Professor Putricide Encounter Guide: Strategy, Abilities, Loot
Festergut is most commonly the seventh boss players will encounter in Icecrown Citadel, and the final boss of The Plagueworks wing of the raid. Do not forget to be aware of the various Raid Buffs and Debuffs as you work to optimize your Raid Composition for this encounter's mechanics!
Role-Specific Tips for Professor Putricide
DPS Tips
- All DPS must instantly swap targets to either the Gas Cloud or Volatile Ooze as soon as possible. These must die quickly.
- Melee DPS must be ready to avoid any
Slime Puddles beneath the boss, and move out of range of Professor Putricide to avoid the
Choking Gas Bombs.
- Ranged DPS should be spread out to prevent multiple people being hit by the same spells.
Healer Tips
- Spread out to prevent multiple people being hit by the same spells.
- Phase 3 has constant, frequent tank swaps, always be aware of who is taunting and when.
- Coordinate raid-wide defensive cooldowns for Phase 3. Ideally you should always have a defensive cooldown up after about 1 minute into the phase.
Tank Tips
- Always be aware of any
Slime Puddles or
Choking Gas Bombs placed under the bosses feet and be ready to move away quickly.
- In Phase 3 you will want to tank Professor Putricide as close to the wall as possible to keep the center of the room free from any Growing Ooze Puddles.
- Be vocal and clear about all tank swaps in Phase 3 so healers are not caught unaware.
Strategy for Professor Putricide
Phase One
Phase one is the shortest, and easiest phase of the fight, lasting until
Professor Putricide reaches 80% health. Every 30 seconds he will throw 2
Slime Puddles at random targets, spawning growing
Slime Puddles at those players locations. Make sure you have your
ranged players pre-spread on the pull to avoid multiple people being hit by
this. People must quickly move out of these puddles, and the
Mutated Abomination driver must handle them as described below
in the Mutated Abomination Strategy.
The main mechanic of this encounter that the raid must deal with are the 2
Oozes that Professor Putricide will frequently spawn during this fight,
Gas Cloud and Volatile Ooze. Every 40 seconds he will cast either
Volatile Experiment to summon in a Volatile Ooze or
Unstable Experiment to summon in a Gas Cloud, with
Volatile Experiment always being first.
As we know the Volatile Ooze green ooze will always spawn first, you want your tank to position Professor Putricide just beneath the Green Ooze Tank on the side of the room. This will allow your Melee DPS to have optimal damage up-time on the ooze, greatly helping to clear it out quickly. Your ranged players should attempt to be as far away as possible from the green ooze tank, but still in-range of the Volatile Ooze when it spawns.
The Volatile Ooze ooze will activate after a few seconds, and then
choose a target to cast Volatile Ooze Adhesive on. After the 3 second
cast, the Volatile Ooze will move towards the now rooted player, and cast
Ooze Eruption if they do reach them. This ooze must be swapped to
instantly by all DPS and killed as soon as possible. While the damage from
Ooze Eruption is high, remember that it is divided between all nearby
players; we will be taking advantage of this to increase our DPS up-time
There are a few things to be aware of when handling the green ooze. If a
melee DPS is targeted by the Volatile Ooze Adhesive, they should attempt
to run towards the ranged group and all ranged players should quickly stack on
top of them. If a ranged player is picked by
Volatile Ooze Adhesive,
all ranged must collapse on them, and melee players should be sure to run in
front of the ooze right before it reaches its target. This is a great time to
use a raid-wide defensive cooldown, as long as it will be ready to use in Phase
When Professor Putricide casts Unstable Experiment, he will
spawn in a Gas Cloud under the Orange Ooze Tank. Unlike the Green Ooze,
nobody should be near the Orange Ooze Tank at all, and should be as far away
from it as possible. Again, all DPS must quickly swap to killing this as it will
cause an instant wipe if not dealt with.
Unlike the Volatile Ooze, the player targeted by the Gas Cloud
will be debuffed by Gaseous Bloat, dealing 1,950 to 2,050 damage
per stack, starting off at 10 stacks and removing 1 stack every time it deals
damage. The targeted player will be able to fully move around, and should use
any available movement speed buffs such as
Nitro Boosts to kite the
Gas Cloud as long as possible. When the
Gaseous Bloat stacks
reach 0, the Gas Cloud will choose a new target and a fresh 10 stack of
Gaseous Bloat on their new target, swapping over to chase them
Not being rooted by the Gas Cloud makes kiting it much easier than the
Volatile Ooze, and you should never have anyone get hit by it. The target
of the Gaseous Bloat must be ready with any personal defensive
cooldowns, as the stacks deal very high damage early on. Also be aware of your
healers positions; it can be very easy to out-range most or all of your healers
if you use multiple movement speed cooldowns.
