WotLK Classic Guide to Mage's Best Macros
The potential of macros in World of Warcraft is practically endless. To save you from reading 20 pages of macros, we have compiled the most useful macros for you while keeping them simple, so they are easy to understand and that you can build your own macros off them.
WotLK Classic Mage Macro Templates
Utility Macros
- #showtooltip
- /dismount
- /cast [flyable] Swift Red Wind Rider; Swift Pink Hawkstrider
This macro makes you use your flying mount where you can fly, and your ground mount where you cannot fly. Replace "Swift Red Wind Rider" with your flying mount name and "Swift Pink Hawkstrider" with your ground mount.
- #showtooltip
- /cast [mod:shift] Conjure Mana Gem; [mod:ctrl] Ritual of Refreshment; Conjure Refreshment
This is a 3-in-1 macro, as it combines three spells (and buttons) into one.
On Left Click, the macro conjures your highest rank Water. If you press Shift
and left-click, it will conjure the highest rank Mana Gem. When
pressing Ctrl while left clicking, you will start casting
Ritual of Refreshment.
There are several [mod: x] conditions, this list shows you the most important ones:
- [mod:shift] — This condition requires you to press SHIFT to make that part of the macro work.
- [mod:ctrl] — This condition requires you to press CTRL to make that part of the macro work.
- [mod:alt] — This condition requires you to press ALT to make that part of the macro work.
- [btn:2] — This condition requires you to RIGHT-CLICK to make that part of the macro work.
Generally you can build your macros in this way: /cast [condition] ability1; [condition] ability2; [condition] ability3; ...; abilityn while the conditions are optional and no condition at all means the macro will just work with left-click or a normal key press, if it is keybound. All those macros can also be applied to usable items, simply type /use instead of /cast in the macro.
Combat Macros
- #showtooltip
- /cast [@cursor] !Freeze
This macro casts the Water Elemental's ability Freeze at the
position of your cursor to save you half a second reaction time.
- #showtooltip
- /cast [@cursor] Flamestrike
This macro casts your Flamestrike at the
position of your cursor to save you half a second reaction time. These
macros with @cursor can also be used for spells like
Blizzard or
Saronite Bombs. Some useful modifiers are explained here:
- [@cursor] — Casts the spell at your cursor's position.
- [@player] — Casts the spell at your position**.
- [@target] — Casts the spell at your target's position/on your target, only works for spells .
- [@focus] — Casts the spell at your focus target's position/on your focus target**.
- [@mouseover] — Casts the spell at the target's position or at the target that is under your cursor's position. Contrary to [@cursor], this also works for single-target spells if you have nothing targeted.
**Please note that [@target] or any similar targeting conditions (like @focus) do not work with with non-targeted abilities. Thanks to Dirichlet for gathering this information .
- #showtooltip
- /use [mod:shift]13
- /cast [mod:shift]Icy Veins
- /cast Arcane Blast
- /cqs [mod:shift]
This macro uses your trinket in the upper trinket slot and
Icy Veins when you press shift, otherwise it just casts
Arcane Blast. This macro can be arranged as you like it; you
can also replace Arcane Blast with
Fireball or other Mage spells.
Always have your passive trinket in the bottom trinket slot and your
active trinket in the upper slot. The /cqs makes this macro spamable when
pressing shift.
- #showtooltip
- /cast Presence of Mind
- /cast [mod:shift]Blizzard; [mod:ctrl] Conjure Mana Gem; Arcane Blast
- /cqs
This macro utilizes Presence of Mind (PoM) in three different
ways to save reaction time. If you press Shift, it casts PoM and
Blizzard, PoM and
Conjure Mana Gem when pressing
CTRL, and finally PoM and
Arcane Blast if you press no other
- #showtooltip
- /use Mana Sapphire
- /cast [mod:shift]Arcane Missiles; [nochanneling: Arcane Missiles] Arcane Blast
- /cqs
Uses a Mana Sapphire if you have one and casts
Arcane Missiles
(if you press shift) or
Arcane Blast (if you press nothing). It
also checks if you are still casting Arcane missiles before casting Arcane
Blast. Saves reaction time between using your gem and casting again.
- #showtooltip
- /use Runic Mana Potion
- /cast [mod:shift]Arcane Missiles; [nochanneling: Arcane Missiles] Arcane Blast
- /cqs
This does the same as the macro above, just with
Runic Mana Potion.
- #showtooltip
- /stopcasting
- /cast [mod:shift] Spellsteal; Counterspell
- /cqs
Stops casting for a quick Counterspell or, if you press Shift,
- #showtooltip Polymorph
- /clearfocus
- /focus
- /cast Polymorph
- /cqs
Sets the current target as your focus target and clears your
previous focus target. After that, your focus target gets
Polymorphed. If you have no target, you can clear your focus
by pressing the macro. This macro does not automatically Polymorph your focus
target, you always need to click it before focusing. Some might argue this is
impractical, however you want to keep track of the focus frame anyways, in
order to notice when your CC is breaking. If you just want to cast Polymorph
at your focus target, the following macro will suit you best:
- #showtooltip Polymorph
- /cast [@focus] Polymorph
- /cqs
If you are in Ice Block, this macro cancels it. If not, you will
cast Ice Block. The same macro is very handy for
- #showtooltip
- /cancelaura Ice Block
- /cast Ice Block
- /cqs
WotLK Classic Mage Addons
To make your Mage life easier and more enjoyable, we also recommend you to read our Mage Addons page. Using these addons will further enhance your ability to focus on game mechanics and your surrounding, rather than taking all your focus away from DPSing.
- 03 Oct. 2022: Fixed some macro errors.
- 19 Sep. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Wrdlbrmpft aka Arcanaenus, playing Mage since 2008. He is usually found in the Mage Discord, where you may also ask him questions his guides do not answer.
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