WotLK Classic Fire Mage Guide
Welcome to our Fire Mage guide for WotLK Classic, tailored for PvE content. Here, you will learn how all you need to know to play Fire Mage proficiently. Click the links below to navigate the guide or read this page for a short introduction.
Mage has three balanced PvE talent trees. This guide will
lead you through the World of Fire Mage. While
Arcane Mages are considered the
strongest short fight nuke spec and
Frost Mages are considered to
be leveling and PvP gods, Fire Mage excels at consistently doing
the highest overall damage in PvE. Fire Mage's playstyle is all about managing your
Living Bomb and
Hot Streak procs correctly.
Generally, Fire is a blend between damage over time
(DoT) spec and single target spells.
Living Bomb and the DoT from
Pyroblast deal damage over time. However, the majority of damage still comes
from direct damage spells, such as
Frostfire Bolt. Fire Mage is
also the strongest Mage spec when it comes to dealing AoE damage.
Fire Mage is brought to raids purely for their DPS value, crowd
control and food, as well as raid buffs, such as Arcane Brilliance and
Focus Magic.
If you want to speedrun raids with a lot of trash mobs,
Frostfire Bolt (FFB)
is the preferred spec. FFB has a stronger
and uses
Firestarter, a free and instant
Flamestrike, which procs from
Dragon's Breath and
Blast Wave.
Furthermore, FFB is less Mana hungry than the single target damage variant
Torment the Weak (TTW) spec, which uses
Fireball as their main
single target spell. In consequence, TTW is the go for spec if you are not speedrunning
or the raid you play does not have a lot of trash.
Generally, because Fire talents scale so well with gear, Fire Mage starts to surpass Arcane in PvE as soon as the items from raids with Hit Rating also have better overall stats, which is the case from Tier 8 onwards. For PvP, Frost Mages are generally the better choice due to their huge arsenal of survivabilty, crowd control and burst damage tools. In our DPS rankings you can check out how Fire Mage is ranked in the current tier. Ultimately, you should not let these lists stop you from playing the Mage spec you enjoy playing most.
Strengths and Weaknesses
High overall damage.
Benefits from execute phase in longer fights.
Best AoE damage of all Mage specs.
Frostfire spec needs as much hit rating as Arcane, making it a perfect dual-spec spec.
Not as Mana-hungry as Arcane (Frostfire is very mana efficient).
Fun to play.
Higher threat.
Fire TTW needs more Hit rating than Arcane (FFB spec does not).
In short fights worse Single Target DPS than Arcane.
Requires you to focus on procs to be most efficient.
Best Races for Fire Mage
For PvE, the decision making for Alliance players is not as easy as for Horde
Mages. Draenei boosts Hit by 1% for spell and physical attacks
from Heroic Presence for the whole group (even in a raid,
only the group in which the Draenei is in will affected, not the whole raid), which is in theory the best Alliance
racial. The self-heal
Gift of the Naaru is a cherry on top. However, the value of
the Hit buff disappears as soon as there is another Draenei in your
group, in which case Gnome is the next best Alliance race with
Expansive Mind. Especially for TTW, the 1% Hit from Heroic Presence is
very useful, as TTW requires a lot of Hit rating. In PvP, Human is
the best choice, as they have
Perception and
Will to Survive. If you
have a Draenei in your raid group and want to PVP as well, Gnome might be a good
compromise between PVE and PVP performance, because Gnomes also have
Escape Artist.
For the Horde, Troll is clearly the best PvE Mage race,
due to Berserking and
Da Voodoo Shuffle being so strong. In
PvP, Undead are king with
Will of the Forsaken and
Just as Undead, Draenei have a slightly higher resistance to Shadow
spells. Their Gemcutting ability increases their Jewelcrafting skill. The two
most important racial traits are
Heroic Presence and
Gift of the Naaru.
Heroic Presence increases the Hit chance of players grouped with
you, and Gift of the Naaru is a heal-over-time that scales with your level,
usually used in niche situations such as healing while running away from
Shadow Resistance — Chance to be hit with shadow spells decreased by 2%.
Gemcutting — Jewelcrafting skill increased by 5.
Heroic Presence — Increases chance to hit by 1% for you and all party members within 30 yards.
Gift of the Naaru — Gift of the Naaru is a heal that scales with your level and will heal your target over the course of 15 seconds.
Perception is a very strong passive ability, detecting any stealth class around you,
giving you a massive advantage in PvP. While
The Human Spirit isn't great
for Mage, it's better than nothing.
