Phase 3 Tier 9 and Argent Crusade Tribute Chest Guide
In the Trial of the Crusader Raid, some things have changed regarding the tier set. Previously, the bosses in raids dropped tier tokens that could be exchanged for the set pieces in e.g. Dalaran. In addition, you could buy the set tokens from some vendors for Emblems of Conquest (or for other tokens). While in Ulduar there were two sets, namely the one from the 10-man raid and the one from the 25-man raid, in TotC there are three sets that you can earn. One is the item level 232 "of Conquest" set, then the item level 245 "of Triumph" set and finally the strongest version of the set, the heroic item level 258 version of the Triumph set. This guide will explain where you can get which set parts and what you need to do to get them. In this guide you will also learn about the Argent Crusade Tribute Chest and how the 50 attempts in the hard mode of Trial of the Crusader work.
Tier 9 Guide
The Tier 9 set consists of 5 parts: Head, shoulder, chest, hands and legs. The set bonus is activated when wearing 2 or 4 pieces. This means you can either use all 5 pieces or replace the 5th piece with an off-set piece. The set bonus can be used across item levels. That means you can combine 232 ilevel set pieces with 245 (or 258) ilevel set pieces and still get the set bonus.
For each of the three sets there is a faction-specific NPC who sells the set. All 6 NPCs are located next to each other in the north-east of Icecrown on the grounds of the central Argent Tournament building.
- Item level 232 'of Conquest' set: Aspirant Forudir (Alliance) and Aspirant Naradiel (Horde)
- Item level 245 'of Triumph' set: Valiant Laradia (Alliance) and Valiant Bressia (Horde)
- Item level 258 'of Triumph' set: Champion Isimode (Alliance) and Champion Faesrol (Horde)
To find out which set pieces are best for your class, have a look at the BiS lists of your class below:
Emblems required for T9
The 232 and 245 item level versions of the T9 set require
Emblem of Triumph to be bought. These emblems come from the
Onyxia, Vault of Archavon and Trial of the Crusader and from the
daily heroic quests. In total you can obtain 90 emblems per week,
which means you ideally should save them for the item level 245
set (and not the 232-set), if you have
Trophy of the Crusade.
The distribution of the emblems is as follows:
- Onyxia 10/25 man: 6 (3 per raid size)
- Vault of Archavon: 4 (2 per raid size)
- Trial of the Crusader: 25 (25-Man)
- Trial of the Crusader: 20 (10-Man)
- Total from Raids: 55
The daily heroic quests for Heroic++ dungeons give you the following amount of emblems:
- Daily quest: 2 per quest and day (14 per week)
- Bag from final dungeon boss: 3 per day (21 per week)
- Total from dungeons: 35
Obtaining the full four pieces of the 245 itemlevel set
costs between 240 and 270 emblems, depending on whether you use the
cheaper (hands and shoulders) or more expensive pieces (head, chest
and legs). In total, obtaining all required Emblem of Triumph
will take you 1.8 to 3 weeks for a full 4-piece 245 itemlevel set.
The 'of Conquest' Set (232)
The Conquest set is the weakest of the three, with an item level of 232.
The set parts are bought for Emblem of Triumph. The two vendors
Aspirant Forudir (Alliance) and Aspirant Naradiel (Horde) sell
head, chest and legs for 50 emblems each, hands and shoulders for 30 each.
The emblems drop in the daily heroic quest and in the Trial of the Crusader
raids. This set cannot be upgraded. In addition, hands and legs can drop in
the 10-man version of the new PVP boss Koralon the Flame Watcher in the
Vault of Archavon.
The 'of Triumph' Set (245)
The individual set parts of the Triumph set require more emblems than
those of the Conquest set and also one Trophy of the Crusade each.
The trophies drop from the Argent Crusade Tribute Chest in the
10-player version of the Trial of the Crusader raid and from the bosses
in the 25-player version of the raid and are soulbound when picked up.
Once you have a Trophy of the Crusade, you can buy either head, chest and
legs for 75 emblems + 1 Trophy each and hands and shoulders for 45
emblems +1 Trophy each from Valiant Laradia (Alliance) and
Valiant Bressia (Horde). As with the 10-man version of the item
set, Koralon the Flame Watcher in the Vault of Archavon (25-man) can
drop the hands and legs of the set.
The Heroic 'of Triumph' Set (258)
The heroic Tier 9 set is extremely powerful, but also exclusive and probably difficult to obtain for most players. The reason for this is that this set can only be exchanged for a Regalia. This Regalia only drops at the end of Trial of the Crusader 25-man, and only if you have defeated all the bosses in Heroic mode. Once you have done that, you can get 2-4 of these Regalias per week per Raid ID (more info below in the Argent Crusade Tribute Chest Guide). To make matters worse, the Regalia you need is randomly diced from a pool of three possible Regalias. The Regalias are grouped together for several classes, just like in the previous content:
- Rogue, Death Knight, Mage, Druid:
Regalia of the Grand Vanquisher
- Paladin, Priest, Warlock:
Regalia of the Grand Conqueror
- Hunter, Shaman, Warrior:
Regalia of the Grand Protector
Although the Regalias are very rare, there is still an advantage: you can buy any of the Heroic set pieces with a Regalia. Champion Isimode (Alliance) and Champion Faesrol (Horde) wait on the Argent Tournament grounds to give you the desired set pieces for a Regalia.
Argent Crusade Tribute Chest Guide
If a raid defeats all bosses in Trial of the Crusader on Heroic difficulty (10- and 25-man), the Argent Crusade Tribute Chest will appear after Anub'arak's demise. It contains bonus loot that depends on how many times you wiped during that lockout. The less you wipe, the more and the better loot is in the chest. If your raid wipes 50 times during the raid ID, or one of the bosses is not defeated on heroic difficulty, then the chest will not appear and your raid will not receive any bonus loot. The Argent Crusade Tribute Chest is the only way to get the Regalias for the coveted Heroic 'of Triumph' (258) set, and it contains a large portion of the BiS items for all classes.
25-man Loot from the Argent Crusade Tribute Chest
Since the 25-man raid is more relevant to most players, this guide starts with the 25-man version of the chest. The chest contains the following loot:
As you can see, you can obtain a maximum of four regalias per raid lockout. The cloak that can be obtained from clearing the raid with 50 attempts left has an item level of 272 and is the second highest item level cloak in all of WotLK.
10-man Loot from the Argent Crusade Tribute Chest
The 10-man loot from the chest is as follows:
Other Trial of the Crusader Guides
In addition to this guide, we have also created a Trial of the Crusader Raid Guide and a more detailed Loot Guide. Click on the two links below to find out more.
- 16 Jun. 2023: Added more detailed info about Emblems of Triumph.
- 09 May 2023: Added loot and raid guide links.
- 08 May 2023: Page added.
This guide has been written by Wrdlbrmpft aka Arcanaenus, playing Mage since 2008. He is usually found in the Mage Discord, where you may also ask him questions his guides do not answer.
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