WotLK Classic Combat Rogue Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs

Last updated on Sep 24, 2023 at 12:00 by Simonize and Sellin 1 comment

On this page, you will find out the best PvE talent choices and builds for your Combat Rogue in WotLK Classic, as well as advised glyphs.


Talent Builds for Combat Rogue

Combat Rogues have 2 builds available to them: one focuses on single-target damage, with potential for AoE, while the other functions as a potential Hybrid build for the dual talent specialization feature that arrives with Wrath Classic.

Which weapon specialization talent you take depends on which weapons you have available. If your best weapons happen to be axes, then you should use 5/5 Hack and Slash—your goal should be to have the best weapons possible as opposed to targeting specific items to adhere to a specific weapon specialization.


Leveling Builds

If you were looking for a leveling-oriented build, please refer instead to our Rogue leveling guide.


Standard Combat Talent Build

Major Glyphs


Minor Glyphs


Select MajorMinor Glyph

      The 20/51/0 build is the main Combat build that seeks to focus on solid single-target damage with the potential for AoE as necessary.

      Your third glyph choice is dependent on whether you need to apply Expose Armor IconExpose Armor or not. If you do, you should use its glyph, and if you do not, you should glyph for Sinister Strike IconSinister Strike.


      AoE Hybrid Talent Build

      Major Glyphs


      Minor Glyphs


      Select MajorMinor Glyph

          The Hybrid build focuses on finding a balance for Combat with the Assassination tree to forego single-target boss damage in favor of strong AoE. It takes talents to focus your build on funneling as much damage as possible into Fan of Knives IconFan of Knives and your Energy regeneration for as many casts of it as possible.

          Despite losing out on boss damage, the AoE potential of this build is absolutely enormous and it places within the top damage dealers for AoE on large pulls.


          Important Talents for Combat Rogue


          Boss-Damage Combat Build

          The traditional Combat build features a number of talents that are integral to not only their damage output, but their role in the raid as well.

          Combat Potency IconCombat Potency gives a solid boost to your Energy regeneration and works perfectly with the optimal weapon setups for Combat.

          Savage Combat IconSavage Combat is one of the main pieces of raid utility this build brings in the form of a debuff that buffs all Physical damage dealt to a target.


          AoE Hybrid Build

          The AoE Hybrid build foregoes the utility of Savage Combat IconSavage Combat and instead opts into full AoE damage.

          Blade Flurry IconBlade Flurry is a key part of this build, along with Adrenaline Rush IconAdrenaline Rush, allowing you to push high amounts of burst AoE damage, with massive amounts of Energy regeneration through Vitality IconVitality, Focused Attacks IconFocused Attacks, and more.

          With enough enemies around you, spamming Fan of Knives IconFan of Knives with the Focused Attacks IconFocused Attacks talent will simply keep you constantly topped up with Energy to keep spamming it.


          Weapon Choice

          The standard builds for Combat use Close Quarters Combat IconClose Quarters Combat due to the ideal BiS setup for Combat, but if you are still gearing up, it may be worth choosing another talent that buffs the damage dealt by the weapons you have available to you.

          You should always tailor your talent choices to the weapons you have available to you, as it is far easier to swap your talents around.




          Major Glyphs

          For the single-target build, your major glyph choices are fairly simple, with a cooldown reduction on an important cooldown, bonus damage on our Fan of Knives IconFan of Knives for the moments where you need to AoE, and even more utility being added on to your Tricks of the Trade IconTricks of the Trade.

          If you intend to apply Expose Armor IconExpose Armor, then you should be using Glyph of Expose Armor Icon Glyph of Expose Armor and Glyph of Slice and Dice Icon Glyph of Slice and Dice. If not, these should be replaced with Glyph of Adrenaline Rush Icon Glyph of Adrenaline Rush and Glyph of Tricks of the Trade Icon Glyph of Tricks of the Trade. Glyphs are largely variable and at times down to personal preference with the only true rule being to keep Glyph of Killing Spree Icon Glyph of Killing Spree at all times.

          For the AoE build, again, the choices are fairly straightforward, buffing the damage of your main damage source, as well as using the Vigor IconVigor glyph for a large pool of Energy to burst with.


          Minor Glyphs

          The Minor glyph choices for both builds are fairly lackluster in their effects and are simply quality of life improvements that we would recommend.



          • 09 Sep. 2023: Updated for Phase 4
          • 18 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Phase 2 release ahead of Ulduar raid release.
          • 27 Sep. 2022: Added note regarding weapon choice.
          • 22 Sep. 2022: Page added.
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