Naxxramas Loot Guide for WotLK Classic

Last updated on Sep 27, 2022 at 18:50 by Sinzhu 1 comment

With 15 encounters inside Naxxramas, along with separate loot for both 10- and 25-player modes in addition to pieces of the coveted Tier 7 class sets, its loot table is rather massive. As such, we have compiled every boss's drops on both difficulties on this page for easy access. However, loot for each individual boss can also be found on their respective strategy guides.

This page is meant to serve as an accompaniment to our guides to the Naxxramas raid and its many bosses, allowing you to see the loot tables of the entire raid in one convenient location. If you would like to learn more about this raid and how to overcome its challenges, please see our overview below.


The Arachnid Quarter





Item Type/Slot
Knife of Incision Icon Knife of Incision One-Hand Dagger
Collar of Dissolution Icon Collar of Dissolution Neck
Deflection Band Icon Deflection Band Ring
Band of Neglected Pleas Icon Band of Neglected Pleas Ring
Agonal Sash Icon Agonal Sash Cloth Belt
Gloves of Dark Gestures Icon Gloves of Dark Gestures Cloth Gloves
Splint-Bound Leggings Icon Splint-Bound Leggings Leather Legs
Boots of Persistence Icon Boots of Persistence Mail Boots
Chivalric Chestguard Icon Chivalric Chestguard Plate Chest
Ravaging Sabatons Icon Ravaging Sabatons Plate Boots


Item Type/Slot
Gemmed Wand of the Nerubians Icon Gemmed Wand of the Nerubians Wand
Webbed Death Icon Webbed Death One-Hand Dagger
Shield of Assimilation Icon Shield of Assimilation Shield
Strong-Handed Ring Icon Strong-Handed Ring Ring
Ruthlessness Icon Ruthlessness Ring
Lost Jewel Icon Lost Jewel Ring
Sand-Worn Band Icon Sand-Worn Band Ring
Seized Beauty Icon Seized Beauty Ring
Thunderstorm Amulet Icon Thunderstorm Amulet Neck
Fool's Trial Icon Fool's Trial Neck
Heritage Icon Heritage Neck
Chains of Adoration Icon Chains of Adoration Neck
Leggings of Atrophy Icon Leggings of Atrophy Cloth Legs
Mantle of the Locusts Icon Mantle of the Locusts Cloth Shoulders
Sash of the Parlor Icon Sash of the Parlor Cloth Belt
Dawnwalkers Icon Dawnwalkers Leather Feet
Swarm Bindings Icon Swarm Bindings Leather Wrist
Corpse Scarab Handguards Icon Corpse Scarab Handguards Mail Gloves
Arachnoid Gold Band Icon Arachnoid Gold Band Mail Wrist
Sabatons of Sudden Reprisal Icon Sabatons of Sudden Reprisal Plate Feet
Inexorable Sabatons Icon Inexorable Sabatons Plate Feet
Rescinding Grips Icon Rescinding Grips Plate Gloves
Pauldrons of Unnatural Death Icon Pauldrons of Unnatural Death Plate Shoulders

Grand Widow Faerlina



Item Type/Slot
Watchful Eye Icon Watchful Eye Off-hand
Grieving Spellblade Icon Grieving Spellblade Main Hand Sword
Sash of Mortal Desire Icon Sash of Mortal Desire Cloth Belt
Boots of the Worshiper Icon Boots of the Worshiper Leather Feet
Boots of the Follower Icon Boots of the Follower Leather Feet
Rusted-Link Spiked Gauntlets Icon Rusted-Link Spiked Gauntlets Mail Gloves
Avenging Combat Leggings Icon Avenging Combat Leggings Mail Legs
Gauntlets of the Master Icon Gauntlets of the Master Plate Gloves
Frostblight Pauldrons Icon Frostblight Pauldrons Plate Shoulders
Bracers of Lost Sentiments Icon Bracers of Lost Sentiments Plate Wrist


