Argent Dawn Reputation Farming Guide
The Argent Dawn was built upon the combined desire of Alliance and Horde soldiers' to rid the world of the Scourge. For players in WoW Classic, they serve as a neutral faction which, if you can raise your reputation high enough, will offer a variety of rewards, including powerful shoulder enchants.
In this guide, we will go over all the ways in which you can obtain Argent Dawn reputation, what the best way to get to Exalted is, and what rewards are on offer.
Argent Dawn Reputation in Season of Discovery
The Argent Dawn reputation has received minor changes in Season of Discovery, mostly consisting of stronger recipes, to help with clearing the 20-man Molten Core.
The Argent Dawn has members all over Azeroth, but their main basecamps are found in the Eastern and Western Plaguelands. This is due to the overwhelming threat of the Scourge located there, which lead to them forging their order around the Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands. They are a neutral faction and welcome both Alliance and Horde soldiers to their ranks, as long as they can put aside their faction conflict to come together and battle against the combined evil of the Burning Legion and the Scourge.
Gaining Reputation
There are several forms of earning reputation with the Argent Dawn.
- Questing in the Plaguelands.
- Killing Undead mobs in the Eastern or Western Plaguelands.
- Farming Scholomance & Stratholme.
- Turning in Scourgestones (and using the
Argent Dawn Valor Tokens you obtain from this).
- Completing repeatable Cauldron quests in the Western Plaguelands.
Note that killing mobs only gives reputation up to certain amounts. Killing mobs in the Plaguelands stops giving reputation half-way through Friendly. Killing mobs inside Scholomance and Stratholme, as well as killing Elite mobs in the Plaguelands, gives reputation all the way to 11,999 into Honored. Killing bosses in Scholomance and Stratholme rewards reputation all the way to Exalted.
The Bulwark is the Horde questing hub, located in Tirisfal Glades, while Chillwind Camp, in the Western Plaguelands, is the Alliance questing hub. There is also a neutral questing hub, Light's Hope Chapel, located in the Eastern Plaguelands.
In addition to the quests in the Eastern and Western Plaguelands, there are also quests in Scholomance and Stratholme, as well as Alliance-only quests in Blackfathom Deeps (which you pick up in Darnassus). One of the quests in Blackfathom Deeps, In Search of Thaelrid, is technically available to Horde players as well, but we group it in as an Alliance-only quest, due to the fact that you have to pick it up in the middle of Darnassus and obtaining it at low levels is not worth the time investment.
We will go over this below, but DO NOT DO THE QUESTS in the Plaguelands until you reach Revered with the Argent Dawn, unless you simply do not care about optimizing your progress. The reason for this is that quests reward reputation all the way to Exalted, whereas killing most mobs does not; as a result, it is more efficient to save your quests until you reach Revered, and then complete them for a boost of reputation.
Scourgestones and Argent Dawn Valor Tokens
To begin with, to be eligible for Scourgestone drops, you must be wearing
the Argent Dawn Commission trinket. This can be obtained from your
faction's quartermaster (in The Bulwark for Horde and Chillwind Camp for
Alliance). Note that, upon death, your buff from the trinket may be removed. If
this happens, simply unequip and then equip the trinket to get it back.
With the trinket equipped, mobs you kill in the Plaguelands and Stratholme or Scholomance can drop 3 kinds of BoE Scourgestones, which provide reputation when turned in as follows.
Minion's Scourgestone are obtained from Undead mobs level 50 and up, and you can turn 20 in to receive 25 Argent Dawn reputation.
Invader's Scourgestone are obtained from Undead mobs level 53 and up, and you can turn in 10 to receive 25 Argent Dawn reputation.
Corruptor's Scourgestone are obtained from bosses within Scholomance and Stratholme, and turning in a single one will grant 25 Argent Dawn reputation.
Every time your turn in Scourgestones, you will also receive an
Argent Dawn Valor Token, which is BoP and grants 25 Argent Dawn
reputation when used. Note that these Valor Tokens are also used to unlock
the shoulder enchants, and in total you should save up 35 for this purpose.
Other than this, the tokens have no other use.
Scourgestones and the Argent Dawn Valor Tokens, much like questing,
give reputation all the way to Exalted. This
means it is highly recommended to save all your Scougestones until you
reach Revered, and then use them.
Upgrading the Argent Dawn Commission Trinket
Completing the The Active Agent quest (and its
The Flesh Does Not Lie prerequisite), given by Betina Bigglezink
at Light's Hope Chapel, will upgrade your
Argent Dawn Commission trinket to either
Seal of the Dawn or
Rune of the Dawn. Each of these trinkets has the same
effect as the Argent Dawn Commission (providing Scourgestones from mobs),
while also simply being better.
Killing Mobs
Slaying Undead mobs throughout the Plaguelands, as well as within Scholomance and Stratholme, will reward you with a small amount of reputation.
Elite mobs, and bosses in the two dungeons grant more reputation than the simple trash mobs.
- Normal Undead mobs in the Plaguelands will stop rewarding reputation at 3000/6000 into Friendly.
- Elite Undead mobs in the Plaguelands will stop rewarding reputation at 6000/12000 into Honored.
