Season of Discovery Affliction Warlock DPS Stat Priority

Last updated on Sep 21, 2024 at 00:00 by Abide 6 comments

On this page, you will find out the optimal PvE stat priority for your Affliction Warlock in WoW Classic - Season of Discovery. We first present the stat priority, before delving into more complex explanations.


Stat Priority for Affliction Warlocks

  1. Spell Hit 16%
  2. Spell Power
  3. Crit Chance;
  4. Intellect
  5. Stamina
  6. Spirit

Stats Further Explained


Spell Hit

Spell hit is by far the most important stat for Warlocks. If you can't hit the target, you can't do damage. You need 16% hit to be hit capped and it's hard to achieve that much Hit, especially early on in the game. The Affliction talent Suppression Icon Suppression gives you 2% hit per point, up to 5 points for 10% total hit. However this only works for your Affliction spells, so it doesn't help with your Destruction spells. Luckily there are many pieces of gear from the raid that will supply you with hit rating, as well as the two new ring runes Fire Specialization Icon Fire Specialization and Shadow Specialization Icon Shadow Specialization.


Spell Power

Spell power is important because it makes you deal more damage. This can come in the form of Spell damage, Shadow damage and fire damage. There's not too much spell power you can get at the lower levels, but if you can get it, it's worth it.


Crit Chance

Spells can be critical hits, which means they do 150% of their normal effect. We love to crit, and thanks to the Destruction talent Ruin Icon Ruin, we do even more damage when we crit. Sadly, our DoT's cannot crit yet in this phase.



Intellect give you more Mana and increases your chance to crit. It's not the biggest stat because we have Life Tap Icon Life Tap, so extra Mana is nice, but not necessary. Affliction Warlocks use mainly DoT spells and DoT's cannot crit, meaning you're only getting crit on your Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolt.



Each point of Stamina gives 10 max health points. Having a health pool high enough to not die to raid mechanics is important, but you should naturally acquire this from gear without needing to worry about it.



Spirit increases your out of combat health and Mana regeneration. The only way to make use of Spirit during combat is to follow the 5-second rule and not cast for 5 seconds, which is a rarity in raids. Spirit is not that important since we have Life Tap Icon Life Tap.