Diplomacy is useful any time you do
a reputation grind and
Will to Survive can be very strong in PvE and PvP. The
combination of Perception and Will to Survive make Human a very good race for
Perception — Increases stealth detection. Passive ability.
The Human Spirit — Spirit increased by 3%.
Diplomacy — Reputation gains increased by 10%.
Will to Survive — Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character.
Gnome is very strong for PvE due to their Intellect boost from Expansive Mind, providing a useful buff to all
three Mage specs, especially for Arcane.
Escape Artist is a very strong
racial trait for both PvP and PvE, as it is instant in WotLK and on a low
1.75-minute cooldown. The extra
Arcane Resistance helps in a few PvE
situations. The bonus to Engineering is just as handy as any other races' profession
Escape Artist — Escape the effects of any immobilization or movement speed reduction effect.
Arcane Resistance — Chance to be hit with arcane spells decreased by 2%.
Engineering Specialization — Engineering skill increased by 15.
Expansive Mind — Intellect increased by 5%.
Blood Elf
Mana Tap and
Arcane Torrent
restore Mana and also grant Mage a 2 second AoE silence,
which can be used as an emergency
Counterspell. The additional
Magic Resistance decrease magic
damage taken slightly and as Arcane beings, Blood Elves have increased
Enchanting skill.
Magic Resistance — Chance to be hit with spells decreased by 2%.
Arcane Affinity — Enchanting skill increased by 10.
Arcane Torrent — Silences all mobs within 8 yards of you for 2 seconds and grants 6% of your base Mana.
Trolls are the best PvE Horde race for Mage. The passive damage increase to
beasts is nice to have while leveling and farming beasts, but the real
deal is the increased cast speed from Berserking. This ability lets you cast 20%
faster for 10 seconds. Further, Trolls are able to generate small amounts
of Health during combat, an ability no other race has.
Da Voodoo Shuffle reduces
the duration of all movement impairing effects by 15%.
Berserking — Increases your casting and attack speed by 20%. Lasts 10 seconds.
Beast Slaying — Damage dealt versus Beasts increased by 5%.
Regeneration — Health regeneration rate increased by 10%. 10% of total Health regeneration may continue during combat.
Da Voodoo Shuffle — Reduces the duration of all movement impairing effects by 15%.
The racial traits of Undead are most the powerful in PvP combat, but also
have niche uses in PvE. Undead can cancel Charm, Fear and Sleep effects. When combined
with Ice Block, this is a very strong ability. The Undead hunger for fresh bodies lets them
feast on their enemies' corpses, restoring Health very quickly. Being able to
breathe three times longer underwater than any other race, Undead do not
need to fear from drowning while doing underwater farming or questing, and
Undead are more resistant to Shadow damage.
Will of the Forsaken — Removes any Charm, Fear, or Sleep effect.
Cannibalize — When activated, regenerates 7% of total Health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. Only works on Humanoid or Undead corpses within 5 yards. Any movement, action, or damage taken while Cannibalizing will cancel the effect.
Underwater Breathing — Underwater breath lasts 233% longer than normal.
Shadow Resistance — Chance to be hit with shadow spells decreased by 2%.
Best Professions for Fire Mages
Engineering is without a doubt the best profession. Explosives, such as
Saronite Bombs and
Global Thermal Sapper Charge, deal a big chunk
of extra damage and can be woven into your normal rotation using macros. In addition,
Engineering offers access to several Best in Slot
enchants, strong pre-raid items, such as
Visage Liquification Goggles,
and farming items like the
Zapthrottle Mote Extractor, which can be used for
farming Eternals, such as
Eternal Water.
In every phase of WotLK, Tailoring gives access to several very
strong Tailoring items, which last long in PvE content. One example from Phase 1 is the
Ebonweave Robe. The key reason why Tailoring is so good for Mage is
the best in slot cloak enchant
Lightweave Embroidery. To add to this, you can enchant your legs
almost for free, as the exclusive tailoring
Sanctified Spellthread costs
only one
Eternium Thread to make. While not important for PvE or PvP, Tailoring also
offers Epic flying carpets, such as the
Magnificent Flying Carpet, and allows you to craft several of the already mentioned
Bind on Equip items throughout the expansion, such as
Merlin's Robe.
Besides Engineering and Tailoring, all the other
Professions are not considered best in slot, however, the
power gap between Tailoring and the alternatives is small, but still noticable.
The other professions listed below provide almost equal bonuses.