Item Type/Slot
Widow's Fury Icon Widow's Fury One-Hand Sword
Totem of Misery Icon Totem of Misery Totem
Idol of Worship Icon Idol of Worship Idol
Strong-Handed Ring Icon Strong-Handed Ring Ring
Ruthlessness Icon Ruthlessness Ring
Lost Jewel Icon Lost Jewel Ring
Sand-Worn Band Icon Sand-Worn Band Ring
Seized Beauty Icon Seized Beauty Ring
Thunderstorm Amulet Icon Thunderstorm Amulet Neck
Fool's Trial Icon Fool's Trial Neck
Heritage Icon Heritage Neck
Chains of Adoration Icon Chains of Adoration Neck
Gloves of Token Respect Icon Gloves of Token Respect Cloth Gloves
Faerlina's Madness Icon Faerlina's Madness Cloth Helm
Belt of False Dignity Icon Belt of False Dignity Cloth Belt
Punctilious Bindings Icon Punctilious Bindings Cloth Wrist
Tunic of Prejudice Icon Tunic of Prejudice Leather Chest
Dislocating Handguards Icon Dislocating Handguards Leather Gloves
Atonement Greaves Icon Atonement Greaves Mail Feet
Cult's Chestguard Icon Cult's Chestguard Mail Chest
Bracers of the Tyrant Icon Bracers of the Tyrant Plate Wrist
Fire-Scorched Greathelm Icon Fire-Scorched Greathelm Plate Helm
Callous-Hearted Gauntlets Icon Callous-Hearted Gauntlets Plate Gloves
Epaulets of the Grieving Servant Icon Epaulets of the Grieving Servant Plate Shoulders




Item Type/Slot
Maexxna's Femur Icon Maexxna's Femur One-Hand Mace
Wraith Spear Icon Wraith Spear Polearm
Aegis of Damnation Icon Aegis of Damnation Shield
Embrace of the Spider Icon Embrace of the Spider Trinket
Cloak of Armed Strife Icon Cloak of Armed Strife Cape
Timeworn Silken Band Icon Timeworn Silken Band Ring
Pendant of Lost Vocations Icon Pendant of Lost Vocations Neck
Leggings of Discord Icon Leggings of Discord Leather Legs
Spaulders of the Monstrosity Icon Spaulders of the Monstrosity Leather Shoulders
Web Cocoon Grips Icon Web Cocoon Grips Plate Gloves


Item Type/Slot
Wraith Strike Icon Wraith Strike Main Hand Fist Weapon
The Jawbone Icon The Jawbone Two-Hand Mace
Matriarch's Spawn Icon Matriarch's Spawn Off-hand
Dying Curse Icon Dying Curse Trinket
Grim Toll Icon Grim Toll Trinket
Defender's Code Icon Defender's Code Trinket
Forethought Talisman Icon Forethought Talisman Trinket
Aged Winter Cloak Icon Aged Winter Cloak Cape
Shroud of Luminosity Icon Shroud of Luminosity Cape
Cloak of the Shadowed Sun Icon Cloak of the Shadowed Sun Cape
Shawl of the Old Maid Icon Shawl of the Old Maid Cape
Cloak of Averted Crisis Icon Cloak of Averted Crisis Cape
Digested Silken Robes Icon Digested Silken Robes Cloth Chest
Distorted Limbs Icon Distorted Limbs Cloth Legs
Cowl of the Perished Icon Cowl of the Perished Leather Helm
Infectious Skitterer Leggings Icon Infectious Skitterer Leggings Leather Legs
Mantle of Shattered Kinship Icon Mantle of Shattered Kinship Leather Shoulders
Sinner's Bindings Icon Sinner's Bindings Leather Wrist
Quivering Tunic Icon Quivering Tunic Mail Chest
Torn Web Wrapping Icon Torn Web Wrapping Mail Belt
Undiminished Battleplate Icon Undiminished Battleplate Plate Chest
Helm of Diminished Pride Icon Helm of Diminished Pride Plate Helm
Ablative Chitin Girdle Icon Ablative Chitin Girdle Plate Belt
Bindings of the Hapless Prey Icon Bindings of the Hapless Prey Plate Wrist

The Plague Quarter


Noth the Plaguebringer



Item Type/Slot
Dark Shroud of the Scourge Icon Dark Shroud of the Scourge Cape
Ring of the Fated Icon Ring of the Fated Ring
Robes of Hoarse Breaths Icon Robes of Hoarse Breaths Cloth Chest
Noth's Curse Icon Noth's Curse Leather Helm
Spaulders of Resumed Battle Icon Spaulders of Resumed Battle Leather Shoulders
Trespasser's Boots Icon Trespasser's Boots Mail Feet
Handgrips of the Foredoomed Icon Handgrips of the Foredoomed Mail Gloves
Chestplate of the Risen Soldier Icon Chestplate of the Risen Soldier Plate Chest
Plague-Impervious Boots Icon Plague-Impervious Boots Plate Feet
Bone-Framed Bracers Icon Bone-Framed Bracers Plate Wrist


