Sindragosa Encounter Guide: Strategy, Abilities, Loot
Sindragosa is the eleventh boss encounter that players will face in Icecrown Citadel, and the last encounter of The Frostwing Halls. The raid will face an overwhelming assault of Frost attacks when engaging The Queen of the Frostbrood. Do not forget to be aware of the various Raid Buffs and Debuffs as you work to optimize your Raid Composition for this encounter's mechanics!
Role-Specific Tips for Sindragosa
DPS Tips
- Melee DPS should be sure to attack from exactly in the middle of
Sindragosa to avoid the
Cleave and
Tail Smash.
- Physical DPS must always be aware of their
Chilled to the Bone debuffs and stop attacking when hitting high stacks.
- Casters should always be watching the
Unchained Magic timer and be ready if you are targeted with the debuff to quickly move out of the group.
Healer Tips
- Communication between healers on who is able to heal and who can not heal
because of
Unchained Magic is crucial to this fight to beat the massive incoming damage.
- Healers should always be watching the
Unchained Magic timer and be ready if you are targeted with the debuff to quickly move out of the group.
- Coordinate defensive cooldowns with your tanks for each
Frost Breath; you must always have a defensive cooldown up during this.
Tank Tips
- Positioning is key on the pull. Use any available movement speed boosts to keep the boss in her initial starting position.
- Be clear and vocal beforehand about any tank swaps that will happen as your healers will be behind most of the time on this encounter.
- Coordinate defensive cooldowns with your Healers for each
Frost Breath; you must always have a defensive cooldown up during this.
Strategy for Sindragosa
Sindragosa Phase One
The pull should start with your main-tank running in with any form of
movement speed increase, or simply staying mounted. You will want to keep
Sindragosa in the center of the room close to where she initially stands,
this simply helps with visual clarity for the raid. The tank will then need to
quickly spin her sideways, keeping her tail and face away from the raid to avoid
her killing players with Cleave and
Tail Smash. Similar to
Sapphiron in Naxxramas, Sindragosa also has a
Frost Aura that will deal 6,000 Frost damage to the entire raid every
3 seconds for the whole encounter.
The main focus of the fight for tanks will be surviving each of the deadly
Frost Breaths Sindragosa will cast every 20 seconds, dealing
55,500 to 64,500 base Frost damage. This must be mitigated with a defensive cooldown
every time. Even with that, the damage taken will still be extremely high. It is
worth noting that the slow from
Frost Breath can not be dispelled, and
can only be removed via
Hand of Freedom.
It is highly recommended tanks aim for wearing 280 Frost Resistance.
This guarantees that you will always resist at least 25% and will never take a
full, unmitigated 100% hit. This will reduce your average damage taken down by
50% on each Frost Breath before any defensive cooldowns. As you will
be taking a high amount of Frost damage from multiple sources, this is a huge
boost to your overall survivability.
To reach this high of a number, you will need to combine multiple sources of
Frost resistance. You should always have Frost Resistance Aura
during the fight, and can easily fit in additional sources from consumables,
enchants and gear. You will need to combine multiple sources of Frost resistance
such as
Lesser Flask of Resistance,
Arcanum of the Frosty Soul and
Icebane Girdle to reach this 280 break point, but it is well worth it.
Reaching 280 Frost resistance does not mean you do not need a defensive cooldown
for each
Frost Breath, you should still plan to have at least something
minor up each time.
Periodically throughout the fight Sindragosa will cast
Icy Grip, pulling the entire raid on top of her. She will then start
to cast
Blistering Cold, dealing 60,000 Frost damage to all nearby
players at the end of the cast. The entire raid must quickly move away at least
25 yards away from Sindragosa until the cast goes off to avoid dying.
The tanks must be quick to get away from the boss and move back into position as
soon as possible to prevent her from moving afterwards.
Sindragosa is infused with the very essence of chill itself and any
Physical attacks made against her will debuff the attacker with
Chilled to the Bone. This has a 20% proc chance from any physical attack
made, but also has a 2 second cooldown, so at the very most you will gain 1 stack
every 2 seconds if you are very unlucky. Physical DPS players must always be
mindful of these stacks, and should stop attacking Sindragosa at about
6 stacks until the debuff falls off.
