Druid Quests in WotLK Classic
On this page, we cover the Druid-specific quests in Wrath of the
Lich King Classic. These are usually started by your trainer and send you
across the world to gain your various animal form shapeshifts, including your
invaluable Swift Flight Form.
Bear Form Quest
Learning Bear Form is the purpose of your first class quest,
and you should complete it immediately upon reaching Level 10, as it has great
leveling benefits. The steps to follow are listed below:
Night Elf
- Pick up the quest from any Druid trainer at Level 10.
- Go to Darnassus to talk with Mathrengyl. It is recommended to set your
Hearthstone here.
- Use
Teleport: Moonglade and talk with Dendrite Starblaze.
- Go west and talk with the Great Bear Spirit, then go back and talk with Dendrite once more.
- Go back to Darnassus (either flying or with your
Hearthstone) and talk to Mathrengyl again.
- Travel to Auberdine to fight Lunaclaw.
- Go to the cave east of Auberdine to find the Moonkin Stone to summon Lunaclaw.
- Once you defeat Lunaclaw, go back to Darnassus to Mathrengyl.
- Pick up the quest from any Druid trainer at Level 10.
- Go to Thunder Bluff to talk with Turak Runetotem. It is recommended to set
Hearthstone here.
- Use
Teleport: Moonglade and talk with Dendrite Starblaze.
- Go west and talk with the Great Bear Spirit, then go back and talk with Dendrite once more.
- Go back to Thunder Bluff (either flying or with your
Hearthstone) and talk to Turak Runetotem again.
- Travel to the passage between Mulgore and The Barrens to fight Lunaclaw.
- Follow the path from Mulgore to the Barrens, and you will find the Moonkin Stone to summon Lunaclaw on the right of the path in the Barrens, behind a building.
- Once you defeat Lunaclaw, go back to Thunder Bluff to Turak Runetotem.
Cure Poison Quest
At Level 14 Druids can do a quest to unlock Cure Poison. This
is not mandatory, as you can simply train
Abolish Poison at Level 26,
which is a better version of the spell. If you want to do the quest however,
the steps are below.
Night Elf
- Pick up the quest from Mathrengyl Bearwalker (the Druid trainer in Darnassus) at Level 14.
While you are in Darnassus, pick up 5x
Earthroot from the Auction House.
- Use
Teleport: Moonglade and talk with Dendrite Starblaze.
- Travel to Darkshore, and use the
Empty Cliffspring Falls Sampler at the Cliffspring Falls.
- Bring the filled sampler to Alanndarian Nightsong in Auberdine.
- Gather 12
Lunar Fungus from the area surrounding Auberdine in Darkshore.
- Return to Alanndarian with the Lunar Fungus and Earthroot.
- Use the
Curative Animal Salve on 10x Sickly Deer in Darkshore. You can
Entangling Roots the deer before using the Salve in order to get double credit!
- Use
Teleport: Moonglade to talk with Dendrite in Moonglade.
- Go back to Darnassus to talk with Mathrengyl and get
Cure Poison.
- Pick up the quest from Turak Runetotem (the Druid trainer in Thunder Bluff) at Level 14.
While you are in Thunder Bluff, pick up 5x
Earthroot from the Auction House.
- Use
Teleport: Moonglade and talk with Dendrite Starblaze.
- Travel to Darkshore, and use the
Empty Dreadmist Peak Sampler at Dreadmist Peak in the Barrens, just North-West of the Crossroads.
- Bring the filled sampler to Tonga Runetotem in the Crossroads.
- Gather 5x
Kodo Horn from Lost Barrens Kodo in the Barrens.
- Return to Tonga with the Kodo Horns and Earthroot.
- Use the
Curative Animal Salve on 10x Sickly Gazelle in the Barrens. You can
Entangling Roots the deer before using the Salve in order to get double credit!
- Use
Teleport: Moonglade to talk with Dendrite in Moonglade.
- Go back to Thunder Bluff to talk with Turak and get
Cure Poison.
Aquatic Form Quest
Unlike Bear Form,
Aquatic Form is not required for leveling and
requires a lengthy quest line, but is still a fun and thematic activity that takes
you around the world. You can also learn the form directly from your trainer at
level 16.
Night Elf
- At Level 16 or later, pick up the quest from the Druid trainer Mathrengyl Bearwalker in Darnassus.
- Use
Teleport: Moonglade to teleport to Moonglade and speak with Dendrite Starblaze.
- Swim to the bottom of the lake in Moonglade to retrieve the quest item, a Shrine Bauble.
- Go west to use the Bauble in front of Keeper Remulos at the Shrine of Remulos.
- Speak with Tajarii nearby to get the next quest. This quest wants you to find two halves of an amulet.
- To get the first half, travel to the far north of Darkshore in the sea, at map coordinates (49,11). Swim down between two boulders to find a strange lockbox, where you will find the first half of the amulet inside.
- For the second half, travel west of Westfall into the sea, to map coordinates (18,33). Once there, swim straight down for awhile well into fatigue. On the edge of an underwater cliff, you will find another strange lockbox with the other half of the amulet.
- Return to Moonglade and combine the halves into a pendant at the Shrine of Remulos.
- Bring the pendant back to Dendrite Starblaze to the east.
- Return to Matherngyl in Darnassus.
- At Level 16 or later, pick up the quest from the Druid trainer Turak Runetotem in Thunder Bluff.
- Use
Teleport: Moonglade to teleport to Moonglade and speak with Dendrite Starblaze.
- Swim to the bottom of the lake in Moonglade to retrieve the quest item, a Shrine Bauble.