Item Type/Slot
Angry Dread Icon Angry Dread One-Hand Mace
Spinning Fate Icon Spinning Fate Thrown
Accursed Spine Icon Accursed Spine Off-hand
Strong-Handed Ring Icon Strong-Handed Ring Ring
Ruthlessness Icon Ruthlessness Ring
Lost Jewel Icon Lost Jewel Ring
Sand-Worn Band Icon Sand-Worn Band Ring
Seized Beauty Icon Seized Beauty Ring
Thunderstorm Amulet Icon Thunderstorm Amulet Neck
Fool's Trial Icon Fool's Trial Neck
Heritage Icon Heritage Neck
Chains of Adoration Icon Chains of Adoration Neck
Libram of Radiance Icon Libram of Radiance Libram
Robes of Mutation Icon Robes of Mutation Cloth Chest
Gloves of the Fallen Wizard Icon Gloves of the Fallen Wizard Cloth Gloves
Bands of Impurity Icon Bands of Impurity Cloth Wrist
Belt of Potent Chanting Icon Belt of Potent Chanting Leather Belt
Thrusting Bands Icon Thrusting Bands Leather Wrist
Tunic of Masked Suffering Icon Tunic of Masked Suffering Mail Chest
Crippled Treads Icon Crippled Treads Mail Feet
Legguards of the Undisturbed Icon Legguards of the Undisturbed Mail Legs
Poignant Sabatons Icon Poignant Sabatons Plate Feet
Gauntlets of the Disobedient Icon Gauntlets of the Disobedient Plate Gloves
Shoulderguards of Opportunity Icon Shoulderguards of Opportunity Plate Shoulders

Heigan the Unclean



Item Type/Slot
Demise Icon Demise Two-Hand Mace
Staff of the Plague Beast Icon Staff of the Plague Beast Staff
Ring of Holy Cleansing Icon Ring of Holy Cleansing Ring
Amulet of Autopsy Icon Amulet of Autopsy Neck
Saltarello Shoes Icon Saltarello Shoes Cloth Feet
Preceptor's Bindings Icon Preceptor's Bindings Cloth Wrist
Cuffs of Dark Shadows Icon Cuffs of Dark Shadows Leather Wrist
Tunic of the Lost Pack Icon Tunic of the Lost Pack Mail Chest
Necrogenic Belt Icon Necrogenic Belt Mail Belt
Shoulderplates of Bloodshed Icon Shoulderplates of Bloodshed Plate Shoulders


Item Type/Slot
Cryptfiend's Bite Icon Cryptfiend's Bite Polearm
The Undeath Carrier Icon The Undeath Carrier Staff
Dying Curse Icon Dying Curse Trinket
Grim Toll Icon Grim Toll Trinket
Defender's Code Icon Defender's Code Trinket
Forethought Talisman Icon Forethought Talisman Trinket
Aged Winter Cloak Icon Aged Winter Cloak Cape
Shroud of Luminosity Icon Shroud of Luminosity Cape
Cloak of the Shadowed Sun Icon Cloak of the Shadowed Sun Cape
Shawl of the Old Maid Icon Shawl of the Old Maid Cape
Cloak of Averted Crisis Icon Cloak of Averted Crisis Cape
Sigil of Awareness Icon Sigil of Awareness Sigil
Heigan's Putrid Vestments Icon Heigan's Putrid Vestments Cloth Chest
Serene Echoes Icon Serene Echoes Cloth Feet
Gloves of the Dancing Bear Icon Gloves of the Dancing Bear Leather Gloves
Stalk-Skin Belt Icon Stalk-Skin Belt Leather Belt
Eruption-Scarred Boots Icon Eruption-Scarred Boots Mail Feet
Helm of Pilgrimage Icon Helm of Pilgrimage Mail Helm
Leggings of Colossal Strides Icon Leggings of Colossal Strides Mail Legs
Bindings of the Decrepit Icon Bindings of the Decrepit Mail Wrist
Breastplate of Tormented Rage Icon Breastplate of Tormented Rage Plate Chest
Chestguard of Bitter Charms Icon Chestguard of Bitter Charms Plate Chest
Iron-Spring Jumpers Icon Iron-Spring Jumpers Plate Feet
Legguards of the Apostle Icon Legguards of the Apostle Plate Legs




