Classic Balance Druid Ranged DPS Enchants and Consumables

Last updated on Nov 17, 2024 at 18:00 by Seksixeny 13 comments

On this page, we list the best enchants, flasks, potions, and food you can get for your Balance Druid Ranged DPS in WoW Classic for PvE content.

If you were looking for TBC Classic content, please refer to our TBC Classic Balance Druid gems and enchants.



One of the biggest differences between Classic and other iterations of WoW is the widespread usage of consumables. There are few limits to how many consumables you can use, and consumables can be incredibly powerful. Consumables can be extremely useful in all aspects of the game, and can be the difference in PvP, as well as raiding. Below is a list of all the possible consumables that you would be able to get and make use of as a Balance Druid.

One thing we cannot stress enough is that you do not *need* all of the possible consumables to play the game. While some of them are very powerful and highly recommended, you can use as many or as few as you want. All of the raids are possible without using every available consumable, although some guilds will choose to make use of lots of consumables to make the content easier. Similarly, you can PvP without consumables, but you may be at a disadvantage over other players who choose to make use of them.


WoW Classic Phases

The 6 phases WoW Classic cycles through are the following:

  1. Molten Core and Onyxia's Lair
  2. Honor System, World Bosses, Warsong Gulch, and Alterac Valley Battlegrounds
  3. Blackwing Lair and Darkmoon Faire
  4. Zul'Gurub, Arathi Battleground, and Nightmare Dragons
  5. AQ40 and updated Rank 14 rewards
  6. Naxxramas and Scourge Invasions

As not all enchants and consumables are available in every phase, we have a few tabs below for you to pick which phase you want to consult, with more tabs coming as we reach the next phases. Naxxramas phase is there from the start because it is the state of Classic Era servers.


Best Enchants and Consumables

Phase Six (Naxx) Phase One (MC)

Best Enchants for Balance Druids

Slot Enchantment
Head Arcanum of Focus Icon Arcanum of Focus — from the quest Libram of Focus in Dire Maul.
Shoulders Power of the Scourge Icon Power of the Scourge — drops from Sapphiron in Naxxramas
Back Enchant Cloak - Greater Resistance Icon Enchant Cloak - Greater Resistance
Chest Enchant Chest - Greater Stats Icon Enchant Chest - Greater Stats
Bracers Enchant Bracer - Greater Intellect Icon Enchant Bracer - Greater Intellect
Legs Arcanum of Focus Icon Arcanum of Focus — from the quest Libram of Focus in Dire Maul.
Feet Enchant Boots - Minor Speed Icon Enchant Boots - Minor Speed
Weapon Enchant Weapon - Spell Power Icon Enchant Weapon - Spell Power

World Buffs

World buffs are buffs that you will not be able to get on your own. Generally, these are buffs you will go and get with your guild if you want to stack all possible buffs for a raid. Generally, these require some sort of raid related activity to obtain.


Best Raid Consumables for Balance Druids

While this guide lists all of the potentially useful consumables that you could ever make use of, you most likely will not need all of them. This is the shorter list for what are considered the most important consumables to have while raiding. Most of these consumables are either buffs that will increase your damage or Mana potions/items that will give you bursts of Mana, allowing you to get more Starfire Icon Starfire casts off in a fight.

  • Flask of Supreme Power Icon Flask of Supreme Power increases your spell damage by 150 for 2 hours, and persists through death, making it the most powerful consumable in the game for damage. Unfortunately, it is very expensive to create, and you can only have 1 flask active at any given time, so only use this for big occasions. It is crafted through Alchemy.
  • Greater Arcane Elixir Icon Greater Arcane Elixir increases your spell damage by 35 for 1 hour. This is crafted through Alchemy.
  • Major Healthstone Icon Major Healthstone restores health and is created by Warlocks.
  • Heavy Runecloth Bandage Icon Heavy Runecloth Bandage restores health while you channel it and is crafted through First Aid.
  • Rumsey Rum Black Label Icon Rumsey Rum Black Label increases your Stamina by 15. It is sold by Barkeep Kelly in Hillsbrad Foothills.
  • Major Mana Potion Icon Major Mana Potion restores Mana and is crafted through Alchemy.
  • Demonic Rune Icon Demonic Rune restores Mana in exchange for health and drops from demons in the world. The best ones to farm are the Felguard Elites in the Blasted Lands.
  • Dark Rune Icon Dark Rune restores Mana in exchange for health, but shares a cooldown with Demonic Rune Icon Demonic Rune. These are BoE, meaning you can buy them on the AH. If you do not have lots of time, buy these instead of farming Demonic Runes.
  • Cerebral Cortex Compound Icon Cerebral Cortex Compound increases your Intellect by 25 for 1 hour. You get this item from completing Infallible Mind (repeatable quest) in the Blasted Lands.
  • Brilliant Wizard Oil Icon Brilliant Wizard Oil increases your spell damage by 36 and Spell Critical Strike by 1%. This is crafted through Enchanting.
  • Nightfin Soup Icon Nightfin Soup restores 8 Mana every 5 seconds. It is crafted through Cooking.

