Feral DPS Druid Pre-Patch Guide for WotLK Classic
The Pre-Patch period of Wrath of the Lich King Classic is a time to allow players to level or gear up characters while experiencing some of the class changes of the coming expansion before its official launch. Here you will find recommended talents, gear, and some rotation tips for a Feral DPS Druid when you can only reach a maximum level of 70.
Feral DPS Druid Overview
The Feral DPS Druid is a high skill and high DPS potential specialization, due to its complex rotation and high amount of Energy management required.
At least one Druid is still recommended per raid for Mark of the Wild
Faerie Fire, and Feral is decently useful as it brings Physical
buffs such as
Leader of the Pack,
Improved Leader of the Pack,
and an
Innervate that can be given out without much cost for the
This page will go over pre-patch talents, rotation, gear and consumables, for Feral Druid DPS, allowing you to quickly get up to date with your character while waiting for Wrath to officially start!
Talent Build for Feral DPS Druid
With the pre-patch raid encounters being much faster than before due to the
new talents and Sunwell Plateau nerfs, a Berserk build is
recommended, as cooldowns are stronger on short fights.
Note also that Furor is mostly taken for pathing purposes, as
Powershifting (and
Wolfshead Helm) is no longer viable in the
pre-patch due to this talent no longer providing free Energy on shifting to
Cat Form.
Glyphs enhance or change class specific abilities, and you can have up to two major glyphs and three minor glyphs at Level 70, with a third major glyph being unlocked at Level 80.
Some glyphs will only be available after Wrath launches, but Feral's
best major glyphs, Glyph of Rip and
Glyph of Shred can already be
acquired during the pre-patch period.
For minor glyphs, Glyph of the Wild,
Glyph of Dash and
Glyph of Unburdened Rebirth are nice quality of life options.
Stat Priority for Feral DPS Druid
- Agility (1 Atk Power and some Crit before being multiplied by
Survival of the Fittest,
Improved Mark of the Wild, and
Blessing of Kings);
- Armor Penetration;
- Critical Strike;
- Strength (2 Atk Power before similar multipliers to Agility);
- 8% Hit before talents / Draenei to cap Hit;
- 26 Expertise Points before
Primal Precision to reduce Boss Dodge % to 0;
- Haste;
- Feral Attack Power (stat on weapons dependent on their item level, has 20%
extra scaling than regular Attack Power from
Predatory Strikes);
- Attack Power.
For actual EP values, try out the Feral DPS Wrath Simulator (work in progress). Input your gear, buffs, talents, and glyphs, hit the Stat Weights button and it will give you the exact value of each stat for your current gear profile! The stat priority above is a rough ordering of the EP values coming out for the preset profiles.
Rotation for Feral DPS Druid
We will be presenting the skill rotation of a Feral DPS Druid as a priority list, which means you should try to use the one at the top of the list first for maximum DPS.
As one of the most complex specializations to perform an ideal rotation with in Wrath, there are two critical concepts to understand before getting into the ability priority list.
Energy Pooling is the act of not using your abilities as soon as you
have enough Energy to do so, but instead use them when they will give you most
benefit, while always avoiding capping Energy to prevent loss of potential regen.
Examples of this are pooling around 90 Energy for Berserk in order
to be able to use as many 50% reduced cost
Cat Form abilities as
possible within its 15-second duration and pooling to ensure you always have
enough Energy to instantly reapply damage-over-time effects as soon as they expire.
Damage-over-time management is about keeping as much uptime on your
damage-over-time effects, Rip and
Rake (as well as
Mangle (Cat) debuff if there is no alternative source) as possible,
but also never refreshing them when they are active as that will make you lose
the last tick and its damage.
Single-Target Rotation for Feral DPS Druid
- Use
Tiger's Fury when available while you are under 40 Energy;
- If
Berserk is available and 15 or more seconds remain on
Tiger's Fury cooldown, auto-attack until ~90 Energy and use Berserk;
- Use and refresh (after it expires)
Rip at 5 Combo Points;
- Keep
Mangle (Cat)'s debuff on your target unless you have another Feral DPS Druid or an Arms Warrior with
Trauma in the raid;
- Use
Ferocious Bite at 5 Combo Points if
Rip still has 10+ seconds remaining on its duration, allowing you to build back up before needing to refresh Rip;
- Use and refresh (after it expires)
- Use
Shred to build Combo Points if doing so will not prevent you in the near future from having enough Energy to instant refresh your damage-over-time effects or
Mangle (Cat)'s debuff.
Multi-Target Rotation for Feral DPS Druid
With Swipe (Cat) only coming at Level 71, your rotation for AoE is
the same as the single-target one. If you can keep
Rip on multiple
targets that will not die in its full duration do so, but if the targets are likely
to die before a full Rip is completed, use
Ferocious Bite instead.
Gear for Feral DPS Druid
Most TBC Phase 5 gear in the guide linked below is still fine, but there are a few important factors changing how you want to gear in the pre-patch and Wrath in general:
- Powershifting is dead with the changes to
Furor, and thus so is
Wolfshead Helm; you will want to use
Thunderheart Cover or
Duplicitous Guise instead;
- Tier 4 and its 2-set bonus which has a 4% chance to generate 20 Energy after
a melee attack in
Cat Form becomes much more powerful when your Energy is not constantly being reset to 60 by Powershifting, allowing you to use more abilities, and thus leading to higher DPS, even after considering Tier 4's low stats. Due to their lower stat budgets, Shoulders and Gloves are the preferred slots for Tier 4;
- Hit and Expertise are of much lower relative value than before, as the loss
of Powershifting leads to drastically lower average Energy, forcing you
to spend significant time waiting for it to regen. As 80% of the Energy cost of
abilities that fail to land is returned (including finishers with
Primal Precision), you can simply use that ability again with a minor DPS loss;
- To complement raiding, or if it is not an option, farming Honor in the pre-patch through battlegrounds will allow you to buy the full "Brutal" PvP gear set, which is close in power to gear from Sunwell Plateau and has no randomness in its acquisition.
Enchants mostly stay the same in the pre-patch, but weapon procs such as
Enchant Weapon - Mongoose can now proc when inside
Cat Form
and should thus be used instead of flat Agility, and
Enchant Boots - Surefooted
goes from a niche melee enchant to the best general DPS enchant, and is also a
strong option.
Consumables for Feral DPS Druid
Flask of Relentless Assault and
Elixir of Major Agility both have
similar value and you can use any of them as the recommended offensive elixir for
Feral, with standalone defensive elixirs being of irrelevant throughput value.
Eat Grilled Mudfish or
Warp Burger and use
Adamantite Weightstone
on your weapon.
Haste Potion is the best DPS potion available. You can no longer use two
potions during combat, but you can use one just before entering combat, which
will allow you to use another mid-fight if the encounter is long enough.
- 27 Aug. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Shaman and Druid, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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