WotLK Classic Fire Mage Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities
On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Fire Mage in both single-target and multiple-target PvE situations in WotLK Classic. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. in order to minmax your DPS.
General Knowledge
If you are not familiar already with all the Fire Mage spells, take a
look at our Spell Summary page. It is
also an interesting read, if you want to refresh your memory.
Knowing how all your important spells work helps you understand your class
better. This will improve your performance, as you will not have to think
about spells any longer, but simply know them and can focus on what happens
around you in PvE and PvP situations.
Fire Mages come with a very high damage potential in long fights due to the
"execute phase" from Molten Fury and with end-game gear they
can even out-DPS Arcane Mages. Knowing when to use your cooldowns optimally
will elevate your damage even more.
This guide assumes you are running one of the Fire Mage PvE builds and that you are playing a Level 80 character.
Important DPS-Enhancing Spells
There are a few spells you always need to have active if you want to maximize your performance:
Arcane Intellect/
Arcane Brilliance — This boosts your Intellect stat and therefore your Mana pool and Critical Strike chance.
Molten Armor — Boosts your Critical Strike chance by 35% of your total Spirit (55% with
Glyph of Molten Armor) and deals damage to enemies that hit you. This is the better choice, unless you face extreme Mana problems all the time.
Mage Armor — Boosts your Magic resistance by 40 and allows 50% of your Mana regeneration (70% with
Glyph of Mage Armor) to continue while casting. Only use this armor if you really need the Magic resistance or Mana regeneration.
Focus Magic — Cast on another caster who does a lot of crits to boost theirs and your Critical Strike chance by 3%.
AoE Damage and Threat
Fire Mages have it a bit harder than Arcane Mages when it comes
to AoE damage, as their threat modifiers are generally worse and the top Fire
spec comes with a lot of burst damage, especially when AoEing with a
Blast Wave ->
Flamestrike ->
Dragon's Breath
Flamestrike combination through the
talent, and several
Living Bombs going off at the same time.
Blizzard (for FFB Mages) also has a high threat potential. This can
lead to overaggro situations very quickly. If
Mirror Images are not
available for a full blast rotation, Fire Mages need to
be careful when they AoE to not pull aggro and die from enemies beating
them. If your tanks are doing low threat or you are simply generating too much
threat, it is always better to hold back for a few seconds. The
alternative is continuing with AoE and dying to threat. Therefore, the massive
AoE threat potential can also decrease a Fire Mage's AoE viability.
However, there is no need to worry: The standard Fire spec that goes into
the Arcane tree for Torment the Weak also takes 2 points in
Arcane Subtlety, which allows you to do low-threat
Arcane Explosions in threat-capped situations.
Mirror Image can be used on AoE to disappear from the threat
list while doing heavy burst AoE damage. Simply use them while engaging the
next pack of mobs and enjoy doing no threat until the Mirror Images disappear.
This WeakAura by Hildigunnur shows
you a list of targets you have threat on and displays your threat relative to
your tank. There are several such modifications on wago.io, just search
there for 'aoe threat'. Another way to survive high AoE threat is to use
Ice Block or
Invisibility when in danger. Ice Block is no
threat wipe, but it gives your tank more time to build threat during its
duration. Invisibility takes you out of combat after 3 seconds and completely
resets your threat.
Highest DPS AoE Rotation
The Living Bomb DoT takes 12 seconds to explode, so it is best used
directly on pull while mobs are still running toward the tank. DoT up as many
mobs as possible (
Flame Throwing can help to DoT earlier), but make sure
to only use this technique if you know that
the mobs will survive long enough for the detonation to go off. Cast
Dragon's Breath in melee range of the mobs. This will trigger
Firestarter which allows you to cast
Flamestrike (Rank 9).
Blast Wave and hit the mobs in front of you, and follow it up with
Flamestrike (Rank 8). If your mobs are
stationary, it is better (damage-wise but not threat-wise) to cast
Blizzard. If the mobs move, cast
Arcane Explosions. Should the
enemies live long enough, you can cast
Living Bombs and
Dragon's Breath/
Blast Wave (followed by instant
Flamestrike) again. If any of these spells causes you to overaggro,
reconsider using them. Frostfire Mages can find great damage potential in
Living Bombing high health enemies early, casting
(Rank 9) and
Flamestrike (Rank 8) where mobs are gathered and
use a
Blizzard. This rotation does very high DPS on range,
Torment the Weak Fire Mages have their highest damage potential in
melee based AoE. Regardless of your spec, you will always do more damage being
alive (and for Fire TTW: spamming
Arcane Explosion) than being dead and
doing 0 damage. If you go into melee for the Blast Wave, Dragon's Breath
and Flamestrike, using a macro that automatically casts Flamestrike on your
position can be helpful:
- #showtooltip
- /cast [@player] Flamestrike(Rank 9)
You can exchange the [@player] with [@cursor] to cast it on your cursor's position position. Further, you can also exchange the spell name or even the rank (e.g. Rank 9 to Rank 8), but do not add a space between the spell's name and the (Rank x) or the macro will not work. Not adding a rank at all will automatically cast the highest rank of a spell.
Tips and Tricks for Using AoE Spells
All AoE spells can be combined with Global Thermal Sapper Charges
Saronite Bombs by using a macro, and of course with all kinds
of trinkets, cooldowns, and consumables. You can, for example, macro
your trinket,
Potion of Speed, the Troll racial
Berserking, and
Saronite Bomb into a macro that puts down a
at your cursor's position:
Flamestrike Macro:
- /use 13
- /use Potion of Speed
- /cast Berserking
- /use [@cursor] Saronite Bomb
- /cast [@cursor] Flamestrike(Rank 9)
- /cqs
Frostfire Bolt Mages can add a /cast Icy Veins line to the macro.
