WotLK Classic Reputation Guides
Reputations represent your interactions with a variety of groups and factions encountered throughout your adventures in Northrend. In particular, there are l4 different factions to gain reputation with during the Wrath of the Lich King. By choosing to help out these groups, you will be rewarded with valuable Profession recipes, mounts, and gear to rival that of early Raid drops!
Reputations in Wrath of the Lich King
While journeying across the continent of Northrend you will very likely encounter a number of new reputation factions, just as you had before in Outland and the rest of Azeroth. These factions will have your reputation with them altered by performing tasks that are helpful to their causes, such as completing specific quests, killing specific enemies, or completing dungeons while representing their group with a specific tabard equipped.
Reputation Ranks
There are eight possible ranks for reputations, but most reputations will start with you at "Neutral," which is actually the fourth level. The possible rankings are listed below.
- Exalted is the highest ranking. This is where the most prestigious rewards will generally come from within a reputation. Just reaching this is usually enough, but you can further gain a full 999 points beyond this rank.
- Revered is the second-highest. You will need to earn 21,000 reputation to reach Exalted from Revered.
- Honored is the third-highest. Starting at this rank, you get a 10% discount from anything related to this reputation from vendors. You will need to earn 12,000 reputation reach Revered from Honored.
- Friendly is the fourth-highest. You will need to earn 6,000 reputation reach Honored from Friendly.
- Neutral is the fifth-highest, and also the starting point for most reputations when you first unlock them. This represents you knowing about a faction, but them having no opinion of you yet. You will need to earn 3,000 reputation reach Friendly from Neutral.
- Unfriendly is the sixth-highest, or third-lowest ranking. Some reputations allow you to lose reputation with them, or in other words you can become disliked or even Hated by them by either doing something they do not like or helping their enemies. This is also where you will stop being able to interact with most of the NPCs of the faction. You will need to earn 3,000 reputation to go from Unfriendly to Neutral.
- Hostile is the second-lowest ranking. At this point, the faction will actively attack you if you come near them. You will need to earn 3,000 reputation to go from Hostile to Unfriendly.
- Hated is the lowest ranking. This effectively is how the Horde would be to the Alliance and vice-versa (and is also how the Oracles and Frenzyheart Tribe of Sholazar Basin regard eachother). While this is the lowest rank, you can get as low as zero out of 36,000 reputation into Hated, which would mean needing to gain it all back before moving up to Hostile.
While the vast majority of your reputations that you will engage with will be positive and either Neutral or higher, there are some that you could lower if you wanted. For any reputation that is red, meaning Unfriendly or lower, you can choose to be "At War" with them, meaning you can attack them, lowering your reputation with them even more.
Types of Reputation
There are several reputation types, but most are either specific races, towns, or groups within the game. While they generally all will function the same way, where you can gain reputation to rank up and get access to more rewards from their vendors, some reputations do have specific purposes. The major reputations that are worth knowing about are categorized and listed below.
- Zone reputations — there are factions of NPCs that exist in most of Northrend's zones, though many of these will also allow you to gain reputation through Dungeons provided you are wearing their tabard. These reputations are quite important early on, with some even having lasting rewards.
- Raid reputations — Wrath of the Lich King contains one important reputation that is progressed exclusively through the Icecrown Citadel raid. Although it is not immediately accessible, this reputation will be important for players that wish to eventually acquire the Legendary Obtaining Shadowmourne.
Alliance Vanguard and Horde Expedition
Although they are exclusively available to only one major faction each —
with the Alliance Vanguard only being accessible to Alliance players and the Horde Expedition being exclusive to
Horde players — these reputations operate in very
similar ways. Both of these reputations are actually made up of four sub-factions
each, and while only the overarching reputation has a quartermaster with
purchaseable rewards, you will need to regularly interact with all four to reach
Exalted with the main faction. In particular, gaining reputation with a
sub-faction will also grant half of the same amount to the main one, and gaining
reputation with the main faction will also grant half of that amount to
each of the four sub-factions. Just as importantly, these reputations are
the default reward when clearing the Dungeons of Northrend; in other
words, you should not wear another faction's tabard in Dungeons to receive
reputation with either the Alliance Vanguard or Horde Expedition.
Fortunately, although gaining reputation with your chosen faction is quick,
the rewards for reaching Exalted remain valuable, with Engineers
in particular receiving the Schematic: Mekgineer's Chopper to craft a new two-person mount!
