WotLK Classic Blood Death Knight Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs
On this page, you will find out the best PvE talent choices and builds for your Blood Death Knight in WotLK Classic, as well as advised glyphs.
Talent Builds for Blood Death Knight
Blood Death Knight talents focus on survivability, threat, gaining
powerful cooldowns such as Vampiric Blood, and giving your group powerful
buffs such as
Abomination's Might and
Improved Icy Talons.
The build listed above is the most standard talent build for raiding
Blood Death Knights and includes both of the powerful buffs
Abomination's Might and
Improved Icy Talons. This build sacrifices
some personal threat and mitigation in order to get Improved Icy Talons,
so if you are consistently raiding with a Frost Death Knight talented
into it or an Enhancement Shaman you can consider dropping
this talent and putting the talent points into the Unholy tree for powerful
early tree talents such as
Morbidity. There are many slight variations of this build depending
on if you need the hit from the Unholy tree and your gear, but this is the build
you should be running in most Raids; it becomes especially useful in
10-mans where buffs can be difficult to get with so few players.
Leveling Builds
If you were looking for a leveling-oriented build, please refer to our Death Knight leveling guide.
Notable Blood Death Knight Talents
Blood Tree
The Blood tree is filled with talents both focused on increasing your damage (threat) and self-sustaining. It is important to make sure you choose the correct talents as there are many powerful ones to choose from, but you only have so many talent points to spend.
Rune Tap is a massive personal cooldown, healing yourself for a percentage
of your maximum health at the cost of one Blood Rune, and can save you from needing
to use a bigger cooldown or possibly prevent you from dying.
Veteran of the Third War grants a massive amount of important stats
and is one of the largest stat gains you can get in exchange for talent points.
Death Rune Mastery causes your
Death Strike to turn the Unholy and Frost
runes spent on it to become Death Runes when they are reactivated, allowing you to
have considerably more flexibility with your ability choices.
Spell Deflection gives you a chance equal to your Parry to take
45% less damage from an incoming spell. Death Knights are largely vulnerable
to damaging spells when
Anti-Magic Shell is on cooldown, so smoothing out
the damage between its uses can be extremely strong and greatly increases the value
of your Parry rating.
Abomination's Might is a powerful buff that not only makes your entire
party stronger but also increases your total Strength as well by 2%.
Unholy Frenzy is an extremely powerful buff that increases the Physical
damage done by the target that you choose to buff with this ability. It is a massive
damage increase for any DPS that deals largely mostly Physical damage.
Vampiric Blood is one of the strongest cooldowns Death Knights have and
can allow you to survive a high-damage situation you may not have been able to otherwise
because of the massive amount of increased healing you receive while it is active.
Frost Tree
Toughness massively increases the value of the Armor on your gear.
Black Ice is helpful since a considerable amount of damage
you deal is either Shadow or Frost, making this talent a massive damage increase.
Endless Winter increases your Strength, but more importantly removes the
Runic Power cost of
Mind Freeze, allowing you to spend your Runic Power
Improved Icy Talons is a massive group buff that considerably increases
the damage done by nearly every melee in game.
Blood Death Knight Glyphs
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Disease causes your
Pestilence ability to refresh
your diseases' durations, so instead of using an Unholy Rune and a Frost Rune
you can use a single Blood Rune, allowing you to cast additional
Death Strikes.
Your main limitation on ability casts will be having your Runes off coolddown, so
trading one Rune for two, especially when both Runes you are saving are used for your
main self-sustaining ability in
Death Strike, is incredibly valuable.
Glyph of Death Strike somewhat synergizes with
Glyph of Disease,
but this glyph will greatly increase the damage done by your
Death Strike
which will in turn cause more threat. The only catch to this glyph is that you should remain
above 25 Runic Power at all times, but this should be no issue as your only spender
Death Coil — is not particularly impactful as Blood.
There is some debate for which you should choose in the third glyph slot.
Until you are sufficiently geared and are Hit-capped to ensure your taunt will
always hit we recommend using Glyph of Dark Command, as a missed taunt in a
raid could easily result in a wipe; when you are at that hit cap you should instead
be using
Glyph of Vampiric Blood which increases the duration of one of your
strongest personal cooldowns.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Raise Dead removes the reagent cost of summoning a ghoul.
Glyph of Pestilence increases the radius of your
ability by 5 yards.
Glyph of Blood Tap causes
Blood Tap to no longer damage you.
- 18 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Phase 2 release ahead of Ulduar raid release.
- 23 Aug. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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