The Gas Cloud will follow its target as long as they have stacks of
Gaseous Bloat on them. This means that even melee DPS can attack
the Gas Cloud, as long as they leave when the current target is down to
about 2 stacks of
Gaseous Bloat remaining. After the current
targets stacks of
Gaseous Bloat fall off, the Gas Cloud
will pick a new target, cast
Gaseous Bloat on them, and begin
to chase them.
Professor Putricide will continue this rotation of
Volatile Experiment and
Unstable Experiment every 40 seconds
until reaching 80% hp, where he will cast
Tear Gas, stunning the entire
raid for 20 seconds. To guarantee you have a good transition out of Phase 1, stop
all DPS on Professor Putricide at around 82% and clear any remaining
Ooze. Once there are no Ooze left alive, you can push Professor Putricide
down to 80% health and start the phase transition.
Mutated Abomination Strategy
At the start of the fight, have your second tank run over to the table behind
Professor Putricide and click it, drinking the
Mutated Transformation experimental potion. This will turn you into
a Mutated Abomination, granting you unique abilities that you must master
to defeat this encounter.
This players main job will be to eat the Slime Puddles that will
quickly grow throughout the room. These puddles will appear every 30 seconds when
Professor Putricide throws a 2
Slime Puddles at random raid
members. Eating these puddles with your new
Eat Ooze ability should be
your main focus.
The reason that these Slime Puddles are your main priority is
that they will slowly and continually double in size every 3 seconds. Each
increase in size will require 1 additional use of
Eat Ooze to shrink
the puddle back down. This can lead to you easily falling behind on puddles, and
letting one or both grow too large and wipe the raid.
While this may seem as if the best thing to do is instantly eat the puddles
as soon as possible, this is not exactly the case. Remember that each time you
use Eat Ooze, your Mutated Abomination gains 4 Ooze Energy.
This Ooze Energy is required to cast your second ability,
Regurgitated Ooze. This ability is crucial to killing both the
Gas Clouds and Volatile Ooze in time as this debuff reduces their
movement speed by 50% for 20 seconds, and deals 95k damage over the whole
To guarantee you always have enough energy to cast
Regurgitated Ooze, you will want to delay eating some of the
Slime Puddles right away. This can make the fight very tricky to
learn early on for the Mutated Abomination "driver", but will greatly
help with your progression overall once this player finds a good rhythm and has
it nailed down. A good rule of thumb to start with is:
- If both
Slime Puddles are near each other you can move between each puddle, using
Eat Ooze one time on each, then fully eat one puddle followed by the second when you have around 40 Ooze Energy.
- If both
Slime Puddles are far apart from one another, quickly fully
Eat Ooze the nearest puddle, then move to the second and trim it down. Keep the second puddle alive long enough for you to "milk" about 45-50 Ooze Energy before you fully eat it as well.
While it is not required by the Mutated Abomination driver to have
Regurgitated Ooze available for every single ooze, it will drastically
improve your odds of defeating this boss if they can learn the "sweet spot" of
keeping the
Slime Puddles alive for enough time to pool high
amounts of Ooze Energy. This is crucial to master if attempting Heroic
difficulty. The third ability
Mutated Slash is a filler ability that
does about 12,000 damage and reduces the targets armor by 4% per stack, stacking
up to 5 times. This is not needed, but helps greatly if you can hit any nearby
Ooze with at least a couple
Mutated Slash debuffs.
Phase Two
Phase 2 starts at 80% health, after the raid comes out of the
Tear Gas stun. Professor Putricide will retain all of his Phase
one abilities, as well as gain 2 new ones,
Malleable Goo and
Choking Gas Bomb. The
Malleable Goo is the exact same
spell from both the previous Festergut and Rotface
encounter. Three random players will have a "green puddle" effect appear under
their feet, requiring them and any nearby players to move away from the spot
within the next 4 seconds. The
Malleable Goo projectile will then
bounce behind the landing location, and continue bouncing along the same path.
Anyone nearby the targeted players or along the select "path" of the
Malleable Goo must quickly move out of the way.
The Choking Gas Bombs that Professor Putricide starts to
throw in this phase are a huge threat to the Melee DPS. Every 40 seconds,
Professor Putricide will drop 2
Choking Gas Bombs behind him,
which will activate after 2 seconds and afflict any nearby players with
Choking Gas, reducing their chance to hit by 100%. This is a huge
DPS loss and must be avoided by all melee players. Always be aware of the timer
Choking Gas Bombs, and move in front of or away from the boss as
these are going out; temporarily losing some DPS beats losing all DPS for 15
seconds or more.