Item Type/Slot
Spaulders of the Lost Conqueror Icon Spaulders of the Lost Conqueror Tier 7 token (Shoulders)
Spaulders of the Lost Protector Icon Spaulders of the Lost Protector Tier 7 token (Shoulders)
Spaulders of the Lost Vanquisher Icon Spaulders of the Lost Vanquisher Tier 7 token (Shoulders)
Sulfur Stave Icon Sulfur Stave Staff
Loatheb's Shadow Icon Loatheb's Shadow Trinket
Fungi-Stained Coverings Icon Fungi-Stained Coverings Leather Chest
Helm of the Corrupted Mind Icon Helm of the Corrupted Mind Plate Helm
Legplates of Inescapable Death Icon Legplates of Inescapable Death Plate Legs


Item Type/Slot
Mantle of the Lost Conqueror Icon Mantle of the Lost Conqueror Tier 7 token (Shoulders)
Mantle of the Lost Protector Icon Mantle of the Lost Protector Tier 7 token (Shoulders)
Mantle of the Lost Vanquisher Icon Mantle of the Lost Vanquisher Tier 7 token (Shoulders)
The Hand of Nerub Icon The Hand of Nerub Off Hand Fist Weapon
The Impossible Dream Icon The Impossible Dream Main Hand Mace
Fading Glow Icon Fading Glow Wand
Boots of Impetuous Ideals Icon Boots of Impetuous Ideals Cloth Feet
Cowl of Innocent Delight Icon Cowl of Innocent Delight Cloth Helm
Vest of Vitality Icon Vest of Vitality Leather Chest
Footwraps of Vile Deceit Icon Footwraps of Vile Deceit Leather Feet
Grotesque Handgrips Icon Grotesque Handgrips Mail Gloves
Greaves of Turbulence Icon Greaves of Turbulence Plate Legs
Girdle of Unity Icon Girdle of Unity Plate Belt

The Military Quarter


Instructor Razuvious



Item Type/Slot
Accursed Bow of the Elite Icon Accursed Bow of the Elite Bow
Scepter of Murmuring Spirits Icon Scepter of Murmuring Spirits Off-hand
Cloak of Darkening Icon Cloak of Darkening Cape
Leggings of the Instructor Icon Leggings of the Instructor Cloth Legs
Mantle of the Extensive Mind Icon Mantle of the Extensive Mind Cloth Shoulders
Rapid Attack Gloves Icon Rapid Attack Gloves Leather Gloves
Girdle of Lenience Icon Girdle of Lenience Leather Belt
Iron Rings of Endurance Icon Iron Rings of Endurance Mail Wrist
Waistguard of the Tutor Icon Waistguard of the Tutor Plate Belt
Plated Gloves of Relief Icon Plated Gloves of Relief Plate Gloves


Item Type/Slot
Idol of the Shooting Star Icon Idol of the Shooting Star Idol
Totem of Dueling Icon Totem of Dueling Totem
Boots of Forlorn Wishes Icon Boots of Forlorn Wishes Cloth Feet
Bindings of the Expansive Mind Icon Bindings of the Expansive Mind Cloth Wrist
Chestpiece of Suspicion Icon Chestpiece of Suspicion Leather Chest
Spaulders of Egotism Icon Spaulders of Egotism Leather Shoulders
Esteemed Bindings Icon Esteemed Bindings Leather Wrist
Shoulderpads of Secret Arts Icon Shoulderpads of Secret Arts Mail Shoulders
Girdle of Recuperation Icon Girdle of Recuperation Mail Belt
Bands of Mutual Respect Icon Bands of Mutual Respect Mail Wrist
Faithful Steel Sabatons Icon Faithful Steel Sabatons Plate Feet
Gauntlets of Guiding Touch Icon Gauntlets of Guiding Touch Plate Gloves
Legplates of Double Strikes Icon Legplates of Double Strikes Plate Legs
Girdle of Razuvious Icon Girdle of Razuvious Plate Belt
Bracers of the Unholy Knight Icon Bracers of the Unholy Knight Plate Wrist

