Season of Discovery Affliction Warlock DPS Gear and Best in Slot

Last updated on Feb 09, 2025 at 00:00 by Abide 6 comments

On this page, you will find the best PvE gear and best in slot items for your Affliction Warlock in WoW Classic - Season of Discovery.


Affliction Warlock Season of Discovery Best in Slot

This is the gear we recommend as the best possible items available in the fifth phase of Season of Discovery for your Affliction Warlock. This list assumes a stat priority of:

Spell Hit > Spell Power > Crit > Intellect > Stamina > Spirit


Phase Best in Slot

Phase 7 (Naxx) Phase 6 (AQ) Phase 5 (BWL) Phase 4 (MC) Phase 3 (ST) Phase 2 (Gnomer) Phase 1 (BFD)

SoD Phase 7 Affliction Warlock BiS

Helm Preceptor's Hat Icon Preceptor's Hat Heigan the Unclean
Neck Gem of Trapped Innocents Icon Gem of Trapped Innocents Kel'Thuzad
Shoulders Plagueheart Shoulderpads Icon Plagueheart Shoulderpads Multiple Bosses
Back Veil of Eclipse Icon Veil of Eclipse Instructor Razuvious
Chest Plagueheart Robe Icon Plagueheart Robe The Four Horsemen
Wrists Nemesis Bracers Icon Nemesis Bracers Nefarian
Blackwing Lair
Hands Plagueheart Gloves Icon Plagueheart Gloves Maexxna
Waist Plagueheart Belt Icon Plagueheart Belt Multiple Bosses
Legs Nemesis Leggings Icon Nemesis Leggings Multiple Bosses
Blackwing Lair
Feet Plagueheart Sandals Icon Plagueheart Sandals Multiple Bosses
Ring 1 Plagueheart Ring Icon Plagueheart Ring Kel'Thuzad
Ring 2 Seal of the Damned Icon Seal of the Damned The Four Horsemen
Trinket 1 Hazza'rah's Charm of Destruction Icon Hazza'rah's Charm of Destruction Punctured Voodoo Doll Icon Punctured Voodoo Doll
Trinket 2 Eye of Diminution Icon Eye of Diminution Thaddius
Weapon Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian Icon Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
Wand Doomfinger Icon Doomfinger Kel'Thuzad

SoD Phase 6 Affliction Warlock BiS

Helm Doomcaller's Circlet Icon Doomcaller's Circlet Emperor Vek'nilash
Neck Kezan's Unstoppable Taint Icon Kezan's Unstoppable Taint Quest - Paragons of Power
Shoulders Nemesis Spaulders Icon Nemesis Spaulders Chromaggus
Blackwing Lair
Back Cloak of the Devoured Icon Cloak of the Devoured C'Thun
Chest Doomcaller's Robes Icon Doomcaller's Robes C'Thun
Wrists Nemesis Bracers Icon Nemesis Bracers Nefarian
Blackwing Lair
Hands Nemesis Gloves Icon Nemesis Gloves Multiple Bosses
Blackwing Lair
Waist Nemesis Belt Icon Nemesis Belt Vaelastrasz
Blackwing Lair
Legs Nemesis Leggings Icon Nemesis Leggings Multiple Bosses
Blackwing Lair
Feet Nemesis Boots Icon Nemesis Boots Broodlord Lashlayer
Blackwing Lair
Ring 1 Ring of the Desert Winds Icon Ring of the Desert Winds Ayamiss the Hunter
Ring 2 Ring of the Fallen God Icon Ring of the Fallen God C'Thun
Trinket 1 The Black Book Icon The Black Book Razorgore the Untamed
Blackwing Lair
Trinket 2 Hazza'rah's Charm of Destruction Icon Hazza'rah's Charm of Destruction Warlock Class trinket
Weapon Scythe of Chaos Icon Scythe of Chaos Razorgore the Untamed
Blackwing Lair
Wand Wand of Qiraji Nobility Icon Wand of Qiraji Nobility Bug Trio

Molten Core (Phase 4) Affliction Warlock Best in Slot

Helm Felheart Horns Icon Felheart Horns Garr
Molten Core
Neck Choker of the Fire Lord Icon Choker of the Fire Lord Ragnaros
Molten Core
Shoulders Felheart Shoulder Pads Icon Felheart Shoulder Pads Baron Geddon
Molten Core
Back Brilliant Chromatic Cloak Icon Brilliant Chromatic Cloak BoE Leatherworking
Chest Felheart Robes Icon Felheart Robes Golemagg the Incinerator
Molten Core
Wrists Felheart Bracers Icon Felheart Bracers MBoEin Molten Core
Hands Felheart Gloves Icon Felheart Gloves Gehennas
Molten Core
Waist Deathmist Belt Icon Deathmist Belt 0.5 Dungeon Tier Set
Legs Felheart Pants Icon Felheart Pants Magmadar
Molten Core
Feet Deathmist Sandals Icon Deathmist Sandals Tier 0.5 quest line
Rings Band of Sulfuras Icon Band of Sulfuras
Dragonslayer's Signet Icon Dragonslayer's Signet
Molten Core
Reward from Quest from Onyxia
Trinkets Zila Gular  Icon Zila Gular
Talisman of Ephemeral Power Icon Talisman of Ephemeral Power
Warlock Portals
Multiple Bosses in Molten Core
Weapon Azuresong Mageblade Icon Azuresong Mageblade Golemagg the Incinerator
Molten Core
Offhand Drakestone of the Nightmare Harbinger  Icon Drakestone of the Nightmare Harbinger Hazzas
Sunken Temple
Wand Skul's Ghastly Touch Icon Skul's Ghastly Touch Skul in Stratholme