Both of the Volatile Ooze and Gas Clouds will continually
spawn every 40 seconds. With the increased amount of "floor clutter" from
Choking Gas Bombs and
Malleable Goo, in addition to the
Slime Puddles, it will likely not be possible to keep
Professor Putricide tanked next to the Green Ooze Tank. For this reason,
it is recommended to tank him somewhere in-between the Green and Orange Ooze
Tanks, with your ranged positioning closer to the Orange Ooze Tank. Then,
whenever a Volatile Ooze is spawning, you can drag
Professor Putricide on top of what should a clear space, and cleave
both the Ooze and boss at the same time.
This process will repeat until Professor Putricide reaches 35% health.
Similar to phase one, you will want to stop DPS on the boss at around 37% HP,
allowing you time to clean up any remaining adds, or a fresh one about to spawn
in. After the Ooze are under control and all Slime Puddles have
Eat Oozed by the Mutated Abomination, quickly push
Professor Putricide to 35% and begin the transition to the final phase.
This transition as well will come with
Tear Gas, stunning the entire
raid for 20 seconds.
Phase Three
Phase 3 starts when Professor Putricide reaches 35% health, after the
raid is no longer stunned by Tear Gas. During this phase
Professor Putricide will no longer summon in any Volatile Ooze or
Gas Clouds, making the fight much easier. This phase is an extremely
tight DPS race, only giving you about 1:30 to 2 minutes at most to finish his
last 35% remaining health.
Players will no longer have access to the Mutated Abomination, removing
the ability to Eat Ooze the
Slime Puddles that
Professor Putricide will still continue to throw during this phase. This
means that over the course of this phase, your raid will have less and less room
as the
Slime Puddles continue to increase in size. This is
one of the two main "soft-enrage" mechanics of this fight, and why you are so
limited on time here.
In addition to the Slime Puddles, Professor Putricide
will also continue to use both
Choking Gas Bombs and
Malleable Goo during this phase, causing plenty of chaos as
players try to move in their very limited space. For this reason, we highly
recommend that tanks keep Professor Putricide as close to the wall as
possible, continually dragging him whenever he drops
Choking Gas Bombs
Slime Puddles nearby. This idea is very similar to
Grobbulus in Naxxramas, but you want to be as close to
the wall as you can.
While the raid is dealing with all of these chaotic spells going off tanks
will be dealing with the empowered Professor Putricide, thanks to his
newly found Mutated Strength, increasing his attack speed and
Physical damage dealt by 50%. In addition to this, Professor Putricide
gains 1 more ability,
Mutated Plague.
Mutated Plague is applied to Professor Putricides
current target exactly every 10 seconds, applying 1 stack of the debuff. The
Mutated Plague debuff will deal damage to the entire raid every
3 seconds based on how many stacks the player has on them. Each additional stack
multiplies the damage this deals by 3, meaning the damage from
Mutated Plague scales exponentially higher for each additional
stack the target gains.
Since the Mutated Plagues damage triples with every new stack,
the most ideal situation is to split the stacks between multiple tanks, and
any other players you have available. This can be done in multiple ways. Firstly,
your tanks should never take more than 2 stacks of this in a row; make sure they
are evenly splitting their time tanking the boss and dividing these stacks up.
Secondly, to buy more time in this phase, it is highly recommended to have
classes that can taunt use a cooldown and taunt the boss right before he uses
Mutated Plague, as it is on a static 10 second timer. This can be
done by any class with a taunt spell by giving them a
Hand of Protection, or by classes with defensive cooldowns, such
as a Feral Druid using both
Barkskin and
Survival Instincts and taunting right before the
Mutated Plague is applied.
While this is a much higher amount of coordination required, the benefit is
well worth the effort, as doing this multiple times will drastically increase
the amount of time you have available in phase 3 before the stacking
Mutated Plague overwhelms your healers. The biggest issue with
doing this strategy is the diminishing returns on taunt that
Professor Putricide will gain, becoming entirely immune to taunt if he is
taunted 3 times within 20 seconds. This however can also be avoided by using a
pre-set rotation for tank swaps, as well as DPS players helping to taunt stacks.
