WotLK Classic Enhancement Shaman Gear and Best in Slot
On this page, you will find the best PvE gear and best in slot items for your Enhancement Shaman in WotLK Classic.
Enhancement Shaman Wrath Classic Best in Slot Lists
While a clear best in slot list is always available in Wrath Classic, the items contained might be extremely hard or expensive to get. Thus, we will try to give at least one alternative for most slots in the list, so that you can pick where and how to farm them.
The list will focus on gathering the best stats for Enhancement Shaman, as described in our guide below.
Other Enhancement Shaman Best in Slot Lists
If you are starting out as a freshly-leveled Enhancement Shaman, our pre-raid best in slot list is meant to give you an idea of non-raid items you can chase as a solo / pug player in preparation for raids:
Best In Slot by Phase
Phase 5 Best in Slot Table
Wrath Classic Phase 4 Enhancement Shaman Tier Set
Enhancement Shaman Tier 10, Frost Witch's Battlegear, can
only be obtained through Emblem of Frost and starts at item level 251. Once
you have bought a piece, you can upgrade it to 264 with regular
Protector's Mark of Sanctification,
which drop from Icecrown Citadel 10 man heroic and 25 man normal, and
to 277 with heroic marks, which only drop in Icecrown Citadel 25-man heroic.
Its set bonuses are:
- 2 pieces — causes your
Shamanistic Rage ability to also increase your damage by 12% for 15 seconds. This is a decent damage boost which also increases your burst damage capabilities;
- 4 pieces — causes your
Maelstrom Weapon to have a 15% chance to grant you 20% extra attack power for 10 seconds each time it hits 5 stacks. This is a powerful damage bonus, but does require you to never cast your spells below the 5 stack cap, thus eliminating the Weaving technique.
As Tier 10 can have high item level and also has great standalone stats,
you will want to get its bonuses as soon as possible, favoring using your
Emblem of Frost on tier pieces until the 4-piece bonus is obtained.
Also, in Icecrown Citadel the single target heavy physical damage setup is competitive again, allowing you to tailor your gear to your preferred playstyle and gear availability. Thus, some slots will be listing physical and spell power options in the best in slot table below.
Phase 4 Best in Slot Table
Wrath Classic Phase 3 Enhancement Shaman Tier Set
Enhancement Shaman Tier 9, Thrall's Battlegear, is obtained
differently than before. Rather than dropping from specific bosses, the 258 item
level pieces are all bought with the same Regalia of the Grand Protector, which
drops in 25-man Heroic Trial of the Crusader.
You can use 10-man Heroic / 25-man Normal dropped Trophy of the Crusade
Emblem of Triumph to buy 245 item level pieces, and the lowest 232 item
level versions can be bought with just Triumph Emblems.
Its set bonuses are:
- 2 pieces — increases the chance
Static Shock triggers by 3%. This is a small damage increase but also a quality of life decrease due to the need to refresh
Lightning Shield more often;
- 4 pieces — increases the damage done by your
Earth Shock,
Flame Shock, and
Frost Shock spells by 25%. This is a another small and straightforward damage increase.
As Tier 9 can have high item level and also has great standalone stats this time,
you will want to get its bonuses as soon as possible, favoring using your Emblem of Triumph
on item level 245 pieces unless you never raid 10 man Heroic or the 25 man.
Phase 3 Horde Best in Slot
Wrath Classic Phase 3 Enhancement Shaman Tier Set
Enhancement Shaman Tier 9, Nobundo's Battlegear, is obtained
differently than before. Rather than dropping from specific bosses, the 258 item
level pieces are all bought with the same Regalia of the Grand Protector, which
drops in 25-man Heroic Trial of the Crusader.
You can use 10-man Heroic / 25-man Normal dropped Trophy of the Crusade
Emblem of Triumph to buy 245 item level pieces, and the lowest 232 item
level versions can be bought with just Triumph Emblems.
Its set bonuses are:
- 2 pieces — increases the chance
Static Shock triggers by 3%. This is a small damage increase but also a quality of life decrease due to the need to refresh
Lightning Shield more often;
- 4 pieces — increases the damage done by your
Earth Shock,
Flame Shock, and
Frost Shock spells by 25%. This is a another small and straightforward damage increase.
