Affliction Warlock PvP Guide for WotLK Classic
Welcome to our PvP Affliction Warlock guide for Wrath of the Lich King. Here you will learn all you need to know to properly play Affliction Warlock in PvP scenarios.
Affliction Warlock is one of the most difficult but rewarding and strong PvP specs in the game. Dealing extremely high spread pressure while maintaining control on the enemy and being incredibly durable, an Affliction Warlock is one of the most feared specs in PvP.
Strengths and Weaknesses
High spread pressure against multiple enemies.
Great disruption and crowd control.
Ability to protect important debuffs and CC from being dispelled.
Heavily dependent on having a pet alive for durability.
Prone to being interrupted due to one school for casting.
Pressure based and needs time to ramp up.
Talent Build For PvP Affliction Warlock in Wrath of the Lich King
This is the standard talent build for an Affliction Warlock in PvP. Most of the talents
should not be adjusted, however there are situations where it could be optimised. The 2 points
in Improved Shadow Bolt can be moved to
Improved Curse of Agony if playing with a melee
such as a Warrior. Additionally, these 2 points can be put into
Improved Life Tap as high levels
of Haste result in going out of mana very quickly.
Glyphs For PvP Affliction Warlock in Wrath of the Lich King
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Quick Decay — Causes your
Corruption to scale with your Haste levels, reducing the amount of time it takes to tick compared to the normal 3 seconds per tick. This Glyph is a massive DPS increase.
Glyph of Corruption — Causes your
Corruption an extra 4% to proc an instant
Shadow Bolt, increasing your damage dealt and providing a small window of burst.
Glyph of Shadowflame — Snares targets hit by your
Shadowflame, allowing you to kite or peel for your teammates.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Curse of Exhaustion — Increases the range of your
Curse of Exhaustion spell, allowing it to be used from 41 yards away.
Glyph of Drain Soul — Allows you to gain extra Soul Shards when casting
Drain Soul.
Stats for PvP Affliction Warlock in Wrath of the Lich King
As an Affliction Warlock it is important to prioritise the correct stats in order to perform in Wrath of the Lich King PvP. Below, we go over relevant stats that you should aim for.
Resilience is the single most important stat for an Affliction Warlock in PvP. This stat grants a flat damage reduction, reduced chance to be crit as well as reducing the damage taken from any crits that land. Affliction Warlocks want to stack as much of this stat as possible to the soft cap of 1414.
Hit Rating
In order for your spells (and your pet's spells) to land without missing, you need to reach Hit Rating thresholds.
Against level 80 players, this cap is 4%. However, there are certain specs such as Retribution Paladins and Subtlety Rogues
who require an extra 4%. Additionally, certain races such as Draeneis, Blood Elves and Undead require an extra 2%. As such,
the realistic Hit Rating % to aim for is 6%. Suppression adds 3% Hit Rating, so from gear you will only need to
reach 3%.
Spell Penetration
Similar to Hit Rating, Spell Pentration is another stat that is required so that your spells don't resist. Spell Penetration counteracts Magic Resistance such as Shadow Resistance. For an Affliction Warlock, you should aim for as close to 130 Spell Pentration as possible.
Haste is the best stat after Resilience, Hit Rating and Spell Pentration. While Haste is not the best stat for increasing
raw DPS output, it allows you to dish out damage and maintain all your DoT effects and curses. Additionally, it reduces your
Global Cooldown time and reduces your cast time. Importantly, it increases the damage dealt by your Corruption
due to the
Glyph of Quick Decay.
Spell Power
Spell Power increases the damage dealt by all of your abilities. This stat is the best stat to aim for if you want to increase your DPS output.
Best Professions for a PvP Affliction Warlock in Wrath of the Lich King
If you are looking to optimise your Affliction Warlock in Wrath of the Lich King PvP, these are the recommended professions:
- Jewelcrafting — Gives you three Jewelcrafting specific gems,
Mystic Dragon's Eye, totalling an extra 42 Resilience.
- Engineering —
Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket gives you an off-global instant Rocket that deals a moderate amount of damage, allowing for extra burst or sniping a
Tremor Totem.
- Blacksmithing —
Socket Bracer and
Socket Gloves gives you 2 extra sockets in your gear, totalling an extra 40 Resilience.
Affliction Warlock PvP Rotation and Playstyle
Affliction Warlocks do not have a set rotation, but raher a priority system. The playstyle should emphasise
maintaining DoTs on as many targets as possible while disruption and control are the primary goal. An Affliction
Warlock should try to always keep someone in a Fear while covered by
Unstable Affliction to protect
it from dispels.
- Apply
Curse of Tongues to enemy healer and casters.
- Apply
Curse of the Elements to kill targets and melee.
- Apply
Unstable Affliction to a target you want to CC.
- Cast
Fear to the target you want to CC.
- Cast
Corruption on all enemies.
- Cast
Unstable Affliction on all enemies.
- Cast
Haunt on your kill target.
- Cast
Drain Life as a filler once all your DoTs and
Haunt are up.
- Cast
Drain Soul when your enemy target is under 25% to execute.
- If
Fear is dispelled or runs out, re-cast it or on another target.
Gearing a PvP Affliction Warlock in Wrath of the Lich King
The list linked below includes the best possible gear setup for a Affliction Warlock in PvP.
Affliction Warlock Arena Teams and Compositions in Wrath of the Lich King
When it comes to evaluating Affliction Warlock's place within the Arena, we have created a number of guides devoted to listing a variety of popular team compositions which you can find below.
- 10 Jan. 2024: Updated for Phase 5.
- 27 Oct. 2023: Updated for Phase 4.
- 28 Sep. 2023: Guide updated for Phase 4.
- 14 Jun. 2023: Added for Phase 3.
This guide is written and maintained by Chanimal, BlizzCon Champion Warlock with Rank 1 titles since 2011, competing in AWC. He streams Warlock PvP daily on Twitch, with highlights on YouTube.
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