Gothik the Harvester



Item Type/Slot
Slayer of the Lifeless Icon Slayer of the Lifeless One-Hand Sword
Spirit-World Glass Icon Spirit-World Glass Trinket
Signet of the Malevolent Icon Signet of the Malevolent Ring
Veiled Amulet of Life Icon Veiled Amulet of Life Neck
Resurgent Phantom Bindings Icon Resurgent Phantom Bindings Cloth Wrist
Tunic of Dislocation Icon Tunic of Dislocation Leather CHest
Heinous Mail Chestguard Icon Heinous Mail Chestguard Mail Chest
Spectral Rider's Girdle Icon Spectral Rider's Girdle Mail Belt
Sabatons of Deathlike Gloom Icon Sabatons of Deathlike Gloom Plate Feet
Girdle of the Ascended Phantom Icon Girdle of the Ascended Phantom Plate Waist


Item Type/Slot
Touch of Horror Icon Touch of Horror Wand
Life and Death Icon Life and Death Main Hand Sword
Dying Curse Icon Dying Curse Trinket
Grim Toll Icon Grim Toll Trinket
Defender's Code Icon Defender's Code Trinket
Forethought Talisman Icon Forethought Talisman Trinket
Aged Winter Cloak Icon Aged Winter Cloak Cape
Shroud of Luminosity Icon Shroud of Luminosity Cape
Cloak of the Shadowed Sun Icon Cloak of the Shadowed Sun Cape
Shawl of the Old Maid Icon Shawl of the Old Maid Cape
Cloak of Averted Crisis Icon Cloak of Averted Crisis Cape
Libram of Resurgence Icon Libram of Resurgence Libram
Idol of Awakening Icon Idol of Awakening Idol
Gothik's Cowl Icon Gothik's Cowl Cloth Helm
Bindings of Yearning Icon Bindings of Yearning Cloth Wrist
Hood of the Exodus Icon Hood of the Exodus Leather Helm
Leggings of Fleeting Moments Icon Leggings of Fleeting Moments Leather Legs
Shackled Cinch Icon Shackled Cinch Leather Belt
Helm of Unleashed Energy Icon Helm of Unleashed Energy Mail Helm
Leggings of Failed Escape Icon Leggings of Failed Escape Mail Legs
Helm of Vital Protection Icon Helm of Vital Protection Plate Helm
Burdened Shoulderplates Icon Burdened Shoulderplates Plate Shoulders
Bracers of Unrelenting Attack Icon Bracers of Unrelenting Attack Plate Wrist
Abetment Bracers Icon Abetment Bracers Plate Wrist

The Four Horsemen



Item Type/Slot
Chestguard of the Lost Conqueror Icon Chestguard of the Lost Conqueror Tier 7 token (Chest)
Chestguard of the Lost Protector Icon Chestguard of the Lost Protector Tier 7 token (Chest)
Chestguard of the Lost Vanquisher Icon Chestguard of the Lost Vanquisher Tier 7 token (Chest)
Claymore of Ancient Power Icon Claymore of Ancient Power Two-Hand Sword
Charmed Cierge Icon Charmed Cierge Staff
Gown of Blaumeux Icon Gown of Blaumeux Cloth Chest
Pauldrons of Havoc Icon Pauldrons of Havoc Mail Shoulders
Thane's Tainted Greathelm Icon Thane's Tainted Greathelm Plate Helm


Item Type/Slot
Breastplate of the Lost Conqueror Icon Breastplate of the Lost Conqueror Tier 7 token (Chest)
Breastplate of the Lost Protector Icon Breastplate of the Lost Protector Tier 7 token (Chest)
Breastplate of the Lost Vanquisher Icon Breastplate of the Lost Vanquisher Tier 7 token (Chest)
Damnation Icon Damnation
Armageddon Icon Armageddon Two-Hand Sword
Broken Promise Icon Broken Promise One-Hand Sword
Final Voyage Icon Final Voyage Crossbow
Urn of Lost Memories Icon Urn of Lost Memories Off-hand
Mantle of the Corrupted Icon Mantle of the Corrupted Cloth Shoulders
Gloves of Peaceful Death Icon Gloves of Peaceful Death Leather Gloves
Helm of the Grave Icon Helm of the Grave Mail Helm
Pauldrons of Havoc Icon Pauldrons of Havoc Mail Shoulders
Leggings of Voracious Shadows Icon Leggings of Voracious Shadows Mail Legs
Zeliek's Gauntlets Icon Zeliek's Gauntlets Plate Gloves