Below you can find a basic timeline of what this would look like in phase 3:
Time | Taunt |
0:00 | Previous main-tank retains threat. |
0:09 | Any DPS class taunts with ![]() ![]() |
0:11 | Main tank taunts boss back. |
0:11-0:38 | Main tank receives 2 stacks of ![]() |
0:39 | Any DPS class taunts with ![]() ![]() |
0:41 | Second tank taunts boss. |
0:41-1:08 | Second tank receives 2 stacks of ![]() |
1:09 | Any DPS class taunts with ![]() ![]() |
1:11 | Main tank taunts boss. |
1:11-1:38 | Main tank receives 2 more stacks of ![]() |
This cycle shown above will allow the diminishing returns on taunt to reset
always on Professor Putricide, guaranteeing that you can always have a DPS
ready to taunt and eat a stack of Mutated Plague. Simply continue
adding to the rotation for the longer you need in the phase, rotating players
with taunt available to eat a stack in-between the 2 main tanks swapping. If
you run out of
Hand of Protections to use, DPS players such as
Retribution Paladins can toss on a shield and use
Divine Protection to quickly eat 1 stack before the main tanks
taunt back. This works for similar classes, such as DPS Warriors,
or Druids.
Finally, Professor Putricide will be healed if any players with the
Mutated Plague die, healing for 2.1 million health for each stack
Mutated Plague on the target. Even one stack of this is an
immediate wipe, as you will no longer be able to defeat the boss in time if he
heals at all. This means all
Mutated Plague players must live for
the entire fight, requiring full attention from healers, even at the expense of
other DPS.
Professor Putricide Heroic Strategy
Professor Putricide gains a few new abilities on Heroic difficulty,
the first of which is Unbound Plague. He will cast this every 60
seconds during phases 1 and 2, playing a ramping damage over time debuff on a
random target. This spell works very similar to a
Curse of Agony,
dealing more and more damage the longer its on a target. If anyone goes within
5 yards of the debuffed player, the plague will bounce to them and leave the
previous target with
Plague Sickness, increasing any future damage
taken by
Unbound Plague by 250%.
This mechanic normally would require the raid to assign a rotation of people
to bounce this debuff between, making sure to not infect anyone with
Plague Sickness already. Luckily, none of this is required. Simply
have a Warlock use a pre-made
Demonic Soulstone on
whoever gets the
Unbound Plague, or wait for them to die and
Rebirth them. This is much easier than trying to
coordinate this debuff in the middle of everything else happening.
While the first heroic mechanic is essentially nothing, as it can be ignored,
the second new mechanic is extremely difficult. During both the 80% and 35%
transitions, Professor Putricide will typically stun the entire raid for
20 seconds with Tear Gas. On heroic difficulty however, this is not
the case.
Instead of stunning the raid on these transitions, Professor Putricide
will instead summon both a Gas Cloud and Volatile Ooze at the same
time. As if this was not hard enough the entire raid will be given 2 different
debuffs, Gas Variable and
Ooze Variable, with the two debuffs
being divided evenly amongst all players. Players will now only be able to deal
damage to the Ooze that matches their debuffs color; so players with
Gas Variable will have to attack the Gas Cloud, while players
Ooze Variable will need to attack the Volatile Ooze.
This additional level of chaos must be managed quickly as
Professor Putricide is at his table casting Create Concoction,
only giving the raid 45 seconds to defeat both Ooze. During these phase
transitions, it is crucial that the raid stacks with the player rooted by
Volatile Ooze Adhesive as there will likely be multiple
Ooze Eruptions happening in this phase.
The Mutated Abomination driver must also be aware of the transition
timings and make sure to maintain enough Ooze Energy to be able to cast at least
one Regurgitated Ooze slow on the Volatile Ooze, ideally as well
on the Gas Clouds. Learning these timings on heroic difficulty will
help drastically with these transitions as being able to instantly slow both
Ooze by 50% is a major boost to your DPS players damage up-time.
Professor Putricide Abilities
Choking Gas Bomb — Professor Putricide throws Gas Bombs around him, dealing 6,825 to 7,175 Physical damage every second and explodes for 29,250 to 30,750 damage after 20 seconds.
Malleable Goo — Professor Putricide bounces a Malleable ball of Green Goo at the target, inflicting 23,400 to 24,600 damage and slowing attack and cast speeds by 250% for 15 seconds.
Mutated Plague — Inflicts damage every 3 seconds, healing Professor Putricide if the target dies.
Mutated Strength — Increases damage done by 50% and increases attack speed by 50%. Attacks cause the caster to become more mutated, inflicting increasing damage every 3 seconds.
Slime Puddle — Throws a vial of Mutated Slime, creating a puddle of slime at the targets location.
Unbound Plague — Inflicts damage every 1 seconds, the damage is increased every second the Blight remains on you! If you get too near to a friendly target, you will transfer the Plague from you to them.
