.
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