Season of Discovery Arms Warrior DPS Leveling
Welcome to our leveling guide for DPS Arms Warrior. Here, you will learn how to efficiently level your Warrior in Classic - Season of Discovery.
This guide will aim to provide you with a clear skill and gear path to level 60 as a Arms Warrior in WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 4. We will focus on talents, skills to buy and spell rotation, as well as leveling gear and the class specific quests you will find along the way.
Arms Warrior Talents for Leveling
Arms has traditionally been the best specialization to level a Warrior with due
to great early game talents. Start with Cruelty before going into the
Arms tree for extra critical strike at the lower levels, as you can always respec
later to Arms once you can unlock
Sweeping Strikes.
In the short trek to level 60 we recommend the following talents for Arms Warrior leveling in SoD:

Gameplay wise, Charge in,
Sunder Armor high health enemies,
Rend if they will live throughout most of its duration and press whatever
damage abilities and runes you have at your disposal. Remember you can use
Victory Rush
after the first enemy, if killing multiple in a row, and to use
Sweeping Strikes
when fighting multiple enemies in order to really speed things up.
You can also learn more details about this build, which weapons to chase, and what spells to buy on our level-by-level WoW Classic leveling guides listed below:
Leveling Runes
The new Rune system in Season of Discovery is extremely important, and
you should start using Victory Rush as soon as you get it early
on for quicker grinding and some self-healing.
Use Blood Frenzy (or
Flagellation past Level 32 once
Berserker Rage
Sweeping Strikes are both unlocked) on chest,
Frenzied Assault
on legs,
Precise Timing on waist, and
Enraged Regeneration on boots.
If you want to know about the rest of the runes and how to find all of them, make sure to check our Warrior Rune guide, which has all runes you can currently obtain:
Cozy Sleeping Bag
The Cozy Sleeping Bag is a new item in Season of Discovery that
you can use to gain extra experience and rested experience, for yourself and any
nearby party members, even if they do not have it themselves!
It has a lengthy unlock process that will take you all around the world:
Horde starts at a charred body near 46,74 in the Barrens, and then goes to the charred body at 37,50 in Westfall, while Alliance does the same in opposite order.
Afterwards, head to 40,52 in Stonetalon Mountains and look for a box next to a tent with a red cross on it. Click the nearby item to turn in the quest and proceed to a pile of dirt nearby at 40,50 for the next part of the quest.
Head to 49,13 in Loch Modan to turn in the next step at the top of the dam, to
a eagle statue. Finish by going up the Thoradin Wall at 87,49 in Hillsbrad Foothills
using a nearby cart to climb up the wall. Inside you will find the final turn in
spot (bag and note) to receive Cozy Sleeping Bag. Make sure to use it on
cooldown to speed up your leveling!
Macros and Addons
By setting yourself up with an upgraded user interface and macros from the get go, you will make your leveling process much easier. Check out our Warrior Macros and Addons guide in the link below for the full list.
Learning professions early on is very useful, as you can naturally level them as you go, avoiding extra work at max level. This is especially true for gathering professions, but crafting professions compensate your efforts by giving you extra tools to level with.
We recommend that you learn First Aid as soon as possible for
easy self-healing. Skinning, Herbalism, and Mining
are great primary professions for a leveling Warrior, allowing
you to make extra gold, or accumulate materials that you can use to level crafting
professions later. There is also a case to be made for leveling Engineering
early on, since its crafts can allow you to immediately solo quests that would otherwise
have to wait for later levels, such as Whirlwind Axe's.
Gear Options for Arms Warrior
While leveling, the number one thing is to use weapons with high damage per second,
at least until you unlock abilities that also care about top end damage such as
Mortal Strike and
Whirlwind. Another advantage to slower weapons,
however, is that they allow you to kite with
Hamstring more efficiently.
The rest of your gear should have Strength/Agility on it, as these stats increase
your damage the most. You should also aim to have high Stamina/Armor, so that you
can kill more enemies before having to rest and get more life from each Victory Rush
Early on, for Warriors, Spirit has a huge impact on regeneration speeds and should be obtained whenever possible. However, by the time you reach Level 40, your maximum health will scale past your regeneration abilities, which means you should look to buy food, craft bandages, and use potions instead to keep yourself healthy.
Continuing the Grind with your Level 60 Arms Warrior
Once you grind your way to 60, browse through our Arms Warrior PvE Guide in order to learn all the tricks and tips relative to the current maximum level Arms Warrior gameplay, or try out Fury Warrior or some tanking with Protection Warrior, instead!
Enjoy Azeroth!
- 10 Jul. 2024: Updated for Phase 4.
- 01 Apr. 2024: Updated talents, runes and explanation text for Phase 4.
- 09 Feb. 2024: Added Cozy Sleeping Bag discovery method.
- 07 Feb. 2024: Updated talents, runes and explanation text for Phase 2.
- 15 Dec. 2023: Removed the links to WoW Classic Weapon and Quest guides as they mention content above Level 25 and general rune / text cleanups.
More Classic Warrior Guides
More Season of Discovery Class Guides
Classic Dungeon Guides
Classic Profession Guides

This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Warrior, Mage and Shaman Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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