The Construct Quarter





Item Type/Slot
Blade of Dormant Memories Icon Blade of Dormant Memories Main Hand Dagger
Hatestrike Icon Hatestrike One-Hand Sword
Drape of Surgery Icon Drape of Surgery Cape
Sullen Cloth Boots Icon Sullen Cloth Boots Cloth Feet
Contagion Gloves Icon Contagion Gloves Leather Gloves
Retcher's Shoulderpads Icon Retcher's Shoulderpads Mail Shoulders
Gauntlets of Combined Strength Icon Gauntlets of Combined Strength Plate Gloves
Abomination Shoulderblades Icon Abomination Shoulderblades Plate Shoulders
Tainted Girdle of Mending Icon Tainted Girdle of Mending Plate Belt


Item Type/Slot
Split Greathammer Icon Split Greathammer One-Hand Mace
Arrowsong Icon Arrowsong Bow
Hero's Surrender Icon Hero's Surrender Shield
Surplus Limb Icon Surplus Limb Off-hand
Strong-Handed Ring Icon Strong-Handed Ring Ring
Ruthlessness Icon Ruthlessness Ring
Lost Jewel Icon Lost Jewel Ring
Sand-Worn Band Icon Sand-Worn Band Ring
Seized Beauty Icon Seized Beauty Ring
Thunderstorm Amulet Icon Thunderstorm Amulet Neck
Fool's Trial Icon Fool's Trial Neck
Heritage Icon Heritage Neck
Chains of Adoration Icon Chains of Adoration Neck
Totem of Hex Icon Totem of Hex Totem
Libram of Tolerance Icon Libram of Tolerance Libram
Boots of Persuasion Icon Boots of Persuasion Cloth Feet
Sash of Solitude Icon Sash of Solitude Cloth Belt
Boots of Septic Wounds Icon Boots of Septic Wounds Leather Feet
Belt of the Tortured Icon Belt of the Tortured Leather Belt
Gloves of Calculated Risk Icon Gloves of Calculated Risk Mail Gloves
Girdle of the Gambit Icon Girdle of the Gambit Mail Belt
Crude Discolored Battlegrips Icon Crude Discolored Battlegrips Plate Gloves
Fleshless Girdle Icon Fleshless Girdle Plate Belt
Waistguard of Divine Grace Icon Waistguard of Divine Grace Plate Belt




Item Type/Slot
The Skull of Ruin Icon The Skull of Ruin Shield
Infection Repulser Icon Infection Repulser Main Hand Mace
Sealing Ring of Grobbulus Icon Sealing Ring of Grobbulus Ring
Bone-Linked Amulet Icon Bone-Linked Amulet Neck
Handgrips of Turmoil Icon Handgrips of Turmoil Cloth Gloves
Miasma Mantle Icon Miasma Mantle Cloth Shoulders
Blistered Belt of Decay Icon Blistered Belt of Decay Leather Belt
Putrescent Bands Icon Putrescent Bands Leather Wrist
Bands of Anxiety Icon Bands of Anxiety Mail Wrist
Leggings of Innumerable Barbs Icon Leggings of Innumerable Barbs Plate Legs


Item Type/Slot
Origin of Nightmares Icon Origin of Nightmares Staff
Twilight Mist Icon Twilight Mist One-Hand Dagger
Plague Igniter Icon Plague Igniter Wand
Dying Curse Icon Dying Curse Trinket
Grim Toll Icon Grim Toll Trinket
Defender's Code Icon Defender's Code Trinket
Forethought Talisman Icon Forethought Talisman Trinket
Aged Winter Cloak Icon Aged Winter Cloak Cape
Shroud of Luminosity Icon Shroud of Luminosity Cape
Cloak of the Shadowed Sun Icon Cloak of the Shadowed Sun Cape
Shawl of the Old Maid Icon Shawl of the Old Maid Cape
Cloak of Averted Crisis Icon Cloak of Averted Crisis Cape
Cowl of Vanity Icon Cowl of Vanity Cloth Helm
Sympathetic Amice Icon Sympathetic Amice Cloth Shoulders
Mantle of the Fatigued Sage Icon Mantle of the Fatigued Sage Cloth Shoulders
Tunic of Indulgence Icon Tunic of Indulgence Leather Chest
Desecrated Past Icon Desecrated Past Leather Legs
Fallout Impervious Tunic Icon Fallout Impervious Tunic Mail Chest
Spaulders of Incoherence Icon Spaulders of Incoherence Mail Shoulders
Depraved Linked Belt Icon Depraved Linked Belt Mail Belt
Slime Stream Bands Icon Slime Stream Bands Mail Wrist
Chestguard of the Exhausted Icon Chestguard of the Exhausted Plate Chest
Girdle of Chivalry Icon Girdle of Chivalry Plate Belt
Bracers of Liberation Icon Bracers of Liberation Plate Wrist


