WotLK Classic Restoration Druid Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs
On this page, you will find out the best PvE talent choices and builds for your Restoration Druid in WotLK Classic, as well as advised glyphs.
Restoration Leveling Talents
Restoration has several viable builds for endgame PvE content, as you can
opt into a pure heal-over-time-focused Celestial Focus build with a lower
Haste cap for your
Rejuvenation blanketing or a build that invests more
into the Restoration tree to empower
Nourish with talents such as
Empowered Touch and
Living Seed.
If you were looking for leveling builds, please refer to our leveling guide for Druids.
Wrath Restoration Thicc Resto PvE Talent Build
In this phase it is easy to get 856 Haste required to be capped due to the increased overall power of gear and availability of epic gems.
Thus, as soon as you hit this threshold, consider swapping to this build which
drops Celestial Focus for
Empowered Touch and
Living Seed,
making it much stronger in single-target with
Wrath Restoration Celestial Focus PvE Talent Build
If your gear has not hit 856 Haste yet, you might want to stay with this build
which picks up Celestial Focus in order to hit a lowered Haste cap of 735
where you can optimally spread out
Rejuvenation and
Wild Growth.
Regardless, Glyph of Nourish is still taken to cover the high tank damage
in Wrath PvE content.
Wrath Restoration Glyphs
In Wrath you will be able to unlock Glyphs that improve your abilities and can be swapped around freely as long as you have the consumable glyph item on your bags.
As a Restoration Druid in PvE you will want to be using Glyph of Wild Growth,
Glyph of Swiftmend, and
Glyph of Nourish for maximum healing.
For minor glyphs, the best quality of life options are three out of
Glyph of Unburdened Rebirth,
Glyph of Dash,
Glyph of the Wild,
Glyph of Thorns.
Notable Restoration Druids Talents
Balance Tree
The Balance Tree is mostly used for Moonglow,
Nature's Splendor,
Celestial Focus, and
Nature's Reach in PvP.
Moonglow is a major Mana-saving talent, as it affects some of your
most-used spells, especially
Nature's Splendor increases the duration of your most used
heals-over-time, being especially valuable due to affecting
Nature's Grace increases your casting speed by 20% when you critically
hit with a non-periodic spell, but only for 3-seconds. This can occasionally be
useful for single-target heal spamming.
Nature's Reach affects
Cyclone and
Entangling Roots,
which gives it some PvP value, as you will be able to crowd control from a
longer distance, which is especially valuable for Cyclone due to its 20 yards
baseline range.
Celestial Focus gives you 3% Haste, making you need less Haste from
gear to reach global cooldown breakpoints for fitting in more
casts in between
Wild Growths when raiding.
Feral Tree
The Feral Tree provides no real benefits to Restoration and should be ignored.
Restoration Tree
The Restoration Tree carries most of the power of a Restoration Druid, as would be expected. It also has a lot of PvP utility, which you can learn more about in our Wrath Restoration Druid guide.
Omen of Clarity is a good Mana-saving talent, especially as you can use
it to cast the expensive
Lifebloom and still get 50% of its original Mana
cost! Try to melee enemies when you can do so safely for extra procs.
Nature's Swiftness causes your next Nature spell to become instant.
This is great for emergency healing with
Healing Touch.
Swiftmend consumes a
Rejuvenation or
Regrowth effect
on the target (unless you have
Glyph of Swiftmend) to do a large burst of
healing and should be used on cooldown for emergency healing.
Natural Perfection increases your Critical Strike chance and makes you
take less damage for 8 seconds after you take a Critical Strike, stacking up to
a total of 12% damage reduction, which makes it great in PvP.
Revitalize helps the targets of your heals by granting up to 15% chance
that your
Rejuvenation and
Wild Growth will restore their class
resources (1% Mana, 4 Rage, 8 Energy or 16 Runic Power) on each healing tick.
Tree of Life is your main shapeshift form and reduces the Mana
cost of heal-over-time spells by 20%, as well as granting a 6% healing taken
buff to everyone around you.
Improved Barkskin is a strong PvP talent that makes
have a stronger damage reduction effect and be more difficult to dispel. It also
increases your Armor when in
Travel Form or not in a form.
Wild Growth is a smart heal that hits the most damaged allies near
the target you cast on with a powerful heal-over-time effect that diminishes in
potency over time.
- 23 Jun. 2023: Adapted talents to Phase 3 new gearing realities.
- 22 Jun. 2023: Removed PvP talent and glyph references.
- 19 Feb. 2023: Updated 25-man talents to be more tank-healing friendly for Ulduar HMs.
- 18 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Phase 2 release ahead of Ulduar raid release.
- 20 Sep. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Shaman and Druid, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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