Enhancement Shaman PvP Guide for WotLK Classic
Welcome to our PvP Enhancement Shaman guide for Wrath Classic. Here you will learn all you need to know to properly play Enhancement Shaman in PvP scenarios.
Viability of Enhancement Shamans in Wrath Classic PvP
Enhancement Shamans are, unfortunately, not a meta class in the Arena. This is
mostly due to the lack of a Mortal Strike effect, but weakness against kiting
and having
Hex as their only crowd control ability does not help.
They are still above average, however, and can absolutely destroy their targets
when connecting due to Windfury Weapon and
Maelstrom Weapon providing
high burst damage and
Wind Shear, and
Grounding Totem
being able to keep their targets from defending themselves and disrupting enemy
peel or healing. They also bring
Bloodlust, which is the strongest damage
buff in the Arena, provided it does not get dispelled quickly.
Enhancement Shaman Standard PvP Talents
The general idea of the PvP tree is to gain more defensive, crowd control, and mobility tools while dropping area damage talents which will not have any use in the small-scale PvP happening inside the Arena.
Frozen Power and
Earthen Power are especially notable for allowing
you to quickly close the distance with
Frost Shock and causing
Earthbind Totem
to remove slows, mitigating Enhancement's weakness to being kited.
Enhancement Shaman PvP Glyphs
Glyph of Shocking,
Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem, and
Glyph of Feral Spirit are our recommended glyphs for maximum damage and
PvP survivability.
For minor glyphs, Glyph of Water Shield,
Glyph of Ghost Wolf, and
Glyph of Water Walking are the recommended options.
Enhancement Shaman PvP Rotation
Rather than a fixed rotation, Shaman gameplay is about treading a fine balance between casting damage spells, utility spells, and even healing when needed. Here are some quick tips:
- Keep yourself and your allies alive and enemies in range with
Frost Shock,
Earthbind Totem,
Grounding Totem, and
Lesser Healing Wave or
Healing Wave when supported by
Maelstrom Weapon;
- Pressure enemies with your melee abilities,
Maelstrom Weapon-fueled
Lightning Bolts and
Chain Lightnings, and also with
Feral Spirit,
Bloodlust, and
Wind Shear;
- Keep an eye on your Mana pool, and use
Shamanistic Rage as needed, preferably also using it as a defensive measure in the process.
Totem stomping is no longer a big deal in Wrath, as Stoneclaw Totem
protects them and
Call of the Elements can instantly place up to four new
totems if your current ones are destroyed, making it much harder for Hunters and
Warlocks to disrupt your totems.
Tremor Totem pulses every few seconds, removing charm, fear, and sleep
effects from yourself and nearby allies. This is amazing against fears especially,
but be wary of using
Stoneclaw Totem during Tremor's duration, as it will
replace it since it is also a Earth Totem.
Enhancement Shaman PvP Best in Slot Gear, Gems, and Enchants
You can find our recommended gear, gems, and enchants for PvPing as a Enhancement Shaman in the link below.
Enhancement Shaman PvP Arena Teams and Compositions
Enhancement Shaman does not have a lot of viable compositions in 2s and 3s, and are also not that popular in 5s, but it can do well with the following compositions:
In 2v2,
Shaman + Rogue,
Shaman + Paladin, and
Shaman + Warrior are your best compositions. The
idea is to have a partner who can help crowd control enemies and stay alive with
little to no help, allowing you to focus on dealing damage and bursting enemies
down. The combination with Paladin is particularly interesting, as
both classes have strong off-healing and complementary capabilities, such as
Purge and
In 3v3, you want to pair with
either a Beast Mastery Hunter or Arms Warrior and have
a Holy Paladin as healer in order to gain the
Mortal Strike /
Aimed Shot effect for offense
Cleanse /
Hand of Freedom for defense. The Hunter composition
is especially notable for having unhealable damage and immunity to crowd control
Bestial Wrath and
Feral Spirit while players are undergeared
in early seasons.
In 5v5, Shaman can fit into
melee cleave teams. Matches tend to be quick and explosive, which makes
Bloodlust a must, and Shaman's burst with
Windfury Weapon can be
quite explosive as long as you can engage without being blown up, which is
facilitated by
Shamanistic Rage.
- 03 Oct. 2023: Updated for Phase 4 release.
- 21 May 2023: Reviewed for Phase 3 release.
- 18 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Phase 2 release ahead of Ulduar raid release.
- 24 Sep. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Shaman and Druid, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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