Frost Death Knight Leveling Guide From 55 to 80 for WotLK Classic
On this page, you will find our Level by Level Frost Death Knight leveling guide for WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic.
For more general leveling information, please refer to our Death Knight leveling guide. We also have an Unholy Death Knight leveling guide and a Blood Death Knight leveling guide.
Level by Level Rotation, Talents, and Trainer Skills
Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!
Leveling Talent Tree & Build
Unlike other classes Death Knights start at level 55 so they have a considerable amount of talent points unlocked as soon as you create your character and progress through the Death Knight starting area. While you gain the points much faster than other classes it is important to have an idea of how you should spend them to avoid having to respec to take an important talent you may have missed because of how quickly you acquired the points.
- — 3 points in
Improved Icy Touch
- — 2 points in
Runic Power Mastery
- — 3 points in
Nerves of Cold Steel
- — 2 points in
Black Ice
- — 3 points in
- — 2 points in
Black Ice
- — 2 points in
Endless Winter
- — 1 point in
Black Ice
- — 5 points in
Icy Talons
- — 5 points in
Killing Machine
- — 3 points in
- — 1 point in
Improved Icy Talons
- — 3 points in
Glacier Rot
- — 3 points in
Threat of Thassarian
- — 1 point in
Unbreakable Armor
- — 1 point in
Hungering Cold
- — 1 point in
Frost Strike
- — 3 points in
Guile of Gorefiend
- — 3 points in
- — 1 point in
- — 2 points in
Merciless Combat
- — 1 point in
Frost Strike
The talents you have taken so far are mostly passive
damage increases to dual-wielding or procs that will make the spells you already
have much more powerful as well as some like Annihilation that will
completely change your rotation as you will no longer need to refresh diseases after
Obliterate which is your primary spender of Frost and Unholy runes.
Chilblains will allow you to kite almost indefinitely as the massive
slow will allow you time for cooldowns or just to stay at range against an enemy
may not have been able to kill if you had to constantly stay in melee range of it.
Frost Strike will act as your primary spender of Runic Power and almost
entirely replaces
Death Coil.
Death Coil can be used with
Lichborne to heal yourself, but should not be used to deal damage unless
you have no way of reaching your target.
Unbreakable Armor acts as both
a huge personal defensive and offensive cooldown, greatly increasing your survivability
against Physical damage while also increasing your Strength, giving you more Attack Power
and Critical strike rating.
- Level 60 — 1 point in
Howling Blast
- Level 61 to 65 — 5 points in
Tundra Stalker
- Level 66 to 67 — 2 points in
- Level 68 to 69 — 2 points in
Blade Barrier
Howling Blast will become a massive part of
your rotation when fighting more than one mob and will be used in single-target
Rime procs.
Tundra Stalker will allow you to deal even
more damage and make the added Expertise increase the power of dual-wielding.
Butchery continues to incentivize high uptime by granting you Runic Power
every time you kill an enemy and for time spent in combat.
- Level 70 — 1 point in
Blade Barrier
- Level 71 to 75 — 5 points in
Bladed Armor/
- Level 76 to 78 — 3 points in
Death Rune Mastery
- Level 77 to 80 — 2 points in
Icy Reach
Finishing out the leveling tree you will pick up
Bladed Armor which is a nice personal DPS increase as well as grabbing
Death Rune Mastery which will allow you a bit more freedom with your runes.
Leveling Rotation
- Apply and maintain diseases using
Icy Touch and
Plague Strike
- Use
Pestilence to spread your diseases in any situation you are fighting more than one target.
- Use
Blood Strike as your primary spender of Blood Runes against up to two targets, when fighting more than two targets you should be using
Blood Boil as your primary spender of Blood runes.
- Use
Obliterate as your primary spender of Frost and Unholy Runes. Make sure to constantly keep your Runes on cooldown to maximize your ability usage.
- cast
Howling Blast when fighting 2+ mobs or in single-target if you get a
Rime proc.
- cast
Frost Strike as your primary spender of Runic Power.
- cast
Death and Decay when fighting 3+ mobs and you are confident they will survive most of its duration.
- Make sure you are auto-attacking at all times.
List of Trainer Skills to Buy
It is important to buy all abilities as you level as they are cheap and Death Knights have quite a few abilities that are extremely powerful in certain situations; you never know when you will need them.
Frost Death Knight Macros and Addons
Setting up an user interface and macros early on you will greatly improve the quality of your leveling experience. Check out the Frost Death Knight Macros and Addons guides in the links below for the full list.
How to Continue to Improve Your Frost Death Knight at Level 80
Once you achieve Level 80 we suggest you check out Frost Death Knight Guide, which goes more in detail of how to play your Level 80 Frost Death Knight.
Some of the most relevant pages to dive deeper into are:
- The Frost Death Knight Talent builds guide offers a default build to maximize your damage and survivability as a Frost Death Knight;
- Our Frost Death Knight Rotation guide teaches you how to actually deal damage and survive in a variety of situations. It also includes tips on how to utilize your cooldowns and utility.
- Check out the Frost Death Knight Stats guide if you would like to learn how each stat effects your survivability and threat;
- The Gear guide for Frost Death Knight includes a list of gear to for you to acquire and where to find it;
- 27 Aug. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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