- Go west to use the Bauble in front of Keeper Remulos at the Shrine of Remulos.
- Speak with Tajarii nearby to get the next quest. This quest wants you to find two halves of an amulet.
- To get the first half, travel to the Crossroads in the Barrens. From there, go North to the Sludge Fens. The amulet will be in a lockbox inside the pond there, at the coordinates (57,8).
- For the second half, travel to Silverpine Forest. The lockbox with the pendant is a ways off the coast, at coordinates (27,30). You will need to swim way down to where the cliffs are underwater, and the lockbox will be there.
- Return to Moonglade and combine the halves into a pendant at the Shrine of Remulos.
- Bring the pendant back to Dendrite Starblaze to the east.
- Return to Turak in Thunder Bluff.
Sunken Temple Quest
This is a special quest, which requires the completion of the Sunken Temple dungeon. While the rewards are nice for the level they can be obtained at, they are nothing compared to TBC or Wrath gear, making this quest an easy skip for speed levelers. Regardless, here is how you can obtain your rewards:
- You can start this quest chain as early as Level 50 just by talking with any Druid trainer in a major city. From the trainer you can pick up Torwa Pathfinder to begin the chain.
- Travel to Un'Goro Crafter to find Torwa Pathfinder in the South-East. Pick up the new quest Bloodpetal Poison from him.
- West of Torwa you will find the Gorishi wasps that you must kill. Farm up the required
materials from them and return to Torwa. You will also need 8
Bloodcaps, which come from small mushroom like plants that can be found in the area.
- Torwa will give you a new quest called Toxic Test which requires you
to find a Devilsaur and stab it with the
Devilsaur Barb that he gives you. There are three Devilsaur types that spawn around Un'goro each with two set spawn locations. They will generally respawn 10-15 minutes after one has died, so as long as you find a spawn point and wait around, you should see one soon. If you are not at least Level 60 this can be quite dangerous, so you will want to use
Hibernate on the Devilsaur before stabbing it.
- Once you stab the Devilsaur, return to Torwa. You will get the new quest A Better Ingredient which tells you to travel to the Temple of Atal'Hakkar and do the dungeon to kill Atal'alarion.
- Once you bring back the item from Sunken Temple, you will be able to choose
Grizzled Pelt,
Forest's Embrace, and
Moonshadow Stave as your reward.
Swift Flying Form Quest
This quest teaches you how to instantly enter high speed flying with
Swift Flight Form, which can also be trained at Level 71 if you do not
wish to do the quest.
It also rewards Charm of Swift Flight and
Idol of the Raven Goddess,
as well as the item to summon Anzu within Heroic Sethekk Halls,
who can be farmed for the unique
Reins of the Raven Lord mount.
- You can start this quest chain at Level 70, once you bought Epic flying mount riding skill (300), by talking with any Druid trainer in a major city. From the trainer you can pick up Morthis Whisperwing to begin the chain.
- Find Morthis in Eastern Zangarmarsh, at the Cenarion Refuge. He will ask you
to gather 10
Ancient Lichen, 10
Dreaming Glory (which you can gather with Herbalism or buy in the AH) and 10
Bogblossom, which must be gathered from the top of Zangarmarsh's giant mushrooms. Use your flying form to gather there and be ready for occasional knockbacks when gathering, which will require you to use flying form to avoid falling to your death.
- Next, Morthis will send you to find Clintar Dreamwalker in southeastern Moonglade, at coordinates (75,67) inside a cave. Wake Clintar with the quest item you were given and escort his spirit around to gather all the required relics, upon which you can return to the entrance of the cave, and from there back to Morthis.
- You are now sent to Arthorn Windsong in Blade's Edge Mountains, at coordinates (62,38). In order to be able to see and talk to Sai'kkal, whom you can find around the (30,55) coordinates, you will need to kill Aether Rays nearby until you get an Aether Ray Eye quest item. After talking to the NPC, return to Arthorn, who will send you to Watcher Elaira in Nagrand, at the (21,36) coordinates.
- At her request, catch a nearby bird using
Cat Form's
Prowl to get close before using the quest item. The follow up quest will take you to Skettis, an area you can reach with your flying form in the southeast of Terokkar Forest. Use the quest item in the area until you unearth all the stones and return to Arthorn.
- The follow up quest will have you face off against three tough elites in Terokkar.
Start with the Guardian of the Eagle at the (47,45) coordinates, proceed to the
Guardian of the Falcon at the (61,60) coordinates, and finish with the Guardian of
the Hawk at the (45,93) coordinates. This last elite is meant to be killed by
spells and takes much more damage from those than usual, so root him and
Starfire, even if you are Feral spec, while removing his Viper Sting.
- Return to Arthorn, who will send you back to Morthis. The next step of the quest is on Azshara, on the (14,48) coordinates. Click the altar, and chase the goblin that shows up in order to finish the quest. Return to Morthis and accept the final step, which will take place inside Sethekk Halls Heroic.
- You will be required to summon, and defeat Anzu, a special boss inside
the dungeon, in the room before the final boss. Remove his
Spell Bomb curse, interrupt
Cyclone of Feathers and keep the Eagle Spirit friendly NPC active (periodic damage to all enemies) by casting
Rejuvenation on it when he self-banishes and summons adds. The other Spirits also have helpful effects, the Hawk Spirit reduces damage taken when active while the Falcon Spirit increases movement speed and haste while active, so keep them active when you can.
- 16 Oct. 2022: Added info on Aquatic Form being directly trainable at level 16.
- 19 Sep. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Shaman and Druid, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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