It is also important to realize that the first raid is Molten Core, where the most common type of damage you will take is Fire damage. Some of the harder bosses, such as Ragnaros, can deal lots of Fire damage, and you might want to consider having these defensive Fire Resistance consumables, just in case you need them.


All On-Use Consumables for Balance Druids


Health and Mana

Potions all share a cooldown. You cannot use multiple potions at the same time, and when you use a potion, it will start its cooldown for all potions. That being said, its still useful to have multiple potions in your bags for different situations. Being in combat does not affect your potion cooldown or availability.



Engineering bombs share cooldowns as well, so you do not need many different ones.

  • Oil of Immolation Icon Oil of Immolation deals pulsing AoE Fire damage for 15 seconds. It is crafted through Alchemy.
  • Stratholme Holy Water Icon Stratholme Holy Water deals damage to Undead enemies around the targeted area when thrown. It drops from Stratholme.
  • Goblin Land Mine Icon Goblin Land Mine places a mine that deals Fire damage when triggered and is crafted through Engineering.
  • Goblin Sapper Charge Icon Goblin Sapper Charge instantly creates an explosion that deals AoE Fire damage to enemies around you. It is crafted through Engineering.
  • Crystal Charge Icon Crystal Charge deals Fire damage to enemies within 3 yards of the targeted area when thrown. It is a quest reward from Un'Goro Crater. This shares a cooldown with Engineering bombs, so is useful only if you are not an Engineer.
  • Dense Dynamite Icon Dense Dynamite deals Fire damage at a target location after a short cast. It is crafted through Engineering.
  • Thorium Grenade Icon Thorium Grenade deals Fire damage at a target location after a short cast and incapacitates enemies hit for 3 seconds. It is crafted through Engineering.
  • Iron Grenade Icon Iron Grenade deals Fire damage at a target location after a short cast and incapacitates enemies hit for 3 seconds. It is crafted through Engineering.



All Buff Consumables for Balance Druids



Flasks have a restriction, which is that you can only have one flask active at any given time. It is also worth noting that flasks are some of the most expensive consumables in the game, since they require Black Lotus Icon Black Lotus to craft. You should use these sparingly, especially early on when gold will be very tight.

  • Flask of Supreme Power Icon Flask of Supreme Power increases your spell damage by 150 for 2 hours, and persists through death, making it the most powerful consumable in the game for damage. Unfortunately, it is very expensive to create, and you can only have 1 flask active at any given time, so only use this for big occasions. It is crafted through Alchemy.





Food and Drink

Similar to flasks, you can only have one food and one drink active at any time.


Specific Resistances

The same potion rules apply to the protection potions; once you use one, it will start a cooldown on all of your potions based on the cooldown of the potion you used.


Best Enchants for Balance Druids

Slot Enchantment
Head Lesser Arcanum of Voracity Icon Lesser Arcanum of Voracity — from the quest "Libram of Voracity" in the Burning Steppes.
Shoulders Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn Icon Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn
Back Enchant Cloak - Greater Resistance Icon Enchant Cloak - Greater Resistance
Chest Enchant Chest - Greater Stats Icon Enchant Chest - Greater Stats
Bracers Enchant Bracer - Greater Intellect Icon Enchant Bracer - Greater Intellect
Legs Lesser Arcanum of Voracity Icon Lesser Arcanum of Voracity — from the quest "Libram of Voracity" in the Burning Steppes.
Feet Enchant Boots - Minor Speed Icon Enchant Boots - Minor Speed
Melee Weapon Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Intellect Icon Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Intellect

World Buffs

World buffs are buffs that you will not be able to get on your own. Generally, these are buffs you will go and get with your guild if you want to stack all possible buffs for a raid. Generally, these require some sort of raid related activity to obtain.

