WotLK Classic Druid Weapons Guide
Druid Weapon Skills
Druids can use Daggers, Fist Weapons, Staves and Maces, as well as off-hands and Idols in the ranged slot. While most classes swing their melee weapons in combat, dealing damage according to the DPS of the weapon itself, this is not the case for Feral Druids.
Cat Form and
Bear Form have normalized
auto-attacks, and scale only with Attack Power and other secondary stats, ignoring
a weapon's damage range and speed. Ability damage is also calculated using these
normalized values, making weapon damage meaningless. To compensate for this, all
weapons Druids can use have extra Attack Power that is only applied to Feral
Druid forms in them, such as
Staff of Natural Fury.
Druids know how to use one-handed maces (Tauren) or daggers (Night Elf) and staves when created, and learn how to use the rest of their potential weapons from the Weapon Masters around the world.
Alliance Weapon Masters
Weapon Master location | Weapon Skills available |
Darnassus (around 57,46) | Daggers, Fist Weapons, Staves |
Ironforge (around 62,89) | Fist Weapons, Daggers, Maces |
Stormwind (around 57,57) | Daggers, Staves, Polearms |
Exodar (around 53,86) | Daggers, Maces |
Horde Weapon Masters
Weapon Master location | Weapon Skills available |
Orgrimmar (around 81,19) | Staves, Daggers, Fist Weapons |
Thunder Bluff (41,62) | Staves, Maces |
Undercity (57,32) | Daggers, Polearms |
Silvermoon City (90,38) | Daggers |
Staves for Wrath Classic Druids
There are many great Druid staves in game. Exactly what kind of staff you are looking for, though, depends on your specialization. Feral Druids want form attack power and either offensive or defensive stats. Balance Druids want high Spell Power, Hit and Crit. Restoration Druids want high Healing Power, Spirit and / or Mana per 5 seconds.
Daggers for Wrath Classic Druids
Caster daggers can occasionally be good for Balance Druids, but there are not many of them.
Maces for Wrath Classic Druids
Maces tend to be great for healers, but also occasionally come with caster or Feral stats, instead.
Fist Weapons for Wrath Classic Druids
Druids can use fist weapons as caster weapons, such as Wraith Strike.
Off-Hands for Wrath Classic Druids
There are multiple great healing and caster off-hands available for Druids, but no Feral off-hands of note.
Idols for Wrath Classic Druids
Idols are only usable by Druids and are quite rare. These go in the ranged slot and give a small contribution to your throughput. There are idols for Feral, Balance and Restoration Druids.
Axes for Wrath Classic Druids
Druids cannot use axes.
Wands for Wrath Classic Druids
Druids cannot use Wands.
Swords for Wrath Classic Druids
Druids cannot use Swords.
Polearms for Wrath Classic Druids
Polearms are a previously unusable weapon type for Druids and typically have
Feral-friendly stats, such as the ones on Black Ice, as they are also
typically used by Hunters.
Crossbows for Wrath Classic Druids
Druids cannot use crossbows.
Bows for Wrath Classic Druids
Druids cannot use bows.
Guns for Wrath Classic Druids
Druids cannot use guns.
Thrown Weapons for Wrath Classic Druids
Druids cannot use thrown weapons.
Shields for Wrath Classic Druids
Druids cannot use shields.
Leveling Weapons for Druids in Wrath Classic
Look for weapons that have good stats for your specialization: Agility and Strength
for Feral, Spell Power and Intellect for Balance and Restoration. You can often
find weapons with good stats in the auction house, but remember to be conscious
with your gold , as you will also want to be able to train skills and buy your
riding skills and associated mounts as you level up.
We will list a few of the most notable weapons you can get while leveling below:
Crescent Staff is a quest reward from Leaders of the Fang, which can be done in Wailing Caverns. Due to its very high stats, you will be able to use it for a long time;
Manual Crowd Pummeler drops from Crowd Pummeler 9-60 in Gnomeregan and has great stats, as well as an amazing on-use effect;
Viscous Hammer is a bind-on-equip world drop and has incredibly good stats for the level you can equip it at; you can easily use it until you reach Wrath content!
Illusionary Rod in Scarlet Monastery: Library and
Mograine's Might from Scarlet Monastery: Cathedral are both very strong weapons for Balance and Feral Druids, respectively;
- Balance Druids will also enjoy
Zum'rah's Vexing Cane from Zul'Farrak, which is usually quite easy to obtain!
The Rockpounder is obtained in Uldaman and has great offensive stats for Feral, as does the
Fist of Omokk, which you can obtain in Lower Blackrock Spire, just before heading into Outland;
- For Ferals, once you arrive at Hellfire Peninsula, you can get
Agamaggan's Quill from one of the very first TBC quests. Upgrade it to
Ursol's Claw in Hellfire Ramparts, and again to
Staff of Beasts by doing the Ring of Blood questline in Nagrand at Level 65, which will last you until you are maximum level!
- Balance and Restoration Druids can progress similarly from
The Staff of Twin Worlds into
Crystalfire Staff and then
Battle Mage's Baton (or
Mogor's Anointing Club) until Level 70.
- Idols-wise,
Idol of the Wild comes from the Colossal Menace quest, which you can pick up at the Cenarion Post in Hellfire Peninsula, near the Zangarmarsh border. This is an exceptional Feral Idol, especially for leveling!
- Doing the Amphiteather of Anguish questline in the center of Zul'Drak
will unlock great leveling weapons for all specializations:
Icier Barbed Spear for Feral or
Chilly Slobberknocker for caster specs!
For more leveling information, please refer to our leveling guide for Druids.
End-Game Weapons for Druids in Wrath Classic
The ideal end game weapons for Druids depend on your specialization and the current phase of Wrath Classic. We keep this information updated on our gearing guides listed down below:
- 19 Sep. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Shaman and Druid, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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