While casters do not need to worry about the Chilled to the Bone
stacks, they get their own, similar version
Unchained Magic. Every 30
seconds Sindragosa will debuff 3 Caster DPS players, and 3 Healers with
Unchained Magic. Players debuffed by
Unchained Magic will
gain a stack of
Instability each time they cast. This debuff lasts
5 seconds and will damage the player for 2,000 Arcane damage per stack after it
expires. Casters will need to be mindful of their stacks and stop casting ideally
after 3 or 4 stacks.
Dealing with the Unchained Magic will be the major focus for your
healers, as this will greatly increase the damage the raid is taking, as well as
prevent your healers from spamming healing spells to top everyone up. Healers
will need to communicate openly their stacks and when they need to stop healing,
so other healers can cover the raid or tanks as needed. Because of this
mechanic, the absurdly high tank and raid damage, it is highly recommended to
run additional healers; however, due to how
Unchained Magic targeting
works (will always debuff 50% of your healers, rounding up), you want to always
run an even number of healers, or you are losing value. Running 6 or 8 healers
for this fight is not uncommon, and is highly recommended early on while learning
the fight.
Sindragosa Phase Two
After 1 minute of Phase One, Sindragosa will take off and start her
air phase, which lasts 45 seconds. This phase starts with her targeting 6 random
players with Frost Beacon, putting a blue mark above their heads.
These players will then be hit by
Ice Tomb 8 seconds later, freezing
them in a block of ice. These players marked by
Frost Beacon must
quickly spread away from each other, and the entire raid as the coming
Ice Tomb will splash onto any nearby allies and freeze them as well.
Even 1 person messing this up and hitting others will likely cause a wipe.
After fully taking off into the air, Sindragosa will start to drop a
total of 4 Frost Bombs, 1 every 8 seconds. These MUST be
avoided with line of sight; luckily the players recently frozen by the
Ice Tombs will provide the rest of the raid with the much needed line
of sight hiding spot. This mechanic plays out exactly the same as
Sapphiron with his
Icebolt +
Frost Breath
combo in Naxxramas, requiring players to hide behind a block and line
of site the big blast.
However, unlike the ice block in the Sapphiron encounter, the
Ice Tombs on the Sindragosa fight have 450k health points, and
must be killed to free the trapped player inside. A common strategy is to DPS
Ice Tombs down to about 10-20% (depending on how many DoTs you have
and how closely stacked they all are), and wait for the final
Frost Bomb
to go off before finally killing any remaining
Ice Tombs. It is
worth noting that you may choose to immediately break out healers if too many
are trapped as you should not need every single
Ice Tomb alive for
line of sight, and too many healers being trapped will likely result in numerous
Lastly, while your allies trapped inside the Ice Tombs are safe from
Frost Bombs, they will start dying to
Asphyxiation after
20 seconds inside due to the lack of air, taking 8% of their total health in
damage each second. These players are untargetable and can not be healed, and
must be broken free from their
Ice Tomb before they die after roughly
30 seconds.
The most ideal way to position the Ice Tombs is to have 3
pre-determined stack locations and have 2 players marked with
Frost Beacon run to each marker. This will cause both players to take
16,000 damage from their nearby allies
Ice Tomb splash damage, so be
sure to roll shields and HoTs on these marker players to ensure they are topped
back up quickly after. If your raid is struggling with this, you can also put 3
Ice Tombs near the stairs, and 3 slightly more towards the middle of
the room. Just be sure your ranged DPS are splitting their damage evenly on all
tombs so you can break everyone out when needed. If you find yourself in a bad
position with
Frost Beacon, it is always better to run to a bad spot
and die instead of hitting others; even a couple additional players being hit
with this can easily cause a wipe.
After 45 seconds of her air phase, Sindragosa will land and return to her Phase One abiilities. Tanks should be ready to quickly pick her up and keep her in the center of the room, quickly facing her head and tail away from the raid. This cycle will repeat until Sindragosa reaches 35% health.