As Tier 9 can have high item level and also has great standalone stats this time,
you will want to get its bonuses as soon as possible, favoring using your Emblem of Triumph
on item level 245 pieces unless you never raid 10 man Heroic or the 25 man.
Phase 3 Alliance Best in Slot
Wrath Classic Phase 2 Enhancement Shaman Tier Set
Enhancement Shaman Tier 8, the Worldbreaker Battlegear, is obtained from the following bosses:
- Helm — Thorim in 25-man Ulduar or Mimiron in 10-man Ulduar;
- Chest — Hodir in 25-man Ulduar or Yogg-Saron in 10-man Ulduar;
- Legs — Freya in 25-man Ulduar or Hodir in 10-man Ulduar;
- Shoulders — Yogg-Saron in 25-man Ulduar or Thorim in 10-man Ulduar;
- Gloves — Mimiron in 25-man Ulduar or Freya in 10-man Ulduar.
You can also buy the Helm and Chest 25-man pieces for 58 Emblems of Conquest each from the new vendors in Dalaran.
Its set bonuses are:
- 2 pieces — increases the damage done by
Lava Lash and
Stormstrike by 20%. This is a small damage increase;
- 4 pieces — increases the frequency of
Maelstrom Weapon being triggered by your melee weapon attacks by 20%. This allows you to use your spells more often and can be a good damage increase if you do not overcap on stacks.
You will want to get the 2-piece and, especially, the 4-piece bonus as soon as possible, and you will not replace your set with Hard-Mode pieces, even when you can get a lot of them.
Also, we list two weapons below: Golden Saronite Dragon is your best
single target option, while
Constellus is your best area
damage option. If you can, get both and swap them mid-combat depending on
the type of damage you want to focus on at a given moment.
Phase 2 Best in Slot Table
Slot | Item | Source |
Helm |
Neck |
Shoulder |
Back | ||
Chest | ||
Wrists | ||
Hands |
Waist | ||
Legs | ||
Boots | ||
Rings |
Trinkets |
One-Hand |
Relic |
Wrath Classic Phase 1 Enhancement Shaman Tier Set
Enhancement Shaman Tier 7, the Earthshatter Battlegear, is obtained from the following bosses:
- Helm — Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas
- Chest — The Four Horsemen in Naxxramas
- Legs — Thaddius in Naxxramas
- Shoulders — Loatheb in Naxxramas
- Gloves — Sartharion in The Obsidian Sanctum
Its set bonuses are:
- 2 pieces — increases your
Lightning Shield damage by 10%. As Lightning Shield is a minor damage source, this bonus is mostly forgettable.
- 4 pieces — causes your
Flurry effect to provide an additional 5% melee Haste. This is a very strong bonus and well worth using!
Overall you will want to get the 4-piece bonus as quickly as possible, and most individual pieces also have good stats.
Phase 1 Best in Slot Table
Slot | Item | Source |
Helm |
Neck | ||
Shoulder | ||
Back |
Chest |
Wrists | ||
Hands |
Waist | ||
Legs | ||
Boots | ||
Rings |
Trinkets | ||
Weapons | ||
Relic |
Further Enhancements
If you have further questions about gemming and enchanting these items, our Enhancement Shaman Enchants and Gems page below provides more information.
- 02 Jan. 2024: Updated for Phase 5.
- 01 Oct. 2023: Updated for Phase 4.
- 08 Jul. 2023: Typo fixes and added HM to all hard-mode ToGC items.
- 26 May 2023: Added P3 best in slot items and new page layout.
- 17 Jan. 2023: Updated for Phase 2.
- 06 Sep. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Shaman and Druid, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
- Season of Discovery Hotfixes: March 4th
- Nightmare Dragons Update: March 4th
- Season of Discovery and Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes: February 21st
- New Cataclysm Classic Valor Cap Set to Week 2 Due to Bug
- Season of Discovery Naxxramas Soft Reset Issue Fix and Warning
- Season of Discovery Hotfixes: February 14th
- Classic Hardcore, Era, and Anniversary Realm Black Lotus Respawn Rate Increase
- Remnants of Valor and Seal of the Dawn Changes in Season of Discovery: February 13th