  • Warchief's Blessing Icon Warchief's Blessing increases your max health by 300, your melee Haste by 15%, and your Mana per 5 seconds by 10. Everyone in Orgrimmar will receive this buff once someone turns in the Head of Rend Blackhand, which drops off of Rend Blackhand in Upper Blackrock Spire.
  • Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer Icon Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer increases your chance to critical hit with spells by 10%, with melee or ranged attacks by 5%, and your attack power by 140. Everyone in Stormwind or Orgrimmar will receive this buff once someone turns in the Head of Onyxia, which drops off of Onyxia in Onyxia's Lair.
  • Songflower Serenade Icon Songflower Serenade increases your Critical Strike Chance by 5% and adds 15 to all of your stats. You receive this buff by cleansing a Corrupted Songflower and then looting a Cleansed Songflower in Felwood.
  • Resist Fire Icon Resist Fire increases your Fire Resistance by 83. While in Blackrock Spire, have a Priest use their Mind Control Icon Mind Control ability on a Scarshield Spellbinder to have them cast this on all raid members.

Best Raid Consumables for Balance Druids

While this guide lists all of the potentially useful consumables that you could ever make use of, you most likely will not need all of them. This is the shorter list for what are considered the most important consumables to have while raiding. Most of these consumables are either buffs that will increase your damage or Mana potions/items that will give you bursts of Mana, allowing you to get more Starfire Icon Starfire casts off in a fight.

  • Flask of Supreme Power Icon Flask of Supreme Power increases your spell damage by 150 for 2 hours, and persists through death, making it the most powerful consumable in the game for damage. Unfortunately, it is very expensive to create, and you can only have 1 flask active at any given time, so only use this for big occasions. It is crafted through Alchemy.
  • Greater Arcane Elixir Icon Greater Arcane Elixir increases your spell damage by 35 for 1 hour. This is crafted through Alchemy.
  • Major Healthstone Icon Major Healthstone restores health and is created by Warlocks.
  • Heavy Runecloth Bandage Icon Heavy Runecloth Bandage restores health while you channel it and is crafted through First Aid.
  • Rumsey Rum Black Label Icon Rumsey Rum Black Label increases your Stamina by 15. It is sold by Barkeep Kelly in Hillsbrad Foothills.
  • Major Mana Potion Icon Major Mana Potion restores Mana and is crafted through Alchemy.
  • Demonic Rune Icon Demonic Rune restores Mana in exchange for health and drops from demons in the world. The best ones to farm are the Felguard Elites in the Blasted Lands.
  • Dark Rune Icon Dark Rune restores Mana in exchange for health, but shares a cooldown with Demonic Rune Icon Demonic Rune. These are BoE, meaning you can buy them on the AH. If you do not have lots of time, buy these instead of farming Demonic Runes.
  • Cerebral Cortex Compound Icon Cerebral Cortex Compound increases your Intellect by 25 for 1 hour. You get this item from completing Infallible Mind (repeatable quest) in the Blasted Lands.
  • Brilliant Wizard Oil Icon Brilliant Wizard Oil increases your spell damage by 36 and gives you 1% additional spell crit chance. This is crafted through Enchanting.
  • Nightfin Soup Icon Nightfin Soup restores 8 Mana every 5 seconds. It is crafted through Cooking.

It is also important to realize that the first raid is Molten Core, where the most common type of damage you will take is Fire damage. Some of the harder bosses, such as Ragnaros, can deal lots of Fire damage, and you might want to consider having these defensive Fire Resistance consumables, just in case you need them.

  • Greater Fire Protection Potion Icon Greater Fire Protection Potion puts a buff on you that absorbs some Fire damage. It is crafted through Alchemy.
  • Juju Ember Icon Juju Ember increases your Fire resistance by 15. It is a quest reward given by Witch Doctor Mau'ari in Everlook, Winterspring.

All On-Use Consumables for Balance Druids


Health and Mana

Potions all share a cooldown. You cannot use multiple potions at the same time, and when you use a potion, it will start its cooldown for all potions. That being said, its still useful to have multiple potions in your bags for different situations. Being in combat does not affect your potion cooldown or availability.

