WotLK Classic Fire Mage Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs
On this page, you will find out the best PvE talent choices and builds for your Fire Mage in WotLK Classic, as well as advised glyphs.
Talent Builds for Fire Mage
Fire Mage talents aim to maximize single-target and AoE damage.
Leveling Builds
If you were looking for a leveling-oriented build please refer to our Mage leveling guide.
Talent Build
Fire Mages in WotLK can play a Frostfire or an Arcane Fire spec.
The Arcane Fire spec is also called "Fire TTW" or simply "TTW", as it utilizes the Torment the Weak (TTW)
talent in the Arcane tree. TTW gives you a flat 12% damage bonus on
Fireball and
Pyroblast, which are 2 of your 3 main damage
spells. The other main damage spell is
Living Bomb. This talent tree
also excels at both burst and consistent AoE damage and is good
for Dungeons, Raids and leveling. The Frostfire Bolt (FFB)
talents are appealing, because
Frostfire Bolt double dips (benefits twice) from
lowering your needed hit cap by 6% compared to Fire TTW.
Frostfire Bolt also double dips from
effects like
Improved Shadow Bolt and
Improved Scorch, as well as from
Heart of the Crusader
and similar effects, resulting in a 8% increased critical strike chance. The main rotation for Frostfire is
the same as for TTW, just that you use
Frostfire Bolt instead of
Fireball, and
is stronger. With FFB you give up the talent
Focus Magic, which is basically the key component whether
FFB or TTW is stronger. If you spec TTW and give
Focus Magic to a Fire
Mage, Shadow Priest or Moonkin, TTW is slightly ahead in single target damage.
The mana efficiency, lower hit cap (and easier gearing), and better AoE of the
FFB spec count as arguments for you to decide which of the two specs you
want to use.
Fire TTW Talents
Fire FFB Talents
Important Fire Mage Talents
Fire Tree
Improved Fireball decreases the cast time of your
Fireball by 0.5 seconds, which makes your Fireball go from a 3.5- to
3-second cast time. This talent is a massive DPS increase.
Ignite makes your targets burn after suffering from a Critical
Strike with Fire spells. This burning leaves a DoT on the target that deals 40%
of the spell's total damage over 4 seconds in increments of 2 seconds.
If you crit for 1,000 damage, the Ignite DoT would do a total of 400 damage, with
200 damage dealt after 2 seconds and another 200 after 4 seconds. If you do
crit again before any of these ticks, the Ignite DoT duration is reset to 4
and the damage from the new crit is added to the Ignite damage of the first
crit. This is the most important Fire talent.
World in Flames increases the Critical Strike chance of all the AoE
spells this build utilizes by 6%.
Pyroblast is basically a stronger
Fireball with a
5-second cast time. This talent is very important, as it is required to reach
Blast Wave talent and synergizes with the bread and butter
Hot Streak.
Burning Soul reduces the threat of Fire spells 20% and gives
Fire spells a 70% chance to not suffer spell pushback from damage.
Improved Scorch increases the enemy's chance to take a critical
strike from spells
by 5%. If a Destruction Warlock with
Improved Shadow Bolt or
a Frost Mage with
Winter's Chill is around, you do not need
to worry about the Improved Scorch debuff. The debuff lasts for 30 seconds.
Master of Elements returns 20% of a spell's base Mana
cost, if it crits. AoE spells that crit multiple targets only return the Mana
once per cast.
Playing with Fire increases all spell damage caused and taken by
3%. Doing 3% more damage at the cost of taking 3% more is worth it.
Critical Mass gives all your Fire spells a 6% higher chance to
Blast Wave is your first out of 2 possible Fire AoE spells and
deals massive amounts of Fire damage. This ability has a 30-second cooldown
and has to be used with care, as Fire spells only get a 20% threat decrease.
Only use this spell if your tank has a good threat lead to avoid pulling
aggro and dying to enemy attacks. This is even more important with the
Firestarter talent, which gives your
Blast Wave and
Dragon's Breath the chance to cast an instant
Flamestrike within
10 seconds.
Fire Power increases Fire damage done by 10%. This is also one
of the strongest talents the Fire tree has to offer.
Pyromaniac increases the chance to crit with Fire spells by
3% and allows 50% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting.
Combustion is your big Fire cooldown. When Combustion is
activated, it increases the Critical Strike chance of your Fire spells by 10%
each time you hit one of your foes, until you have crit three times with
non-periodic Fire spells. Further, while active, it increases the Critical
Strike damage bonus of all Fire spells by 50%, so it is very important to
use this damage cooldown together with as many damage-increasing effects as
possible, or during the execute phase with
Molten Fury. After scoring
three crits, the 3-minute cooldown of this talent starts.
Molten Fury is a passive ability that
increases the damage dealt to a target with 35% Health or less by 12%. It is
only logical to use all your damage-increasing abilities, such as trinkets,
Potion of Speed,
Flame Caps, and cooldowns like
during that nuke phase to maximize the damage you deal.
