WotLK Classic Enhancement Shaman Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs
On this page, you will find out the best PvE talent choices and builds for your Enhancement Shaman in WotLK Classic, as well as advised glyphs.
Talent Builds for Enhancement Shamans
In Wrath, the amount of strong new talents deep in Enhancement and the power
of Fire Nova for area damage forces talent builds deep into Enhancement
and midway into Elemental, leaving little room for deviation.
Leveling Builds
If you were looking for leveling builds, please refer to our leveling guide for Shamans.
Enhancement Shaman PvE Physical / Single Talent Build
Use this build with a slow physical main-hand weapon in situations where there is only one target or reduced opportunity to cleave.
While most talents are set in stone, if your raid lacks Improved Icy Talons
from a Frost Death Knight, you can pick up
Improved Windfury Totem
by taking points out of
Ancestral Knowledge and
Improved Shields.
Elemental Warding is taken instead of Mana talents such as
Improved Stormstrike
Elemental Focus because with Tier 10-equivalent gear you will no longer
have any Mana issues. If you are playing with Tier 9 gear and below consider using
the Mana talents instead, and probably play the Spellpower build below instead.
Enhancement Shaman PvE Spellpower / AoE Talent Build
This is a better build for dungeons or situations where there are multiple targets which can be hit for extended periods of time.
As before, Improved Windfury Totem can be dropped for
Ancestral Knowledge
Improved Shields if you already have its buff from another Enhancement
or Frost DK. Mana talents can also be swapped for
Elemental Warding once
you have strong gear, overall.
Regardless, while gearing up and in dungeons, Elemental Focus is deceptively
powerful for Mana sustain, as Enhancement's area damage profile uses
Fire Nova
every 3 seconds with
Glyph of Fire Nova, which uses a huge amount of Mana.
The 40% cost reduction of Elemental Focus will be up almost 100% of the time during
AoE, making it an excellent Mana sustain tool!
Wrath Classic Enhancement Shaman Glyphs
In Wrath you will be able to unlock Glyphs that improve your abilities and can be swapped around freely as long as you have the consumable glyph item on your bags.
As an Enhancement Shaman you will want to be using Glyph of Feral Spirit,
Glyph of Fire Nova, and
Glyph of Stormstrike with physical main-hand
Glyph of Flametongue Weapon with spellpower main-hand. If you are min-maxing,
Glyph of Fire Elemental Totem before using your
Fire Elemental Totem
and then swap into another glyph in order to get the cooldown benefit without the
downside of using the glyph in combat.
For minor glyphs, Glyph of Water Shield,
Glyph of Renewed Life, and
Glyph of Water Walking are fine quality of life options.
Notable Enhancement Shamans Talents
Elemental Tree
The Elemental Tree has some interesting talents, such as Elemental Focus
Elemental Devastation, but is ultimately outperformed by the Restoration
tree in the secondary tree role.
Elemental Focus increases your Mana sustain in area-of-effect situations
drastically by giving you a 40% discount on your next two spells after getting a
Spell Critical Strike. This is typically used with
Fire Nova, which hits all
targets near your Fire Totem, making it have great odds of landing at least one
Critical Strike.
Reverberation reduces the cooldown on your shocks and
Wind Shear.
This smooths out your rotation, and allows you to interrupt / slow / DoT enemies
more often.
Elemental Devastation increases your melee Critical Strike chance by up
to 9% after you deal a Spell Critical Strike, which has good synergy with
Improved Fire Nova makes your
Fire Nova hit up to 20% harder and
have a cooldown up to 4 seconds faster. As Fire Nova's baseline cooldown is only
10 seconds, this allows you to use it almost twice as often, and can be stacked
Glyph of Fire Nova for a 3-second cooldown Fire Nova, which can do the
highest sustained area DPS in the game as long as you have Mana.
Enhancement Tree
The Enhancement Tree is your main tree for melee damage increases and damage support talents.
Improved Ghost Wolf makes
Ghost Wolf instant-cast, which is
great for quickly moving around when outdoors and in PvP.
Enhancing Totems increases the power of your
Strength of Earth Totem
by up to 15%, which makes it the best buff of its kind. While any Shaman can
bring this buff, at least one should do so as it is a powerful raid DPS increase.
Mental Dexterity converts your Intellect into Attack Power, allowing
Intellect gear to be much more valuable for Enhancement.
Stormstrike provides an extra melee attack that also causes the target
to take 20% additional Nature damage from the next two Nature damage spells to hit
it. This buff works well with
Maelstrom Weapon-powered casts and is further
improved by
Glyph of Stormstrike.
Dual Wield allows you to use two one-handed weapons, which is a massive
damage boost due to the nature of combat in Wrath Classic, as well as leading to
Maelstrom Weapon procs.
Unleashed Rage grants you Expertise and increases the Attack Power of
nearby allies by 10%. This buff can also be provided by Marksmanship Hunters and
Blood Death Knights.
Lava Lash is a new talented attack, but unfortunately does very little
damage, making it be the last thing on your DPS rotation priority list.
Shamanistic Rage doubles as a Mana and defensive cooldown, which gets
better alongside your gear due to the Mana return being based on your Attack Power.
Mental Quickness converts your Attack Power into Spell Power, making
Attack Power much more valuable and able to scale not only Physical abilities
but also spells such as
Fire Nova and
Lightning Bolt.
Maelstrom Weapon allows you to cast spells 20% quicker per stack and
spells cast with any stacks of Maelstrom Weapon do not reset your swing timer
if you finish casting them before your swing timer finishes, allowing for an
advanced rotation technique known as Weaving.
Feral Spirit is a powerful cooldown that summons wolves which pursue
and stun enemies, heal you and themselves with their attacks, and allow you to
Spirit Walk for extra movement speed and root breaking.
Restoration Tree
The Restoration Tree provides no real benefits to Enhancement and should be ignored.
- 04 Oct. 2023: Added physical main-hand talents and text on Phase 4 specifics.
- 22 Jun. 2023: Removed PvP talent and glyph references.
- 12 Jun. 2023: Adjusted glyphs and text explanation for Phase 3.
- 18 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Phase 2 release ahead of Ulduar raid release.
- 06 Sep. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Shaman and Druid, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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