WotLK Classic Subtlety Rogue Spell Summary
On this page, we present you with all spells and procs that you need to understand as a Subtlety Rogue in WotLK Classic.
Combo Point Generators
Subtlety uses Hemorrhage as its main generator, a talent obtained in the Subtlety tree. It is cheap and applies a unique debuff that increases the damage taken by the target from all Physical attacks by a flat amount.
Subtlety also has access to Backstab, Sinister Strike, and Ambush, but sticks with Hemorrhage as its main generator.
The exception to this is during Shadow Dance, where you will use Ambush to generate CPs.
Combo Point Spenders
The main spenders for Subtlety are Eviscerate, Rupture, and Slice and Dice.
Slice and Dice increases your attack speed and has the highest damage increase of all spenders.
Rupture is a bleed that is maintained on your main target, dealing damage over time.
Eviscerate is your main filler spender, dealing instant damage per Combo Point.
Expose Armor reduces the Armor of the target by 20%, but is generally not used by Rogues if there is a Warrior in the group, as they can apply Sunder Armor.
Kidney Shot and Deadly Throw are very rarely used in PvE as Subtlety.
Stealth Abilities
Cheap Shot, which stuns your enemy for a short period, and Garrote, which places a bleed on the enemy and silences them, are rarely used in PvE as Subtlety.
Sap can be useful to help control adds before a pull or deal with particularly dangerous trash pulls by incapacitating an enemy for up to 45 seconds.
Damage Cooldowns
Shadow Dance allows you to use abilities that would normally require Stealth to be active. This is your main damage-boosting cooldown as Subtlety.
Utility and Defensives
Rogues have a number of abilities available to them that not only help the raid or group in some way, but also personally grant them immunity to both mechanics and damage at times.
Shadowstep is a Subtlety talent that allows you to teleport behind your current target and increases your movement speed, as well as the damage of your next ability.
Tricks of the Trade is a massively important buff for Rogues, it can be used to grant a damage buff to a friendly damage dealer, or used on a tank to help them generate threat and keep other damage dealers safe.
Cloak of Shadows removes all negative spell effects, as well as granting you an extremely high chance to resist incoming spells for its duration. It can be extremely powerful in completely avoiding certain mechanics on fights.
Evasion grants the Rogue a much higher chance to dodge incoming Physical attacks, as well as reducing the chance ranged attacks will hit them.
Vanish allows the Rogue to quickly go back into Stealth while in combat, which would trigger Master of Subtlety as Subtlety.
Distract makes PvE enemies stand still for up to 10 seconds, allowing you to stall patrols and let your raid or group through tight spots and skips.
Kick interrupts the current spell being cast and locks the user out of that school for a period of time.
Sprint greatly increases your movement speed for a period of time.
Shiv and Gouge are rarely used in PvE.
- 18 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Phase 2 release ahead of Ulduar raid release.
- 27 Sep. 2022: Updated with mention of Ambush in generator section.
- 22 Sep. 2022: Page added.
This guide was written by Sellin and reviewed by Simonize.
This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
Simonize is a long time rogue player and WoW Classic enjoyer focused on PvE content. He has developed spreadsheets and gear analysis tools for Vanilla, Burning Crusade, and Wrath of the Lich King PvE rogues.
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