  • Major Healing Potion Icon Major Healing Potion restores health and is crafted through Alchemy.
  • Major Mana Potion Icon Major Mana Potion restores Mana and is crafted through Alchemy.
  • Demonic Rune Icon Demonic Rune restores Mana in exchange for health. It drops from demons in the world. The best ones to farm are the Felguard Elites in Blasted Lands.
  • Dark Rune Icon Dark Rune restores health in exchange for Mana and drops from enemies in Scholomance.
  • Night Dragon's Breath Icon Night Dragon's Breath restores Mana and health. To obtain this, you need to cleanse the corrupted versions of this plant in Felwood and loot them.
  • Whipper Root Tuber Icon Whipper Root Tuber restores Health. To obtain this, you need to cleanse the corrupted versions of this plant in Felwood and loot them.
  • Major Rejuvenation Potion Icon Major Rejuvenation Potion restores Mana and health and is crafted through Alchemy.
  • Major Healthstone Icon Major Healthstone restores health and is created by Warlocks.
  • Heavy Runecloth Bandage Icon Heavy Runecloth Bandage restores health while you channel it. It is crafted through First Aid.


Engineering bombs share cooldowns as well, so you do not need many different ones.

  • Oil of Immolation Icon Oil of Immolation deals pulsing AoE Fire damage for 15 seconds. It is crafted through Alchemy.
  • Stratholme Holy Water Icon Stratholme Holy Water deals damage to Undead enemies around you. It drops from Stratholme.
  • Goblin Land Mine Icon Goblin Land Mine places a mine that deals Fire damage when triggered and is crafted through Engineering.
  • Goblin Sapper Charge Icon Goblin Sapper Charge places a mine that deals AoE Fire damage to enemies and to you when triggered. It is crafted through Engineering.
  • Crystal Charge Icon Crystal Charge deals Fire damage to enemies within 3 yards. It is a quest reward from Un'Goro Crater. This shares a cooldown with Engineering bombs, so is useful only if you are not an Engineer.
  • Dense Dynamite Icon Dense Dynamite deals Fire damage at a target location after a short cast. It is crafted through Engineering.
  • Thorium Grenade Icon Thorium Grenade deals Fire damage at a target location after a short cast and incapacitates enemies hit for 3 seconds. It is crafted through Engineering.
  • Iron Grenade Icon Iron Grenade deals Fire damage at a target location after a short cast and incapacitates enemies hit for 3 seconds. It is crafted through Engineering.


  • Restorative Potion Icon Restorative Potion removes 1 magic, curse, poison, or disease effect from you every 5 seconds for 30 seconds. It is crafted through Alchemy.
  • Magic Dust  Icon Magic Dust puts the target to sleep for 30 seconds. It is dropped by Dust Devils in Westfall.
  • Limited Invulnerability Potion Icon Limited Invulnerability Potion makes you immune to Physical attacks for 6 seconds. It is crafted through Alchemy.
  • Free Action Potion Icon Free Action Potion makes you immune to stun and movement impairing effects for 30 seconds, but does not remove effects already on you. It is crafted through Alchemy.
  • Living Action Potion Icon Living Action Potion makes you immune to stun and movement impairing effects for 5 seconds, while also removing any effects on you. It is crafted through Alchemy.
  • Invisibility Potion Icon Invisibility Potion makes you invisible for 18 seconds. It is crafted through Alchemy.
  • Lesser Invisibility Potion Icon Lesser Invisibility Potion makes you invisible for 15 seconds. It is crafted through Alchemy.
  • Swiftness Potion Icon Swiftness Potion increases your movement speed by 50% for 15 seconds. It is crafted through Alchemy.

All Buff Consumables for Balance Druids



Flasks have a restriction, which is that you can only have one flask active at any given time. It is also worth noting that flasks are some of the most expensive consumables in the game, since they require Black Lotus Icon Black Lotus to craft. You should use these sparingly, especially early on when gold will be very tight.

  • Flask of Supreme Power Icon Flask of Supreme Power increases your spell damage by 150 for 2 hours, and persists through death, making it the most powerful consumable in the game for damage. Unfortunately, it is very expensive to create, and you can only have 1 flask active at any given time, so only use this for big occasions. It is crafted through Alchemy.





Food and Drink

Similar to flasks, you can only have one food and one drink active at any time.


Specific Resistances

The same potion rules apply to the protection potions; once you use one, it will start a cooldown on all of your potions based on the cooldown of the potion you used.



  • 18 Nov. 2024: Page updated for Classic Anniversary.
  • 02 Dec. 2020: Updated with Phase 6 Naxxramas Enchants.
  • 18 May 2020: Updated with current World Buffs as of Phase 4.
  • 14 Apr. 2020: Updated with Zul'Gurub enchants.
  • 22 Jul. 2019: Page added.
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