Sunken Temple (Phase 3) Affliction Warlock Best in Slot

Helm Visage of the Exiled  Icon Visage of the Exiled Sunken Temple
Neck Jin'do's Lost Locket  Icon Jin'do's Lost Locket Sunken Temple
Shoulders Fractured Mind Pauldrons  Icon Fractured Mind Pauldrons Tailoring
Back Hukku's Hex Cape  Icon Hukku's Hex Cape Sunken Temple
Chest Garments of the Atal'ai Prophet  Icon Garments of the Atal'ai Prophet Sunken Temple
Wrists Cursed Slimescale Bracers  Icon Cursed Slimescale Bracers Sunken Temple
Hands Atal'ai Hexxer's Gloves Icon Atal'ai Hexxer's Gloves Sunken Temple
Waist Cord of the Untamed Icon Cord of the Untamed Sunken Temple
Legs Malevolent Prophet's Leggings  Icon Malevolent Prophet's Leggings Sunken Temple
Feet Malevolent Prophet's Sandals  Icon Malevolent Prophet's Sandals Sunken Temple
Rings Roar of the Dream Icon Roar of the Dream
Drakeclaw Band of the Harbinger  Icon Drakeclaw Band of the Harbinger
Exalted with Incursions
Sunken Temple
Trinkets Breadth of the Beast Icon Breadth of the Beast
Infernal Pact Essence  Icon Infernal Pact Essence
Quest Shadowtooth Emissary
STV Bloodmoon Event
Weapon Hubris, the Bandit Brander  Icon Hubris, the Bandit Brander Sunken Temple
Off-hand Drakestone of the Blood Prophet  Icon Drakestone of the Blood Prophet Sunken Temple
Wand Pyric Caduceus Icon Pyric Caduceus Sunken Temple

Gnomeregan (Phase 2) Affliction Warlock Best in Slot

Helm Gneuro-Linked Arcano-Filament Monocle  Icon Gneuro-Linked Arcano-Filament Monocle Tailoring
Neck Piston Pendant  Icon Piston Pendant Gnomeregan
Shoulders Synthetic Mantle  Icon Synthetic Mantle Gnomeregan
Back Bloodrot Cloak  Icon Bloodrot Cloak 2 Silver Blood Coin  Icon Silver Blood Coin
Chest Irradiated Robe  Icon Irradiated Robe Gnomeregan
Wrists Dryad's Wrist Bindings Icon Dryad's Wrist Bindings Warsong Gulch Exalted
Hands Dreamweave Gloves  Icon Dreamweave Gloves Tailoring
Waist Volatile Concoction Belt  Icon Volatile Concoction Belt Gnomeregan
Legs Irradiated Trousers  Icon Irradiated Trousers Gnomeregan
Feet Irradiated Boots  Icon Irradiated Boots Gnomeregan
Rings Hypercharged Gear of Conflagration  Icon Hypercharged Gear of Conflagration
Lorekeeper's Ring Icon Lorekeeper's Ring
5 Gnomeregan
Silverwing Sentinels honored
Trinkets Infernal Pact Essence  Icon Infernal Pact Essence
Miniaturized Combustion Chamber  Icon Miniaturized Combustion Chamber
STV Bloodmoon Event
Weapon Glimmering Gizmoblade  Icon Glimmering Gizmoblade Gnomeregan
Off-hand Orb of Noh'Orahil Icon Orb of Noh'Orahil Warlock Quest
Wand Mechanostrider Gear Shifter  Icon Mechanostrider Gear Shifter Gnomeregan

Blackfathom Deeps (Phase 1) Affliction Warlock Best in slot

Helm Rakkamar's Tattered Thinking Cap  Icon Rakkamar's Tattered Thinking Cap Blackfathom Deeps
Neck Jagged Bone Necklace  Icon Jagged Bone Necklace Blackfathom Deeps
Shoulders Invoker's Mantle  Icon Invoker's Mantle World drop bind on equip
Back Ivycloth Cloak of Fiery Wrath Icon Ivycloth Cloak of Fiery Wrath World drop bind on equip
Chest Twilight Invoker's Robes  Icon Twilight Invoker's Robes Blackfathom Deeps
Wrists Phoenix Bindings  Icon Phoenix Bindings World drop bind on equip
Hands Black Fingerless Gloves  Icon Black Fingerless Gloves Blackfathom Deeps
Waist Invoker's Cord  Icon Invoker's Cord World drop bind on equip
Legs Soul Leech Pants  Icon Soul Leech Pants Blackfathom Deeps
Feet Extraplanar Spidersilk Boots Icon Extraplanar Spidersilk Boots/Twilight Invoker's Shoes  Icon Twilight Invoker's Shoes Tailoring/Blackfathom Deeps
Rings Lorekeeper's Ring Icon Lorekeeper's Ring
Signet of the Twilight Lord  Icon Signet of the Twilight Lord
Silverwing Sentinels honored
Blackfathom Deeps
Trinkets Invoker's Void Pearl  Icon Invoker's Void Pearl
Rune of Perfection Icon Rune of Perfection
Blackfathom Deeps
Silverwing Sentinels/Warsong Outriders friendly
Weapons Rod of the Ancient Sleepwalker  Icon Rod of the Ancient Sleepwalker Blackfathom Deeps
Wand Phoenix Ignition  Icon Phoenix Ignition Blackfathom Deeps