- Bosses in Scholomance and Stratholme reward reputation all the way to Exalted.
The Scourge Cauldrons / The Scourge Cauldrons is a quest that starts a short chain which will unlock Cauldrons for you, which will result in another repeatable means of gaining reputation.
This quest can be picked up in your faction's Argent Dawn questing hub, but you will need to complete a few quests there first for it to be given to you.
The first quest rewards Vitreous Focuser, which allows you to
collect the
Osseous Agitator,
Somatic Intensifier, and
Ectoplasmic Resonator reagents from Undead mobs in the Western
Plaguelands. You also require 4 pieces of
Runecloth and an
Arcane Quickener (sold by your faction's Argent Dawn quartermaster),
and this will let you complete the quest.
From here, you can repeat the quest at any of the 4 Cauldrons located
in the Western Plaguelands (found at Dalson's Tears, Felstone Field, Gahhron's
Withering, and The Writhing Haunt). The list of required reagents depends on the
Cauldron, although 4 pieces of Runecloth and 1
Arcane Quickener are always required.
- Dalson's Tears Cauldron & The Writhing Haunt Cauldron:
Somatic Intensifier;
- Felstone Field Cauldron: 6x
Osseous Agitator;
- Gahhron's Withering Cauldron: 4x
Ectoplasmic Resonator.
Note that the Arcane Quickener disappears after 30 minutes in
your bags, so it is advised to only purchase it when you have gathered the
other reagents.
Optimizing Progression to Exalted
As hinted at in various places already in this guide, there is an optimal progression to Exalted, and while following it can be a bit cumbersome, it can save you a lot of time.
Neutral to Honored
The first step is to acquire your Argent Dawn Commission trinket and
then simply grind mobs in the Eastern and Western Plaguelands until you reach
Honored reputation.
Make sure to save all the Scourgestones you loot and not turn any of them in.
Farming Cauldron Locations
Depending on how active the zones are on your realm (and therefore how much
competition you encounter), it may be best to farm mobs at the Cauldron
locations in the Western Plaguelands listed above, because this will enable you
to start collecting Cauldron reagents for turning in later on. If you do
choose to do this, make sure to have completed
The Scourge Cauldrons / The Scourge Cauldrons first,
in order to obtain the Vitreous Focuser that allows you collect
Doing this quest (and the ones leading up to it) will provide you with a decent amount of experience, which may be helpful, but it will also mean that you cannot do the quests once you reach Revered, so it may be slightly more inefficient from a reputation point of view.
All things considered, it probably does not matter all that much which choice you make.
Honored to Revered
Once you reach Honored, you should start doing all the quests in the Eastern and Western Plaguelands, as well as doing Scholomance & Stratholme and their related quests.
For additional reputation towards Revered, should it be needed, you should continue to farm the two dungeons.
Once you complete the Plagued Hatchlings quest,
Plagued Hatchlings in Scholomance have a low chance to drop
Healthy Dragon Scale, which can then be handed into
Betina Bigglezink for 50 reputation. While these items do not
stack, you can have multiple of them in your bags. Ideally, you should save
these for after reaching Revered, as they
give reputation all the way to Exalted.
Revered to Exalted
At this point, you should turn in all your Scourgestones, the
Cauldron materials, and Healthy Dragon Scales you have collected.
The Argent Dawn Valor Tokens you receive should be used for
additional reputation, but make sure to save up a total of 35.
- 10 of them should be used at Revered, at your faction's quartermaster, to unlock the shoulder enchant.
- 25 of them will be used at Exalted (also at the quartermaster), to unlock the better version of the shoulder enchant.
Continue to farm the Undead side of Stratholme for
Scourgestones, journey to Scholomance for
Healthy Dragon Scales, and continue to turn Scourgestones in until
you reach Exalted.
Rewards and Quartermaster
There are three quartermasters for the Argent Dawn.
- Argent Quartermaster Lightspark located at Chillwind Camp, for Alliance players;
- Argent Quartermaster Hasana located at The Bulwark, for Horde players;
- Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock, located at Light's Hope Chapel, for both factions.
Mantles of the Dawn
There are various shoulder enchants available. The ones that become
available at Revered each offer 5 of a given
elemental resistance, as listed below. Each costs 9 gold to purchase
(before discounts), and you must complete the Mantles of the Dawn quest,
requiring 10 Argent Dawn Valor Tokens to be able to purchase them.
Nature Mantle of the Dawn: Nature resistance
Shadow Mantle of the Dawn: Shadow resistance
Arcane Mantle of the Dawn: Arcane resistance
Frost Mantle of the Dawn: Frost resistance
Flame Mantle of the Dawn: Fire resistance
At Exalted, you can buy the
Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn enchant, which grants 5 of all the
resistances listed above. This costs 36 gold (before discounts), and requires
the completion of the
Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn quest (for which
you need 25
Argent Dawn Valor Tokens.
- 06 Jul. 2024: Updated for Season of Discovery.
- 25 Sep. 2019: Guide added.
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Classic Dungeon Guides

This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Warrior, Mage and Shaman Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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