WotLK Classic Guide to Druid's Best Macros
While this is not an exhaustive list of all possible / useful macros, we will be exemplifying almost all macro functionalities below. Use these templates as an example and replace their spells with the ones you feel will be most useful to you, personally.
Wrath Classic Druid Macro Templates
One-Button Travel Form
- #showtooltip
- /cast [swimming] !Aquatic Form;[outdoors] !Travel Form; !Cat Form
This is a great macro that is a one-button Travel Form. It will put you into
Travel Form,
Aquatic Form, or
Cat Form depending on
if you are outdoors, in water, or elsewhere.
Mouse-over Healing
- #showtooltip Regrowth
- /cast [@mouseover,exists,help][@player] Regrowth
Especially as a healer, some people find it easier to cast healing spells by mousing over their intended target on their raid frame, rather than clicking and actually targeting them.
This saves time and will allow you to keep an enemy targeted, which can be useful in raids to track casts. For other spells, just replace "Regrowth" in the "/cast" line of macro.
Stopcasting and Focus Cyclone Macro
- #showtooltip Cyclone
- /stopcasting
- /cast [@focus] Cyclone
Sometimes, you really want to get a spell out as soon as possible, such
as when using Cyclone on an enemy to stop a cast or peel for your allies.
For these cases, it is very useful to have a /stopcasting macro, ensuring that
your current cast does not interfere with the timing of your interrupt.
By adding the modifier [@focus] you can cast at your focus target instead, which can be useful when targeting a different player for damage purposes.
Arena Frame Macros
- #showtooltip Cyclone
- /stopcasting
- /cast [@arena1] Cyclone
For 3v3 Arena players, you can use @arena1, @arena2, and @arena3 as a modifier on your macros to cast your spells at those players, in the order they appear on your Arena frames. This allows you to quickly react with your interrupts and crowd control without targeting or focus requirements.
We only recommend this kind of macro for 3v3 because focus and regular targeting should be enough for 2v2, and 5v5 would require too many keybinds if you wanted to be able to target the full enemy team.
Flying Farming Auto-Dismount Macro
- #showtooltip
- /run if IsSpellInRange("Moonfire","target")==1 then C_Timer.After(0.001,Dismount) end
- /stopmacro [flying]
- /cast Moonfire
Engaging an enemy with an instant spell used inside a simple auto-dismount macro while flying will cause it to instantly evade instead of being engaged. You can instead spam press this macro to dismount and immediately use your spell, as long as enemy is in range.
Rake and Pounce
- /cast [nostealth] Rake; [stealth] Pounce
This puts both Rake and
Pounce into the same bind,
so you do not need two separate buttons, depending on if you are in stealth or
not. You can modify this with any two abilities for when you are and are not
- #showtooltip Prowl
- /cast [noform:3] Cat Form
- /cast !Prowl
This macro will allow you to quickly go into Cat Form to use
Prowl from any form with just one button.
Bear and Cat Mangle in one button
- #showtooltip
- /cast [nomod,stance:1] Mangle (Bear)
- /cast [nomod,stance:3] Mangle (Cat)
- /cast [nomod,nostance] Cat Form
This macro allows you to use Mangle with a single button, no
matter what your form is. It will also put you into
Cat Form if you
are not in a form yet.
- #showtooltip Dash
- /cast [noform:3] Cat Form
- /cast !Dash
This macro will allow you to quickly go into Cat Form to use
Dash from any form with just one button.
Faerie Fire (Feral)
- #showtooltip
- /cast [nomod,stance:1] Faerie Fire (Feral)
- /cast [nomod,stance:3] Faerie Fire (Feral)
- /cast Faerie Fire
Mostly useful if you use different specs often, this macro will allow you to
use Faerie Fire (Feral) when in a form and the regular
Faerie Fire,
Wrath Classic Druid Addons
Macros are very important in making your character play as smoothly as possible, but so do addons, for which reason we recommend that you also read our Druid Addons page.
- 04 Apr. 2023: Removed Bearweaving macro now that Feral Faerie Fire procs Omen of Clarity.
- 03 Dec. 2022: Added auto-dismount macro for flying mob farming.
- 19 Sep. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Shaman and Druid, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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