Empowered Fire increases the spell damage scaling of
Fireball by 15%. That means that if you have 1,00 spell damage with
raid buffs, your Fireballs will not get 1,000 bonus damage, but 1,150. This
drastically increases the value of the Spell Damage stat for Fire Mages.
Further, you gain a 100% chance to regain 2% of your base Mana when
Ignite does damage.
Firestarter gives your
Blast Wave and
Dragon's Breath
spells a 50/100% chance to make your next
Flamestrike an instant
cast and cost no Mana for 10 seconds. Taking one point in this talent is
usually enough, as you usually hit so many targets with Dragon's Breath and
Blast Wave that the 50% chance is enough to trigger this talent.
Dragon's Breath bathes enemies in front of you in a frontal
cone of Fire and disorients them for 3 seconds. Any direct damage (that means
DoTs, notably
Ignite, are excluded from this rule) will break the
disorient effect. This ability does very high AoE damage and, paired with
Combustion and
Blast Wave, you can add good Ignite
damage to your targets. Use with caution though, because of the high threat
Fire spells do.
Hot Streak makes your next
Pyroblast an instant spell, if you
score two crits in a row with any combination of
Fire Blast,
Living Bomb, or
Frostfire Bolt.
This is probably your most important Fire talent together with
Burnout increases your Critical Strike bonus from spells by 50% but
makes your non-periodic spell criticals cost 105% of their Mana cost.
Living Bomb places a DoT on your target that deals damage
and triggers an explosion, dealing damage to everyone within 10 yards of the
target after 12 seconds. This is a very powerful spell and can also be
improved with
Glyph of Living Bomb, allowing the DoT ticks to crit.
Arcane Tree
Arcane Subtlety decreases the threat you do with your Arcane
spells by 40% and decreases the chance your helpful spells will be dispelled
by 30%.
This talent is key, as it will make it very hard for you to pull aggro, be it
Arcane Blast,
Arcane Missiles, or
Arcane Explosion.
Arcane Focus increases your chance to hit with Arcane spells by
Arcane Concentration gives you a 10% chance of entering a
Clearcasting state after any attack goes off. This gives you an average of 10%
reduced Mana cost on your damaging spells.
Spell Impact gives your main DPS spells a 6% damage bonus.
Student of the Mind increases your total Spirit by 4%, which gives
you slightly more Critical Strike rating from
Molten Armor.
Focus Magic is a powerful buff to be cast on a friendly target. It
increases their Critical Strike chance with spells by 3%. If they score a
Critical Strike, your Critical Strike chance is also increased by 3% for
10 seconds.
Torment the Weak gives your main DPS spells a 12% damage bonus if
your target is slowed in any way (physical/spell/movement slow), which they
usually are from a Death Knight's
Icy Touch or a Warrior's
Thunder Clap.
Frost Tree
This tree is only relevant for the Frostfire spec. Contrary to the
3 points in Ice Floes, the two points
Frostbite or
Improved Frostbolt are filler points to
reach the other important talents
Ice Floes reduces the cooldown of
Frost Nova,
Cone of Cold,
Ice Block and
Icy Veins by 20%.
Ice Shards makes your Frost Spell Critical Strikes deal 200%
damage. This talent stacks with
Burnout and makes your
Frostfire Bolt and
Blizzard crit extremely hard.
Precision increases your chance to Hit with all spells by
3%, gives 6% for
Frostfire Bolt.
Piercing Ice increases all Frost damage done by 6%.
Frost Channeling benefits your
Frostfire Bolt's mana
efficiency, however these two points can also be put into
Flame Throwing.
Icy Veins increases your casting speed by 20% and gives you
a 100% spell pushback protection for 20 seconds. Does not protect from
interrupt effects or stuns.
Best Glyphs for Fire Mages
The best Fire Mage Glyphs are Glyph of Fireball if TTW
Glyph of Frostfire if FFB),
Glyph of Living Bomb, and
Glyph of Molten Armor (Major), and
Glyph of Arcane Intellect and
Glyph of Slow Fall (Minor). The third
glyph is your personal choice. Further, one could argue that
Glyph of Fire Ward and
Glyph of Frost Ward are better minor glyphs
than any other, but the use of these is very, very niche, so this
guide will stick to the quality of life glyphs. Below you will find a complete
list of glyphs, in case you would like to experiment with them, e.g. for
farming purposes. Your tanks will love you if you use
Glyph of Blast Wave,
however the knockback effect can also be utilized to benefit your raid in some
Minor Glyphs:
Glyph of Arcane Intellect
Glyph of Blast Wave
Glyph of Fire Ward
Glyph of Frost Armor
Glyph of Frost Ward
Glyph of Slow Fall
Glyph of the Penguin
- 06 Jan. 2023: Updated for Frostfire spec.
- 14 Sep. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Wrdlbrmpft aka Arcanaenus, playing Mage since 2008. He is usually found in the Mage Discord, where you may also ask him questions his guides do not answer.
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