Sindragosa Phase Three
After hitting 35% health, Sindragosa will enter Phase 3. She will no
longer take off into the air anymore, and will remain grounded for the rest of
the fight. During this phase however, she will continue to use
Ice Tombs on random players every 15 seconds. In addition to this she
gains a new spell,
Mystic Buffet, that she will cast every 6 seconds
on the entire raid. Each stack of
Mystic Buffet increases ALL
Magic damage taken by 20%, quickly stacking up.
As you might have guessed, Mystic Buffet is extremely deadly, as it
will buff everything shes assaulting the raid with, from
Frost Aura
Frost Breath, everyone will be taking much higher damage in this
final phase. This is when you must use all of your major offensive cooldowns and
burn Sindragosa down quickly before your healers become overwhelmed.
Fortunately, similar to the Frost Bombs, the
Ice Tombs
can be used to line of sight Sindragosa herself and stop players from
gaining further stacks of
Mystic Buffet. Players will need to be
constantly aware of their stacks of
Mystic Buffet and be ready to move
being an
Ice Tomb whenever they need to and reset their stacks.
These Ice Tombs will be coming out frequently enough that you will
have 2 up at a time. If you still have 2 alive and a 3rd one is coming, you must
quickly finish off the lower health
Ice Tomb to allow space for the
new tomb. It is important to note that the
Ice Tombs must be placed
outside of the red-targeting circle underneath Sindragosa; and any
physical DPS must stop attacking when hiding behind the
Ice Tomb.
With a bit of practice, you will be able to consistently place an
Ice Tomb in a spot where your healers are line-of-sight from
Sindragosa and thus not gaining stacks of
Mystic Buffet, but
still in line-of-sight of your tanks and able to keep them topped. Getting this
positioning down is a huge boost to your odds of beating this phase, as this
allows your healers to have much more up-time on the raid, and especially the
Finally, the last mechanic to worry about will be the Frost Breaths.
While this is the same spell tanks were dealing with before, the added debuff of
Mystic Buffet will also increase the damage taken by this breath,
easily killing any tank. The easiest strategy to deal with this, is to have one
tank always line-of-sight behind the
Ice Tombs, while the other tank
rotates defensive cooldowns to survive. After 3
Frost Breaths, these
tanks will swap "roles", with one taunting off the other and the tank with high
stacks of
Mystic Buffet going line-of-sight behind the
Ice Tomb to reset their stacks. With the recommended 280 Frost
Resistance as shown above, and a great rotation of defensive cooldowns and tank
swaps, your tanks should easily be able to manage each
Frost Breath
during this phase. Below you can find an example of what the tank cooldown rotation
should look like:
![]() |
Defensive |
![]() ![]() |
Nothing needed, 280 Frost Resistance covers. |
![]() ![]() |
Minor defensive cooldown such as: ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
Major defensive cooldown such as: ![]() ![]() |
Prioritize using raid-defensive cooldowns first, as the raid will be taking
higher damage early on while buffed by Heroism /
Bloodlust. Tanks should aim to use stronger, personal defensive
later into the fight. It is worth noting that Blood Death Knight tanks
are an extremely powerful choice for this encounter as
Anti-Magic Shell can absorb a large portion of the
Frost Breaths damage, especially when paired together with temporary
health increase buffs, such as
Satrina's Impeding Scarab.
Sindragosa Heroic Changes
The only difference in Heroic difficulty versus normal, aside from the
overall increased health and damage values, is how Unchained Magic
functions. Instead of only dealing damage to yourself, your
Instability debuffs will now explode around you, dealing damage
to all nearby allies. For this reason, you will want to pre-assign positions for
players to run to. Since the
Unchained Magic targeting will always
choose 50% healers and 50% caster DPS, we recommended having a stack point
towards Sindragosas head for the healers, and a stack point towards
her tail for the caster DPS. Be mindful of your stacks and of those around you
on Heroic difficulty, as you can easily die from burst damage if not high enough
health when multiple stacks go off around you.
Sindragosa Abilities
Ground Phase
Cleave — Inflicts normal damage plus 50 to an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 10 targets.
Blistering Cold — Deals 60,000 Frost damage to enemies within 25 yards.
Frost Aura — Deals 6,000 Frost damage to all nearby enemies every 3 seconds.
Frost Breath — Inflicts 55,500 to 64,500 Frost damage to enemies in a 60 yard cone in front of the caster. In addition, the targets' attack speed is decreased by 50% and movement decreased by 15% for 90 seconds.