Gluth is unique among the bosses of Naxxramas, as it can drop items from any of the other bosses outside of Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad, making for a truly monstrous loot table. Think of this boss as your second-chance wildcard for nearly anything!





Item Type/Slot
Leggings of the Lost Conqueror Icon Leggings of the Lost Conqueror Tier 7 token (Legs)
Leggings of the Lost Protector Icon Leggings of the Lost Protector Tier 7 token (Legs)
Leggings of the Lost Vanquisher Icon Leggings of the Lost Vanquisher Tier 7 token (Legs)
Torment of the Banished Icon Torment of the Banished One-Hand Sword/td>
Repelling Charge Icon Repelling Charge Trinket
Cowl of Sheet Lightning Icon Cowl of Sheet Lightning Cloth Helm
Arc-Scorched Helmet Icon Arc-Scorched Helmet Mail Helm
Blackened Legplates of Feugen Icon Blackened Legplates of Feugen Plate Legs


Item Type/Slot
Legplates of the Lost Conqueror Icon Legplates of the Lost Conqueror Tier 7 token (Legs)
Legplates of the Lost Protector Icon Legplates of the Lost Protector Tier 7 token (Legs)
Legplates of the Lost Vanquisher Icon Legplates of the Lost Vanquisher Tier 7 token (Legs)
Spire of Sunset Icon Spire of Sunset Staff
Wraps of the Persecuted Icon Wraps of the Persecuted Cloth Gloves
Cincture of Polarity Icon Cincture of Polarity Cloth Belt
Cover of Silence Icon Cover of Silence Leather Helm
Headpiece of Fungal Bloom Icon Headpiece of Fungal Bloom Leather Helm
Benefactor's Gauntlets Icon Benefactor's Gauntlets Mail Gloves
Pauldrons of the Abandoned Icon Pauldrons of the Abandoned Mail Shoulders
Sabatons of Endurance Icon Sabatons of Endurance Plate Feet
Faceguard of the Succumbed Icon Faceguard of the Succumbed Plate Helm
Riveted Abomination Leggings Icon Riveted Abomination Leggings Plate Legs

The Upper Necropolis





Item Type/Slot
Key to the Focusing Iris Icon Key to the Focusing Iris Quest Item (access to The Eye of Eternity)
Cloak of Mastery Icon Cloak of Mastery Cape
Shroud of the Citadel Icon Shroud of the Citadel Cape
Circle of Death Icon Circle of Death Ring
Circle of Life Icon Circle of Life Ring
Cowl of Winged Fear Icon Cowl of Winged Fear Cloth Helm
Leggings of Sapphiron Icon Leggings of Sapphiron Cloth Legs
Helm of the Vast Legions Icon Helm of the Vast Legions Leather Helm
Helmet of the Inner Sanctum Icon Helmet of the Inner Sanctum Mail Helm
Massive Skeletal Ribcage Icon Massive Skeletal Ribcage Plate Chest
Helm of the Unsubmissive Icon Helm of the Unsubmissive Plate Helm