Argent Crusade
Created as a union between the Argent Dawn and the Knights of the Silver Hand, the Argent Crusade comprises the bulk of the forces dedicated to venturing into Northrend to defeat the Lich King in Icecrown, with each member having been handpicked by Highlord Tirion Fordring himself to avoid any corruption creeping into its ranks.
True to their noble goal of defending the world from the scourge, the Argent Crusade
offers some defense-oriented helm enchants for players, including the best-in-slot
Arcanum of the Stalwart Protector enchant for tanks. Beyond these, there
are useful Tailoring and Jewelcrafting recipes to be earned,
and some helpful pre-raid Rare and
Epic gear for players to obtain.
The Oracles and Frenzyheart Tribe
Operating solely out of Sholazar Basin, The Oracles and the Frenzyheart Tribe operate similarly to The Scryers and The Aldor from TBC Classic. Over the course of the zone's quests, you will be given the opportunity to choose between which of these two factions you wish to support, with the other immediately dropping to Hated from your decision. However, you can — and may indeed wish to for rewards — swap between the two to reach Exalted with each at separate times.
Players choosing to align with The Oracles will get the opportunity
to obtain the rare Reins of the Green Proto-Drake, while those pledged to the
Frenzyheart Tribe can instead receive the
Frenzyheart Brew toy.
In addition, Jewelcrafters may be the most likely to
go for Exalted with both factions to receive their unique recipes.
Kirin Tor
The Kirin Tor comprises a group of mages that lead and protect the floating city of Dalaran, seeking to expand their collective knowledge and gather various magical artifacts; naturally, any player who chooses to play a Mage will immediately be seen as Friendly to this faction.
Reasons for maximizing one's reputation with these masters of the arcane include
access to helm enchants, important Jewelcrafting and Tailoring
recipes, and potential discounts on the incredibly expensive (but powerful) Kirin Tor
rings — Runed Ring of the Kirin Tor /
Runed Loop of the Kirin Tor /
Runed Band of the Kirin Tor /
Runed Signet of the Kirin Tor.
Knights of the Ebon Blade
The Knights of the Ebon Blade are a group of Death Knights that have recently been freed from the control of the Lich King, and wish to join in the Northrend campaign's efforts to usurp him. As all playable Death Knights are a part of this faction due to the events of their starting zone storyline, Death Knight players immediately begin with this reputation set to Friendly. All other classes will need to work from Neutral instead.
This reputation notably does not contain any mount rewards for reaching Exalted, but does offer many useful weapons before acquiring any upgrades from Raids and some valuable Jewelcrafting and Tailoring recipes.
The Kalu'ak
A fairly nomadic group located within multiple zones of Northrend, The Kalu'ak are a tribe of Tuskarr who are primarily interested in the treasures of the sea; that is to say, fishing!
Players that are working on their Fishing Profession
will want to check this faction out in particular, as they offer a variety of fishing
poles, including the best-in-slot Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole, and also
host a weekly fishing competition similar to the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza
for valuable rewards.
The Sons of Hodir
Located within The Storm Peaks, The Sons of Hodir are a group of frost giants that initially regard you as Hated. However, as you progress through the zone's story you will quickly reach Honored and can begin to complete a variety of daily quests to gain further reputation.
The Sons of Hodir are known for their powerful, re-usable shoulder
enchants that can be purchased upon reaching Exalted, along with a
variety of Profession recipes and even the
Reins of the Grand Ice Mammoth/
Reins of the Grand Ice Mammoth
mounts which can carry two additional players in addition to their rider!
The Wyrmrest Accord
Formed to stand against the mad crusade of the Blue Dragonflight, The Wyrmrest Accord represents the group efforts of the other four Dragonflights to stop Malygos.
The Ashen Verdict
The Ashen Verdict is an Icecrown Citadel-based faction in WotLK, revolving around
the most elite members of the Argent Crusade. Gaining reputation with the Ashen Verdict will allow
you access to a role specific Ring that is often considered best-in-slot for your role such as the
Ashen Band of Endless Destruction.
Beyond their eternal gratitude for your aid, this faction will also provide you
with some valuable Epic gear to rival Raid
drops, a number of Tailoring and Jewelcrafting recipes,
and even a Drake mount — the Reins of the Red Drake!
- 10 Oct. 2023: Updated for Phase 4
- 16 Sep. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Sinzhu, a passionate retail player who has since rediscovered the joys of what WoW classic has to offer.
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