Jewelcrafting offers more flexibility with Hit Rating, as 3x
Rigid Dragon's Eyes provide 42 more Hit rating than 3x
Rigid King's Amber, which can
result a use of stronger non-hit raid items. Leatherworking provides different
Fur Linings, such as
Fur Lining - Frost Resist or
Fur Lining - Spell Power,
which can flexibly be applied and changed between encounters for only one
Arctic Fur.
This, however, is considered to be a niche use of this profession. The following list provides you
with more information about the bonuses each profession can give:
- 48 Spell Power or extra 42 Hit Rating — Jewelcrafting
- 47 Spell Power — Alchemy
- 46 Spell Power — Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Inscription, Leatherworking
Lifeblood, passive heal — Alchemy
Toughness, 60 Stamina — Mining
Master of Anatomy, 40 Critical strike rating — Skinning
Best Mage Macros and Addons
Using macros and addons makes your life significantly easier when playing Wrath Classic, and they can improve your experience a lot, depending on how skilled you are at customizing them.
If you are interested in learning more about addons and macros suited to Mage, check out our guides below:Changelog
- 01 Mar. 2024 (gear page): Updated BIS trinket after a recent discovery in game.
- 10 Jan. 2024 (gear page): Updated for The Ruby Sanctum
- 09 Oct. 2023 (pre-raid gear page): Added more Scourgestone Loot after Blizzard's recent changes.
- 13 Sep. 2023 (pre-raid gear page): Updated for Phase 4.
- 13 Sep. 2023 (gear page): Updated for Phase 4.
- 04 Jul. 2023 (this page): Made a few changes for the page to be more in line with other class guides.
- 16 Jun. 2023 (pre-raid gear page): Updated Sidereal Essence Cost.
- 16 Jun. 2023 (rotation page): Updated Ignite Munching information for P3.
- 06 May 2023 (gear page): Fixed a few Alliance/Horde item names.
- 05 May 2023 (pre-raid gear page): Added P3 pre raid BIS lists.
- 05 May 2023 (gear page): Added preliminary P3 BIS lists.
- 03 May 2023 (pre-raid gear page): Changed the layout of the page.
- 03 May 2023 (gear page): Changed the layout of the page.
- 06 Jan. 2023 (pre-raid gear page): Added Phase 2 specific information.
- 06 Jan. 2023 (enchants page): Added Phase 2 specific information.
- 06 Jan. 2023 (stats page): Updated for Frostfire spec.
- 06 Jan. 2023 (rotation page): Updated for Frostfire spec.
- 06 Jan. 2023 (talents page): Updated for Frostfire spec.
- 06 Jan. 2023 (spells page): Updated for Frostfire spec.
- 06 Jan. 2023 (this page): Updated for Frostfire spec.
- 02 Jan. 2023 (gear page): Updated for P2 and added Frostfire sets.
- 30 Dec. 2022 (stats page): Added link to the Mage Sim guide.
- 30 Dec. 2022 (rotation page): Added more detailed info about Mirror Images.
- 30 Dec. 2022 (spells page): Added more detailed info about Mirror Images.
- 16 Oct. 2022 (gear page): Fixed some wrong drop locations.
- 16 Oct. 2022 (this page): Updated Racials.
- 06 Oct. 2022 (stats page): Fixed hit tables not displaying information depending on spec.
- 03 Oct. 2022 (enchants page): Fixed some macro errors.
- 03 Oct. 2022 (rotation page): Fixed some macro errors.
- 01 Oct. 2022 (pre-raid gear page): Fixed a wand.
- 20 Sep. 2022 (this page): Updated Racials.
- 14 Sep. 2022 (pre-raid gear page): Page added.
- 14 Sep. 2022 (gear page): Page added.
- 14 Sep. 2022 (enchants page): Page added.
- 14 Sep. 2022 (stats page): Page added.
- 14 Sep. 2022 (rotation page): Page added.
- 14 Sep. 2022 (talents page): Page added.
- 14 Sep. 2022 (spells page): Page added.
- 14 Sep. 2022 (this page): Page added.
This guide has been written by Wrdlbrmpft aka Arcanaenus, playing Mage since 2008. He is usually found in the Mage Discord, where you may also ask him questions his guides do not answer.
- Season of Discovery Hotfixes: March 4th
- Nightmare Dragons Update: March 4th
- Season of Discovery and Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes: February 21st
- New Cataclysm Classic Valor Cap Set to Week 2 Due to Bug
- Season of Discovery Naxxramas Soft Reset Issue Fix and Warning
- Season of Discovery Hotfixes: February 14th
- Classic Hardcore, Era, and Anniversary Realm Black Lotus Respawn Rate Increase
- Remnants of Valor and Seal of the Dawn Changes in Season of Discovery: February 13th