Unstable Experiment — Professor Putricide begins to peform a wicked experiment on you all!
Volatile Experiment — Professor Putricide begins to peform a wicked experiment on you all!
Gas Variable — You have the Gas Variable! You will be targeted with things that also have the Gas trait and are unable to harm Ooze creatures.
Ooze Variable — You have the Ooze Variable! You will be targeted with things that also have the Ooze trait also you are unable to harm Gaseous creatures.
Mutated Abomination Abilities
Eat Ooze — Eats nearby
Slime Puddles decreasing the size of the pool, giving you 4 Ooze energy!
Regurgitated Ooze — The Regurgitated Ooze has a surprising effect on the target, slowing its movement speed by 50% and dealing 9,263 to 9,737 damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds total.
Mutated Slash — Inflicts 100% weapon damage instantly and reduces the target's resistance to Physical damage by 4% for 20 sec. Stacks up to 5 times.
Gas Cloud Abilities
Gaseous Bloat — The Gas Cloud is fixated on the player with
Gaseous Bloat. If he catches them it will cause him to cast
Expunged Gas, inflicting damage to nearby players based on how bloated the player is.
Gaseous Bloat — Inflicts 1,950 to 2,050 damage every 2 seconds and if the Gas Cloud hits you it will expunge all of the remaining
Gaseous Bloat and harm all nearby allies.
Expunged Gas — The Gas Cloud's attack has expunged all of the gas from the target! Expunged Gas inflicts damage to all enemies based on the number of Gaseous Blight stacks that were remaining on the target when they were attacked.
Volatile Ooze Abilities
Volatile Ooze Adhesive — The Volatile Ooze Adhesive bonds the target to the Volatile Ooze, inflicting 7,313 to 7,687 damage every 1 second and rooting the target. The Volatile Ooze will move towards the target, exploding for 243,750 to 256,250 damage, split among all nearby targets and knocking them back.
Ooze Eruption — Inflicts 243,750 to 256,250 damage shared with nearby targets, knocking them back in all directions!
Professor Putricide Loot
Icecrown Citadel bosses have 4 varying difficulties that they can be engaged on, with each difficulty dropping geared tailored to match its' challenges. Below you can find a list of gear dropped on each and every difficulty for this boss encounter.
10-Man Normal Loot
Item | Type/Slot |
![]() |
Leather Head |
![]() |
Neck |
![]() |
Neck |
![]() |
Mail Shoulder |
![]() |
Cloth Shoulder |
![]() |
Plate Chest |
![]() |
Cloth Waist |
![]() |
Mail Legs |
![]() |
Trinket |
![]() |
One-Hand Dagger |
![]() |
One-Hand Sword |
10-Man Heroic Loot
Item | Type/Slot |
![]() |
Leather Head |
![]() |
Neck |
![]() |
Neck |
![]() |
Mail Shoulder |
![]() |
Cloth Shoulder |
![]() |
Plate Chest |
![]() |
Cloth Waist |
![]() |
Mail Legs |
![]() |
Trinket |
![]() |
One-Hand Dagger |
![]() |
One-Hand Sword |
![]() |
Set Token |
![]() |
Set Token |
![]() |
Set Token |
25-Man Normal Loot
![]() |
Leather Waist |
![]() |
Leather Waist |
![]() |
Trinket |
![]() |
Main-Hand Sword |
![]() |
One-Hand Mace |
![]() |
Set Token |
![]() |
Set Token |
![]() |
Set Token |
25-Man Heroic Loot
Item | Type/Slot |
![]() |
Leather Waist |
![]() |
Leather Waist |
![]() |
Trinket |
![]() |
Main-Hand Sword |
![]() |
One-Hand Mace |
![]() |
Set Token |
![]() |
Set Token |
![]() |
Set Token |
Professor Putricide Achievements in Wrath of the Lich King
Achievement | Description |
![]() |
Defeat Professor Putricide without using Regurgitated Ooze on the Abomination in 10-player mode. |
![]() |
Defeat Professor Putricide without using Regurgitated Ooze on the Abomination in 25-player mode. |
Further Reading
Professor Putricide is just one of the twelve encounters present in the Icecrown Citadel raid of Wrath of the Lich King. If you would like to learn more about the others, please see our other pages for the raid below.
- 01 Jan. 2024: Updated for Phase 5.
- 09 Oct. 2023: Page added for Phase 4 release.
This guide has been written by Abide, TBC and WotLK veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina Horde. You can find him in the Icy Veins Discord if you have any questions or concerns.
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