Item Type/Slot
Heroic Key to the Focusing Iris Icon Heroic Key to the Focusing Iris Quest Item (access to The Eye of Eternity)
Murder Icon Murder One-Hand Dagger
Bandit's Insignia Icon Bandit's Insignia Trinket
Rune of Repulsion Icon Rune of Repulsion Trinket
Extract of Necromantic Power Icon Extract of Necromantic Power Trinket
Soul of the Dead Icon Soul of the Dead Trinket
Gatekeeper Icon Gatekeeper Ring
Ring of Decaying Beauty Icon Ring of Decaying Beauty Ring
Icy Blast Amulet Icon Icy Blast Amulet Neck
Cosmic Lights Icon Cosmic Lights Neck
Ceaseless Pity Icon Ceaseless Pity Neck
Sympathy Icon Sympathy Cloth Chest
Gloves of Grandeur Icon Gloves of Grandeur Cloth Gloves
Legwraps of the Defeated Dragon Icon Legwraps of the Defeated Dragon Cloth Legs
Gloves of Fast Reactions Icon Gloves of Fast Reactions Leather Gloves
Legguards of the Boneyard Icon Legguards of the Boneyard Leather Legs
Boots of the Great Construct Icon Boots of the Great Construct Mail Feet
Breastplate of Frozen Pain Icon Breastplate of Frozen Pain Plate Chest
Platehelm of the Great Wyrm Icon Platehelm of the Great Wyrm Plate Helm
Bone-Inlaid Legguards Icon Bone-Inlaid Legguards Plate Legs
Noble Birthright Pauldrons Icon Noble Birthright Pauldrons Plate Shoulders




Item Type/Slot
Helm of the Lost Conqueror Icon Helm of the Lost Conqueror Tier 7 token (Helm)
Helm of the Lost Protector Icon Helm of the Lost Protector Tier 7 token (Helm)
Helm of the Lost Vanquisher Icon Helm of the Lost Vanquisher Tier 7 token (Helm)
Kel'Thuzad's Reach Icon Kel'Thuzad's Reach Main Hand Fist Weapon
Death's Bite Icon Death's Bite Two-Hand Axe
Nerubian Conquerer Icon Nerubian Conquerer Gun
Anarchy Icon Anarchy One-hand Dagger
Staff of the Plaguehound Icon Staff of the Plaguehound Staff
Hammer of the Astral Plane Icon Hammer of the Astral Plane Main Hand Mace
The Soulblade Icon The Soulblade Main Hand Dagger
Wand of the Archlich Icon Wand of the Archlich Wand
Cloak of the Dying Icon Cloak of the Dying Cape
Gem of Imprisoned Vassals Icon Gem of Imprisoned Vassals Neck


Item Type/Slot
Crown of the Lost Conqueror Icon Crown of the Lost Conqueror Tier 7 token (Helm)
Crown of the Lost Protector Icon Crown of the Lost Protector Tier 7 token (Helm)
Crown of the Lost Vanquisher Icon Crown of the Lost Vanquisher Tier 7 token (Helm)
Calamity's Grasp Icon Calamity's Grasp Main Hand Fist Weapon
Betrayer of Humanity Icon Betrayer of Humanity Two-Hand Axe
Envoy of Mortality Icon Envoy of Mortality Gun
Sinister Revenge Icon Sinister Revenge One-Hand Dagger
Journey's End Icon Journey's End Staff
Torch of Holy Fire Icon Torch of Holy Fire Main Hand Mace
The Turning Tide Icon The Turning Tide Main Hand Sword
Wall of Terror Icon Wall of Terror Shield
Voice of Reason Icon Voice of Reason Shield
Last Laugh Icon Last Laugh One-Hand Axe
Drape of the Deadly Foe Icon Drape of the Deadly Foe Cape
Cape of the Unworthy Wizard Icon Cape of the Unworthy Wizard Cape
Signet of Manifested Pain Icon Signet of Manifested Pain Ring
Boundless Ambition Icon Boundless Ambition Neck
Leggings of Mortal Arrogance Icon Leggings of Mortal Arrogance Cloth Legs

Other Sources


Trash Drops



Item Type/Slot
Omen of Ruin Icon Omen of Ruin One-Hand Dagger
The Stray Icon The Stray Off Hand Fist Weapon
Contortion Icon Contortion Wand
Medallion of the Disgraced Icon Medallion of the Disgraced Neck
Chain of Latent Energies Icon Chain of Latent Energies Neck
Minion Bracers Icon Minion Bracers Plate Wrist


Item Type/Slot
Inevitable Defeat Icon Inevitable Defeat Two-Hand Mace
Silent Crusader Icon Silent Crusader One-Hand Sword
Haunting Call Icon Haunting Call Main Hand Dagger
Shadow of the Ghoul Icon Shadow of the Ghoul Cape
Ousted Bead Necklace Icon Ousted Bead Necklace Neck
Boots of the Escaped Captive Icon Boots of the Escaped Captive Leather Feet
Shoulderguards of the Undaunted Icon Shoulderguards of the Undaunted Plate Shoulders


  • 27 Sep. 2022: Page added
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