Arcane Explosion Macro:
- /use 13
- /use Potion of Speed
- /cast Berserking
- /use Global Thermal Sapper Charge
- /use [@player] Saronite Bomb
- /cast Arcane Explosion
- /cqs
The trinket in the upper trinket slot is accessed via /use 13, and the
trinket in the lower trinket slot via /use 14. You can only use one
activation trinket at a time. If you wish to not include any trinket, potion,
buff, or bomb in your macro, simply leave these lines out. The tag [@cursor]
casts the Saronite Bomb and
Flamestrike at your cursor position,
while [@player] casts the
Saronite Bomb at your player position.
If you wish to use another spell, such as
Blast Wave, simply write
Blast Wave instead of
Arcane Explosion in the macro.
Single-Target Damage
Fire Mages are capable of doing huge amounts of single-target damage,
especially in long fights during Molten Fury. Your main
rotation will be to keep up
Living Bomb (prioritize refreshing Living
Bomb over using a
Hot Streak proc). If no
Destruction Warlock with
Improved Shadow Bolt or
no Frost Mage with
Winter's Chill is around, you
need to keep up the
Improved Scorch debuff by casting
every 30 seconds. Cast
Fireballs and, when you score two crits in a
row and
Hot Streak activates, cast an instant
As of Phase 3, Mages will no longer need to deal with the
'Ignite Munching' problem, which
was previously solved with addons and macros.
Ignite munching
basically meant that you lost
damage from a
Hot Streaked
Pyroblast hitting at the same
time as a
Fireball, because one Ignite got (partially) overwritten.
When you face Mana problems, cast Evocation when you are OOM (out
of mana) and make sure to use your
Mana Sapphire on cooldown.
A good macro for using Mana Sapphire is the following (this macro can also
be used with potions, simply replace Mana Sapphire with the potion
- #showtooltip Fireball
- /use Mana Sapphire
- /cast Fireball
- /cqs
A good way to pump your DPS from stacking cooldowns is to use your
Mirror Image on cooldown and to use
Combustion together with
Fireball in the following macro:
- /use 13
- /use Potion of Speed
- /cast Berserking
- /cast Combustion
- /use [@cursor] Saronite Bomb
- /cast Fireball
- /cqs
(Frostfire Bolt Mages can add a /cast Icy Veins line to the macro.)
This way you will use your top trinket (13 is the top trinket slot, 14
is the bottom trinket slot), a Potion of Speed (or a
Flame Cap, if
you adjust the macro accordingly),
Berserking (only relevant for Trolls),
Combustion, throw a
Saronite Bomb at your cursor position, and cast
Fireball on
your target.
Other Important Fire Mage Spells to Have Keybound
Mirror Image — Should be used for additional damage, as the Mirror
Images attack your enemy and do additional damage, or to disappear from the threat
list while doing heavy burst (AoE) damage. Mirror Images benefit from
Heroism if cast beforehand and only attack if an enemy is
nearby and you are already in combat with them.
Fire Blast — Will be cast while
moving or to finish off an enemy with a last cast. Fire Blast has no travel
time. When you have a
Hot Streak proc and know you will need to move
before the buff expires, keep it until you need to move and cast
Fire Blast ->
Pyroblast ->
Fire Blast.
Combustion — Increases your Critical Strike damage bonus
with Fire damage spells by 50%, and causes each of your Fire damage spell
hits to increase your Critical Strike chance with Fire damage spells by 10%.
This effect lasts until you have caused 3 non-periodic Critical Strikes with
Fire spells. Keep this spell for when you have as many damage increasing buffs
as possible, as the Critical Strike damage bonus will scale with those
damage increasing buffs.
Remove Curse — While this is no damage spell, it
is of high importance to decurse on some fights, and doing so is part of being
a good Mage.
Spellsteal — In some fights you
either help your team to survive or you gain a massive buff when spell stealing
from enemies.
Polymorph — Turning your enemies into a sheep for 50 seconds
is sometimes required in PvE encounters and you should always be ready to
use this spell.
Blink — This can either be used to travel a large distance
within one GCD and continue casting or to move out of dangerous boss mechanics.
Blink can be seen as a passive DPS increase, as you travel forward 20 yards and
then have 1.5s global cooldown to position before you can cast again. Moving
the same distance would take significantly longer and would reduce your overall
casting time. If you are a good Mage, using this spell to avoid movement is a
sign of quality.
Ice Block — Makes you immune to most kinds of damage. If you
pulled aggro from a mob, they return to the 2nd-highest threat target (which
usually is the tank). It can also be used to remove deadly debuffs from you.
Mana Shield,
Frost Ward, and
Fire Ward — absorb
damage and can be useful in some PvE situations.
Other Useful Combat Abilities
Playing a Mage does not only mean to press the Fireball/
Frostfire Bolt and
Pyroblast buttons, but also managing your Mana, using
crowd control spells, and making sure you survive.
Please consider taking a look at the Fire Mage spells section if you want to refresh your memory.
- 16 Jun. 2023: Updated Ignite Munching information for P3.
- 06 Jan. 2023: Updated for Frostfire spec.
- 30 Dec. 2022: Added more detailed info about Mirror Images.
- 03 Oct. 2022: Fixed some macro errors.
- 14 Sep. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Wrdlbrmpft aka Arcanaenus, playing Mage since 2008. He is usually found in the Mage Discord, where you may also ask him questions his guides do not answer.
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