Death Knight Leveling Guide From 55 to 80 for WotLK Classic
In this article, we will help you leveling in WotLK Classic as a Death Knight. Death Knight is one of if not the fastest leveler in the game thanks to their incredible self sustain and considerable multi-target damage dealing. As a Death Knight, you will have access to a wide variety of abilities that if used correctly can help maximize your uptime, kill speed and rate at which you are able to gain levels.
Death Knights are one of the fastest leveling classes in the game largely due to their mob kill speed, ability to deal damage to multiple targets, great self-healing, ability to wear gear with plenty of Armor, and a large number of passive abilities that sustain and grant health and Runic Power, limiting downtime and making the leveling process extremely steady and quite quick. Blood is by far the fastest leveling spec if you plan to play solo as a Death Knight, as the extra healing that the talents in the Blood tree grant will help you level considerably faster as you will be able to pull a large number of mobs than anything you will gain by speccing Frost or Unholy.
General WotLK Leveling Advice
Providing non-Death Knight leveling advice is outside the scope of this article and is covered in our general WotLK leveling guide.
Spec Choice
Every Death Knight spec is useful in its own way and fills a role that is important to a group, but Blood will be the best by far for solo leveling while also allowing you to tank when needed.
If you are going to be leveling with other people, Unholy can be a good choice. Unholy Death Knights offer some of the strongest buffs/debuffs in the game, regardless of the level, and can spend talent points to make their already extremely powerful debuff spells even stronger.
Frost is another great option either in a group or solo. Playing Frost heavily utilizes one handed weapons as a large amount of their damage is amplified by procs from auto attacking and while leveling as Frost is viable and can help you deal a massive amount of AoE Damage, it is oftentimes very gear dependant and less durable than Blood.
General Rules for Leveling as Death Knight
- Apply your diseases to any monster you think will take more than a couple of hits
to kill by using
Icy Touch and
Plague Strike.
- Do not hesitate to spread your diseases using
Pestilence if you are fighting multiple mobs at the same time.
- Make sure you are ALWAYS in a presence.
Blood Presence is preferable while leveling as it grants you a considerable amount of self-healing and increases your damage though
Unholy Presence will grant you a considerable amount of movement speed and allow you to travel quicker while leveling.
- Keep
Horn of Winter active at all times.
- Always be auto attacking. Death Knights deal a massive amount of their damage from auto attacks and have many abilities/passives that can proc from simply making sure you are always auto attacking.
- Do not hestiate to pull multiple mobs. Death Knights are built to deal large
amounts of damage to multiple mobs and have a strong amount of sustain naturally
built-in to their abilities such as
Death Strike, so try to figure out how many you can comfortably pull.
Leveling in a Group as a Death Knight
Leveling in groups both in the open world and dungeons is an increasingly popular and efficient way to level in WotLK Classic. Death Knights are able to level extremely quickly solo but can also be a key part of a group and can easily switch between Tanking or DPSing as needed. Death Knights shine when grouped with other melee DPS such as Warriors, Rogues, Feral DPS Druids, and Enhancement Shamans.
Dungeon Grinding
Leveling through Dungeons is a strategy that many have seen considerable success with due to the uncertainty of how respawns in the world can be. Dungeons can be among the fastest ways to level in WotLK. With a strong group, especially with gear already from TBC Classic, you could realistically expect to see experience gains as fast as, if not greater, than what you would solo questing. You could viably farm dungeons all the way to Level 80 if that is what you wanted to do. Death Knights are extremely strong Damage Dealers and Tanks for any group, but some group comps are stronger than others.
Death Knight Abilities
The Death Knight leveling rotation puts a large emphasis on their ability to sustain their own health and pull large groups of enemies. An emphasis should be put into talents/abilities that cause you to heal yourself or deal passive damage through diseases as you will likely have your diseases spread to all enemies you are fighting, not just your primary kill target. Death Knight recieves an Epic ground mount for free as a part of their starting zone, so do not worry about saving up the gold for it.
Death Knights have three presences, one based off of each of their available specilizations. While you will most likely not match your presence to your specilization, each presence offers unique bonuses that are situationally useful and will greatly help with the leveling process.
Blood Presence — increases your damage dealt and causes your abilities
to heal you for a small percentage of the damage you deal while this buff is
active. This is the default leveling presence as your main goal is to increase
your kill speed while mitigating downtime while leveling.
Unholy Presence — increases your movement and attack speed considerably.
While this presence is extremely useful to get around, the bonus attack speed will
not help you kill faster than the added damage from
Blood Presence, so this
presence should be used only when traveling from objective to objective.
Frost Presence — increases your Stamina and the contributions of
the Armor from your gear. This is not a presence we would reccomend while leveling
unless you are in a group and will be taking considerable damage while having a healer
ready to heal you.
Leveling Strategy as a Death Knight
Leveling as a Death Knight can feel a bit overwhelming at first as you will
be starting at a much higher level than other classes so you will have more
abilities faster. But do not let this discourage you, Death Knight is a relatively
simple class to level with and taking a bit of time to learn your abilities
will greatly improve your experience with it. Death Knight is the
master of self-healing while leveling and have some of the lowest downtime of any class in
the entire game. Each fight should begin with you applying your diseases by
casting Icy Touch and
Plague Strike. If you are fighting multiple
mobs then these diseases should be spread by casting
Death and Decay and
Blood Boil will both deal large amounts of AoE
damage, so make sure to take advantage of them when pulling multiple mobs. Your
specialization will largely determine which abilities you spend your Runic Power
on, but if you need a defensive cooldown do not hesitate to spend your Runic Power
on either
Icebound Fortitude to protect yourself from stuns and reduce your
damage intake; you can also summon a ghoul with
Raise Dead and sacrifice it using
Death Pact to be healed for 40% of your health.
Professions While Leveling
If you are rushing to Level 80, then leveling Professions will slow you down. The combat benefits of each profession are typically not worth the time you would have to invest to obtain them for leveling, though they are considerably stronger in Wrath of the Lich King than past expansions. There are, however, some professions that are very useful for leveling and can be worth doing while you level.
First Aid is a must-have profession at max level and while leveling, as it provides healing for no Mana. The cloth you naturally gather while leveling is ususally more than enough to level it as you go. Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning are great choices for making gold towards your Epic or flying mount, and can also be useful for helping to level other important professions later on, such as taking Mining to help level Engineering or Skinning to help level Leatherworking.
Progressing your Death Knight at Level 80
By the time you hit maximum level, it will be very helpful to read the rest of our guides. Pick Unholy Death Knight if you intend to play Unholy at maximum level, Frost Death Knight if you intend to play Frost at maximum level, and Blood Death Knight if you intend to play Blood.
- 27 Aug. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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