Icy Grip — Extend tendrils of frigid wind to pull all nearby enemies to the caster.
Permeating Chill — Causes those who attack Sindragosa with physical attacks to be chilled to the bone, dealing 1,000 Frost damage every 2 seconds for each application.
Tail Smash — Inflicts 11,250 to 18,750 damage on enemies within 35 yards of the tail's impact point, knocking them back.
Mystic Buffet — Buffets all nearby foes with Arcane energy, increasing all magic damage taken by 20% per application.
Unchained Magic — Inflicts an arcane malediction on the target, causing any spells cast to result in a backlash of Arcane power after 5 seconds. Multiple spellcasts by the afflicted target will intensify the backlash.
Air Phase
Frost Beacon — Marks a target for imprisonment in an Ice Tomb.
Ice Tomb — Entombs the targeted foe and all enemies within 10 yards in ice, dealing 15,600 to 16,400 Frost damage.
Frost Bomb — Deals 188,500 to 211,500 Frost damage to all nearby targets.
Sindragosa Loot
Icecrown Citadel bosses have 4 varying difficulties that they can be engaged on, with each difficulty dropping geared tailored to match its' challenges. Below you can find a list of gear dropped on each and every difficulty for this boss encounter.
10-Man Normal Loot
Item | Type/Slot |
![]() |
Neck |
![]() |
Mail Shoulder |
![]() |
Cloth Chest |
![]() |
Leather Wrist |
![]() |
Leather Hands |
![]() |
Plate Waist |
![]() |
Plate Legs |
![]() |
Plate Feet |
![]() |
Mail Feet |
![]() |
Main-Hand Dagger |
![]() |
Off-Hand Fist |
![]() |
Shield |
10-Man Heroic Loot
Item | Type/Slot |
![]() |
Neck |
![]() |
Mail Shoulder |
![]() |
Cloth Chest |
![]() |
Leather Wrist |
![]() |
Leather Hands |
![]() |
Plate Waist |
![]() |
Plate Legs |
![]() |
Plate Feet |
![]() |
Mail Feet |
![]() |
Main-Hand Dagger |
![]() |
Off-Hand Fist |
![]() |
Shield |
![]() |
Set Token |
![]() |
Set Token |
![]() |
Set Token |
25-Man Normal Loot
Item | Type/Slot |
![]() |
Neck |
![]() |
Ring |
![]() |
Trinket |
![]() |
Trinket |
![]() |
Off-Hand |
![]() |
Set Token |
![]() |
Set Token |
![]() |
Set Token |
25-Man Heroic Loot
Item | Type/Slot |
![]() |
Neck |
![]() |
Ring |
![]() |
Trinket |
![]() |
Trinket |
![]() |
Off-Hand |
![]() |
Set Token |
![]() |
Set Token |
![]() |
Set Token |
Sindragosa Achievements in Wrath of the Lich King
Achievement | Description |
![]() |
Defeat Sindragosa in 10-player mode without any member of your raid receiving more than 5 stacks of Mystic Buffet. |
![]() |
Defeat Sindragosa in 25-player mode without any member of your raid receiving more than 5 stacks of Mystic Buffet. |
Further Reading
Sindragosa is just one of the twelve encounters present in the Icecrown Citadel raid of Wrath of the Lich King. If you would like to learn more about the others, please see our other pages for the raid below.
- 01 Jan. 2024: Updated for Phase 5.
- 09 Oct. 2023: Page added for Phase 4 release.
This guide has been written by Abide, TBC and WotLK veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina Horde. You can find him in the Icy Veins Discord if you have any questions or concerns.
- Season of Discovery Hotfixes: March 4th
- Nightmare Dragons Update: March 4th
- Season of Discovery and Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes: February 21st
- New Cataclysm Classic Valor Cap Set to Week 2 Due to Bug
- Season of Discovery Naxxramas Soft Reset Issue Fix and Warning
- Season of Discovery Hotfixes: February 14th
- Classic Hardcore, Era, and Anniversary Realm Black Lotus Respawn Rate Increase
- Remnants of Valor and Seal of the Dawn Changes in Season of Discovery: February 13th